When it is a
Success can take
care of itself.

Let us generate a Win-Win Ecosystem and

smack this Business Appetite together!

About Idea Usher Partnership Program.

Play a crucial role in introducing potential clients to us,
and providing solutions that help them start, sell, market, and manage their businesses.

Run this business independently by offering our tech suite to prospective customers out there.

And, Hey!

This all comes with giants Incentives, Payouts, and Commissions in return.

Lifetime Billings and a Complete Retirement
plan is what we are aspiring for you.

“Use your voice to raise entreprenurship around the world with us.”

Assets for our Partners!

Business and
Pricing Decisions.

Flexible Location
and Time.

Agreement of
not bypassing
you and reach
your client.

Agreement for
every Business

earnings and
Retirement Plan.

with in-house

Our Business Strength!

Clean Code

Data Security and

Scalable IT

Aesthetic and
Intuitive UI

Platforms and Environment we
have worked with!

We are sincerely delighted
about this!

Partner Ecosystem
0 +
Project Deliveries
0 +
Live Projects
0 +
in 2020
$ 0 M+
Apps Launched
0 +

Their Taste-Statements make us proud!

Here’s how some of our business partners describe their journey with us.

So, here comes the final On-Boarding
Step! Get on the Journey.

1. Submit an easy online application here.

2. Book your slot for meeting. Click here.

3. Background check.

4. Agreements and Approvals.

4. Let’s Begin.


You can share and offer our Services and Products to businesses/clients out there and work as a middleman between us. You will be involved in every kind of Business Transaction. We will provide you with our price segment in which we can deliver our services. You can then decide completely on your own that which price you want to deliver to your prospective client. And this difference will be your reward. We will deliver services in the best manner by thoroughly understanding your client’s requirements, business model and operations.

We have 4 business models here for you.

• You can earn a 30% of direct commission from the total project revenue.

• You can mark up on our price up to whatever range you want, which your prospective client can give you.

• You can earn on an hourly basis. This hourly earning can go to lifetime if project lasts.

• $100 immediately on providing us with verified leads.

If you are looking to build an independent business model of selling IT, Marketing and Technology services to potential Business Owners/Small & Medium Corporations/MNC’s, then you are a right fit for this program. We will do an Identity and Background Verification Check and then you can immediately get on-board with us.

We perform two crucial Agreements after On Boarding you.

Confidentiality Agreement- In this, we make sure that every business deal regarding Pricing, Clients and Business Model will remain confidential.

Ethical Policy Agreement- In this, we make sure not to bypass you and reach to your client directly. Confidential details like Pricing will never be shared in any circumstances with your client.

End-to-End Products

With products designed for a range of marketplaces from online food delivery to legal consultation, Idea Usher can help any on-demand business.


The account manager and team conduct extensive training on products, competitors, and the market to enable the partner to reach his full potential. Partners are regularly updated on new features and techniques.

Dedicated Support System

The account manager assigned to a partner is based on timezone to ensure maximum availability. The 24/7 chat support system also ensures that help is available round-the-clock.

Exclusive Partnerships

Exclusive An exclusive partner is granted complete reach in a region and has expertise on the hyperlocal marketplace solutions needed.

Marketing Assistance

We co-sponsor targeted marketing for our partners’ regions to increase their reach.

Explore more about Partnerships!

Let's Start A Beautiful Partnership Together

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Idea Usher: Ushering the Innovation post

Idea Usher is a pioneering IT company with a definite set of services and solutions. We aim at providing impeccable services to our clients and establishing a reliable relationship.

Our Partners
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Idea Usher: Ushering the Innovation post

Idea Usher is a pioneering IT company with a definite set of services and solutions. We aim at providing impeccable services to our clients and establishing a reliable relationship.

Our Partners
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