Mobile App Development

In recent years, a major increase in the field of web and mobile app development trends has observed. From being a specialized developer now, more and more developers are striving to become full-stack developers to meet the ever demands of the technology world. As ‘full-stack development’ happens to a vast river of knowledge too much to swim in. Idea Usher brings you with seven essential web and mobile app development trends to look for in 2021:

1. Interactive & Responsive Elements

People love to visit websites that have highly interactive and responsive web elements. While on the other hand, interactive elements are highly difficult to implement, and the ability to grab the user’s attention is worth it. In 2021, we will see new techniques and automated web development processes to optimize the costs and development process.

As the world is moving to a smartphone for assistance in almost every task because this is a great idea to focus on. Build a website that does not lose its aesthetic value over the phone or any other device. As with many platforms, you are accessible from a wider reach.

2. AI-Powered Chatbots

Demand for Artificial Intelligence-powered communication will be on the rise in 2021. Websites will be going to be more focused on building AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants for the improved customer experience.

  • Bots might underrated, but they are reliable, convenient, and can instantly engage users once they land on the web page. As, they provide users with instant responses, which can help businesses to avoid delays and customer drop-off rates.
  • Bots trained on data collected from users via a series of engagements, which allow them to provide better solutions. However, they use natural language programming to create interactions with humans.

Both speech recognition and cognitive intelligence techniques are combined to make chatbots more reliable than the human support team. Global industries such as travel, healthcare, eCommerce, and tourism, etc., realize the importance of chatbots.

3. Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is another trend that you can’t afford to overlook. It already has a huge impact on the web, and more is yet to come. According to the report by Gartner, more than 30% of all searches will do without using a screen by 2021. Not to mention the number of smart speakers; this is rising year over year.  The Activate Outlook suggests that there will be around 21.4 million of them in the United States by 2021.

Moreover, voice e-commerce sales are also going to be expected to grow dramatically and reach $5 billion in the UK and $40 billion in the US by 2022.

4. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality 

The Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technologies, which introduced only two years back, have now become a core part of the modern web development frameworks.

From digital reality to visualization to 3D replicas, VR/AR will be used for enhancing user experience in the online world.

5. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

The Accelerated Mobile Pages was started by Google around four years back. Google even revealed a separate search index for the mobile web. Such a step brought a distinctive revolution in trends from the perspective of the web app and SEO.

Web application development on Google‘s AMP comes with a reduced bounce rate and even loads faster on mobile devices. As Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages  (AMP) benefits the publishers with more visitors and highly enhanced ad visibility. AMPs can be included in the top mobile application development trends in the coming years after they were revealed in the Input/Output in 2017. This means choosing the best mobile app development services for your app development would be a great decision, which you can make for your business.

6. Cross-Platform Flutter

Businesses now prefer to go with cross-platform apps as it lets them save the effort and time spent on developing apps. This is one of the reasons why application developers love to choose Google’s Flutter for cross-platform app development. Because flutter comes with the open-source SDL, which helps developers to develop quality applications for the iOS and Android platforms equally. 

Flutter makes the building of the User Interfaces easy, and it also offers some of the exciting features you could ask for. However, with Flutter, you will save time on emulators, simulators, and hardware as it reduces the reload times by sub-seconds.

When we talk about the mobile app development trends, Flutter is quite popular among developers as it comes with no compatibility issues when working with the different operating systems. To help developers, Flutter comes with easy documentation features which simplify up their life.

7. Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Last but not least. Artificial Intelligence listed among the top mobile app trends in 2021 as well. And we will probably read about it for a few more consecutive years. Research on AI has not stopped even in the face of the global epidemic. In fact, because this technology has changed the world in a way unseen before, and 2021 will bring even some of the more disruptive and amazing changes.

It is no wonder that we can expect the great influence of AI on mobile app development. Thanks to cloud computing, which has brought a great amount of the strength needed for creating AI models, smart devices can benefit from this technology without draining their processors.

Modern search engines, marketplace, virtual assistant solutions, identifying user preferences, and business automation. All these advancements are now vastly incorporated into the smartphone economy. Moreover, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions into mobile is a factor that helped and will help the mobile segment perform as well as it has.


There are many new latest trends to look out for when delving into web development in 2021. Because, technology is constantly changing, and keeping up with the latest web and mobile app development trends is important if you wish to succeed. We hope this article has given you some useful insights into what 2021 will look like for web apps and websites.

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