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Women’s Health Apps- The Digitized Game-Changer For Female Health

women health apps

A couple of years ago, the demand for women’s health apps was increasing, which gave rise to female health apps. These apps specifically laid emphasis on female health trackings like period tracking, birth control, pregnancy tracking, and more. 

Special apps for tracking female health were the need of the hour because women’s health needs special attention. Women undergo different health care challenges as compared to men. Let us learn in detail about these apps and their functionalities.

What Is A Femtech/ Women’s Wellness App?

Femtech or Female Technology is short for software, products, and services dedicated to women and their well-being. Some examples are

  1. Fertility Tracking And Pregnancy Tracking App
  2. Period Tracking App
  3. Birth Control Reminder Apps
  4. Sexual Wellness Of Women
  5. Digital Health Clinics
  6. A Networking And Safe Space For Discussion
  7. Business Networking For Women
  8. Dedicated Fitness Apps For Women
  9. Personal Development Apps
  10. Feminine Hygiene Apps
  11. Pills Reminder Apps
  12. Lactating Apps
  13. Wearable Tracking Devices For Women
  14. Postnatal Apps
  15. Child Development Tracker Apps

The femtech market is estimated to increase to over 60 billion dollars by 2027. This femtech is comparatively new and uses new technologies to focus on women’s health. 

To know about female health apps, it is important to have an idea about Femtech. Now let’s read further focussing on health apps for women.

How Do Women’s Health Apps Work?

These female health apps educate women about their bodies. They notify women about their menstrual cycles, fertile days, and pregnancy. These applications predict ovulating days, periods, and even PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). 

Information like menstrual cramps, hair concerns, sleep issues, cervical fluids, moods, pain, etc., is to be shared with the application to make it more in sync with your body. The more information you feed, the better you will learn about your health.

Women’s Health Apps And AI

With the AI integration in the healthcare industry, the workflow has been automated. It has helped to prioritize certain urgent tasks, assisting doctors, assistants, and nurses. This saves time for their routine jobs. The AI-powered female health apps have assisted in all the tasks from the simple to complex.

Benefits Of Women’s Health Tracking App

The applications are not just for women but can be used by doctors and physicians to analyze female concerns. Let us have a glance at the benefits of these applications:

Benefits Of Female Health Tracking Apps For Businesses

benefits for businesses

1. Niche Market Targeting

Women’s health tracking applications provide an ever-growing market. Its full potential is yet to get tapped by developers and medical professionals. Targeting this niche market can reveal several benefits and enhance the money-making ability of developers. Women’s health tracking applications can be enriched with numerous features, serving their unique needs.

2. In-Demand Technology

The women’s health app is an in-demand technology. The Femtech apps have shown up a few years back only. With their numerous features and advantages for the users, they have survived the competition and have become the demand of many. So, investing in such an app would be beneficial for developers.

3. High Rate Of Return On Investment

Developing an application for different women and providing personalized content can offer a high rate of return to the developers. Because not many apps serve the needs of women, developers can charge high for premium features. This can help them to make profits even faster.

4. Community Helps In Business Expansion

The women’s apps have brought women across the globe together. It helps women to reach out to each other. This way, they can share their problems and solutions with each other. Community helps businesses to make even more money because they have a global outreach.

5. Interaction Of Women With Mobile Apps Is Comparatively Higher As Compared To Men

Studies have shown that women devote more time to their phones than men. So, creating an application specifically for women can help businesses a lot in improving their profitability. 

Benefits Of Female Health Apps For Users Using It

benefits for users

1. Helps In Controlling Women’s Health And Keeps A Record Of It

The applications provide insights into women ‘s concerns like menstrual cycles, ovulation, fertile days, mood swings, birth control, etc. Keeping women informed about their bodies helps them to keep track of their internal body functioning and accordingly make decisions. The chances of unwanted pregnancies can be reduced with these applications. The physicians and doctors can also access the information in case it is needed.

2. Notifying About Probable Infections And Diseases

Femtech takes in real-time data and enables the women to diagnose the probable infections and diseases. Timely treatment can be given in such cases. Women receive timely advice from experts hence, making them feel that they are not alone.

3. Healthcare Is Just A Few Clicks Away

For women living in remote areas, accessing healthcare facilities is a challenging task. With digitization, healthcare apps have made accessibility an easy task. Now women can get all the information that they need in just a few clicks. Virtual monitoring by doctors has been in the reach of all.

4. Confidentiality Is Definitely A Boon

The most important advantage of these apps is that they keep the data confidential until you disclose it. The liberty of using these health apps is highly appreciated because of the secrecy factor. 

5. Keep Track Of Women’s Fitness

Female wellness apps are helping a lot of women to maintain their body shape and remain fit. A female body undergoes many changes during and after pregnancy. Such apps have contributed to helping women regain their body shape and size.

Because of all the advantages, these applications have streamlined the women’s health process. The demand for these apps is growing at a faster rate because of their widespread benefits.

Also Read: Healthcare App Development – The Ultimate Guide

Types Of Women Health Tracking Apps

types of women health apps

Depending on the functionality, the health tracking apps have been classified as

1. Period And Fertility Tracking App For Women

The period and fertility tracker apps for women monitor the monthly period cycle and keep track of fertile days. It stores and examines data like past period dates, heart rate, body temperature, etc. Using the already stored information, these apps predict the next menstrual cycle, fertile days, PMS, etc. This information is beneficial for women who wish to conceive and also for women who want to ignore unwanted pregnancies.

ExamplesFlo, Clue, Ovia, Glow, Natural Cycles
Must Have App FeaturesTrackingReport GenerationInformative GuidesOvulation CalculatorLifestyle And Fitness Tracking
Monetization MethodsSubscriptions Models, Premium Models, Freemium Models, Paid Apps, In-App Purchases
BenefitsIdentifying your most fertile days and receiving tailored insightsBaby’s growth trackerCalculate your due dateSet countdownLearn the essentials of newborn care

2. Pregnancy Tracker Apps

These apps have proved to be a guiding support to expecting mothers. The women prepare themselves for the parenthood journey with these apps. Day-by-day growth and week-by-week growth can be monitored with the help of pregnancy tracker apps. Not only this, but the apps are of great help after the baby arrives. They keep the mothers informed about the baby’s development and provide expert advice if needed.

Pregnancy concerns and postpartum concerts are both taken care of by pregnancy tracker apps.

ExamplesPregnancy Tracker—BabyCenter, Ovia Pregnancy Tracker, Pregnancy & Baby Tracker WTE, The Bump—Pregnancy Tracker, WebMD Pregnancy
Must Have App FeaturesPregnancy Calendar AppMaintain Childbirth ClubMaintain Body Mass IndexKeep Track Of Baby KicksKeep Track Of Baby Sleep
Monetization MethodsCertified Content, Freemium Models, Advertisements, Subscription, In-App Purchases, 
Push NotificationsTwilio,

3. Birth Control Apps

The most fertile days of your monthly cycle must be taken utmost care of while planning for your baby. Those who do not wish to conceive these days must be considered. Birth control apps notify the user about the fertile days. These apps specifically inform women about the days that should be avoided for intercourse. 

ExamplesNatural Cycles, Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracking, Clue, Nurx, Hers
PlatformsiOS, and Android
Monetization MethodsFreemium Models, Advertisements, Subscription, In-App Purchases
Information UsedCycle Length, Heart Rate, Basal Body Temperature, Cervical Fluid, Consistency, PMS Symptoms, Cervical Position

4. Sexual Self Care

These apps help to provide sexual wellness to females. Sexual well-being connects to developing good mental health. These apps have contributed to improving body image, reconnecting with their bodies, improving relationships with partners, and a lot more.

ExamplesFerly, Dipsea, Emjoy, Lover, Coral, Lovely, Lioness
PlatformsiOS and Android
Monetization MethodsFreemium Models, Advertisements, Subscription, In-App Purchases
Must-Have FeaturesGuided ProgramCohort-Based Learning GroupsGuided PracticesTheory SessionsWellbeing RoutineHealthy Relationships

5. Trainer Apps

Trainer apps are growing in demand because they train the users about proper exercising habits. These apps detect the progress of the user in comparison to the personalized targets. The trainer helps have also proved beneficial during the postnatal period to regain body shape.

ExamplesAaptiv, 8Fit, Couch to 5K, P. volve, MyFitnessPal
PlatformsiOS, and Android
Monetization MethodsPaid Models, Advertisements, Subscription, In-App Purchases
Must-Have FeaturesUser PersonalizationWearable And Non-Wearable Device IntegrationGoal SettingTracking MetricsSocial Sharing

6. Breastfeeding App

The guides, tips, and support provided by the breastfeeding apps have influenced a lot of users. The customers get answers to several queries that are related to breastfeeding with the help of these apps. The knowledge improves the breastfeeding experience of new mothers.

ExamplesLactapp Breastfeeding, MyMedela, Glow, Baby Feed Timer, Breastfeeding Tracker
Must Have App FeaturesDiaper ChangesDoctor VisitsSleepHeightWeightA TimerNursing ProgressGrowth
Monetization MethodsAdvertisements, Subscription, In-App Purchases
PlatformsAndroid, iOS or both

7. Mother’s Community App

This app is specially designed for mobile generation mothers. The app features meeting and chatting with like-minded mothers. The common issues that the mother’s face are all answered with the help of the community of mothers who are using this app.

ExamplesPeanut, GiftedMom, Zero Mothers Die, WeMoms – Pregnancy and Mother, MAMA
Must Have App FeaturesMatchmaking FeatureAccess To A CommunityChatting FeatureSharing OptionsSensitive Content Filters Mask
Monetization MethodsAdvertisements, Subscription, In-App Purchases
PlatformsAndroid, iOS or both

8. Breast Cancer Survivor’s App

Statistics have shown that about 13% of women in the US have developed breast cancer. Although many women have recovered from this deadly disease, still, the women who have suffered this do not find them at par with other women. A special app for breast cancer survivors has brought the women together. They can share their concerns their experiences, which makes them feel that they are not alone.

ExamplesBreast Cancer Healthline, Cancer Therapy Advisor, BELONG Beating Cancer Together, ACS FUNdraising
Must-Have App FeaturesSymptom TrackingAlerts and RemindersSocial NetworkingFollow-UpsInformation SharingSurvivorship Education
Monetization MethodsAdvertisements, Subscription, In-App Purchases
PlatformsAndroid, iOS, or both

9. Feminine Hygiene App

These apps especially serve the purpose of delivering female hygiene products right at the doorstep of the user. Organic and hygienic products are delivered that include naturally made sanitary products and tampons without chemicals.

FunctionsTrack The PeriodsFertilityOvulationMoodLifestyle and Physical Activity
Must-Have FeaturesInformation About Hygiene ProductsFree Doctor ChecksReminderFertility And Ovulation TrackingLifestyle And Fitness Tracking
AvailabilityApple and Google app stores

10. Online Consultation Apps

The on-demand doctor apps or online consultation apps contribute to women’s health by providing a digital clinic. Any concern that needs a doctor’s advice can be addressed with these apps. Whether it is mental health, sex coaching, meal planning, weight loss, etc., everything can be sorted with these on-demand doctor apps.

ExampleMDLIVE, Lemonaid: Same Day Online Care, LiveHealth Online Mobile, PlushCare: Video Doctor Visits, Doctor on Demand
Licencing MD and DO
Must-Have FeaturesChoose An Appointment TimePlug-In Any Insurance InformationHistory And SymptomsTherapistsLactation ConsultantsRegistered Dietitians
AvailabilityApple and Google app stores

To make any healthcare application that stands out of the crowd you must focus on every single detail. One such aspect that should not be overlooked is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). It is basically the set of rules that are mandatory to be followed by the healthcare industry. This is important because it protects the privacy of your electronic data. The importance of HIPAA in the process of application development has shown a drastic rise in the previous years.

Functionalities To Include In Women’s Health Tracking Apps

functionalities to include in women's health apps

Functionality is one of the essential parts of any application. Every app must be equally portioned with modern technology for a better user outreach. Here are a few features that must be included in the women’s health tracking app:

1. Registration

A straightforward login and registration process is vital for any app to flourish well in the market. The designers must make sure that they create a signup process of the app which is as convenient as possible.

2. Health Profile

Age, weight, height, menstrual cycles, allergies, etc., are some of the important details that a women’s health app requires. The application must have a feature of Health Profile to know about the user’s health status.

3. Notifications

The designer must make sure that the user gets the notifications in time. All the important notifications must be conveyed to the user timely.

4. Period Tracker

An important feature of women’s health applications is Period Tracker. By embedding this feature in your application, you can keep track of fertility period, PMS, mood swings, and birth control.

5. Sharing

Sharing features in these applications allows the user to share health-related queries and readings with their friends or family.

6. Digital Consultation

A medical practitioner or a physician must be a part of such apps. A digital consultation feature is needed in case the user faces any problem or has any query in mind.

7. Refer And Earn

To make the mobile app more visible to the public and to extend its outreach, a Refer And Earn feature can prove beneficial.

8. Password Authentication

It is very important to keep the information safe and confidential. So, password authentication is mandatory for secrecy.

9. Pills Reminder

Including a feature for reminding you of the pills or medicines that you need to take is mandatory. This feature will notify the users when and which medicine is to be taken.

10. Integrating a Wide Community

A wide community feature can help any female health app to keep the users intact. The main objective of these communities is to provide awareness about various female health problems. These female health issues may be unknown to many, and therefore, people get more knowledge from these communities. 

Developing A Female Health Tracking App- Step-By-Step Guide

developing a health tracking app

If you wish to know the development process of the app, here is the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Study The Competition

Before delving into the development process, it is necessary to conduct adequate market research. It will help you analyze your competitors’ stances in the market. You can learn the attributes that made your rivals successful. Similarly, you get to know their mistakes and shortcomings. Some already established women’s health tracking apps can help you judge the competition.

Step 2: Estimate The Features To Include In These Health Tracking Apps

The app development and its functionality determine its success among users. If it does not offer anything unique or different from others, it might not as well exist. A women’s health tracking app needs to possess the core features to enrich their experience. Also, their placement must be proper and easy to navigate.

With a short and crisp onboarding process, you can attract and retain users. Personalize content using necessary details only. Bombarding them with questions can cause frustrations. Period-tracker is an invaluable tool in women’s health application. The application must tell symptoms and associated risks efficiently without burdening the user.

Information exchange helps women share their experiences, tips, and symptoms with others for better insights. Also, a reliable digital consultation channel can remove reluctance and hesitation regarding tricky queries.

Step 3: Determine How to Generate Revenue From Your Women’s Health Tracking App

Seeing the rising trend and need for women’s health tracking applications, there is no doubt it is a profitable market. However, benefitting from the application requires you to learn specific ways. The following steps highlight how firms can develop women’s health tracking applications by leveraging technology:

      In-App Purchases

You can offer a premium version of your application with features like no ads, one-on-one consultations, etc.


In-app advertisements are an excellent way to generate revenue. However, their placement and duration must not frustrate the user.

      Paid App

If you think you have developed an expert app in the domain, you can keep it free from the beginning.

Step 4: Consider The Various Challenges To Creating Women’s Health Tracking Apps

Although it may seem a simple task, creating a women’s health tracking application is complex and challenging. It would help if you endured yourself for the different challenges you may face. Some of these include

Experts And Specialists

If you do not tie up with top medical professionals and experts to handle the queries and analyze the vast data collected by your app, you might as well bid farewell to your success. Having specialists on board can help you considerably develop a robust health solution.

UI/UX Design

The app design and interface must be easy to use and neutral for the audience. The visual appeal must engage the users and consider sexual diversity. 

Data Privacy

A health tracker app takes private information from women for processing. Therefore, it should remain confidential. Although the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) does not apply to health tracking applications, you should adhere to other rules and standards. In the European countries, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) lays compliance rules.

Step 5: Structure The Application

No application can develop without a structure of experts and professionals joining in. Proper coordination at every step is needed. Similarly, a women’s health tracking application must include the following group of specialists:

  • Project manager to employ and establish coordination between different groups and overall management.
  • Android/ iOS developers to ensure seamless launch and adherence to the platform guidelines.
  • Backend and frontend developers to plan and execute app development projects.
  • UI/UX designers design a user-friendly application.

Step 6: Development Phase Of The Application

The development phase of the app involves both frontend and backend development. The frontend development is the part that the user gets to see and use. There are many development tools to help make the website layout, User Interface, etc., in a hassle-free manner.

The backend development contains server connections, and it is the part with which the user does not interact. However, it is the mobile app’s backbone and helps run all its essential features.

Step 7: Test And Fix Bugs

Women’s health tracking applications must undergo testing at every stage. It will help developers identify the bugs and fix them immediately. Also, it will provide a smooth and seamless user experience.

The application must satisfy the common prominent queries like

  1. How long does it take to load and process the data? (Speed)
  2. Is the user interface comfortable or confusing?
  3. Are users able to find what they want on the application without hassle?

Answers to these fundamental questions can help a firm deliver a flawless experience. It will keep the users engaged while attracting more. Developers must execute automated tests while developing the app to fix issues immediately.

Step 8: Release And Maintain/ Deployment

After developing and testing the application, you must release it on different platforms. You must allocate at least a week to ensure a smooth and seamless app submission and launch process. It can be intimidating and confusing. Therefore, having a professional app development team by your side can do wonders.

Celebrate the release of your application but do not forget about its maintenance. Keep checking the analytics to get insights into the app performance. Introduce updates where necessary. Bring exciting new features with each OS up-gradation to keep the users happy.


Innovation in the healthcare industry is rising rapidly. It has become important to keep in mind the present scenario. With the help of a quality patient health application, the relationship between doctors and patients can become more accessible, convenient, and healthy.

Women’s health tracking is a niche market. Its development should be immediate to address their health concerns. To get detailed information about making health apps for women, you need to contact a group of experts. For detailed information, you can visit.

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1. How Much Time Does It Take To Develop A Female Health App?

Developing a female tracking app may require a minimum of 45 days to a maximum of 90 days time. The time taken varies depending on the complexity and the features that are to be included in the application.

2. Who Are The Best Application Developers For Creating Such An App?

There are several app developers in the market, but the best among them is Idea Usher. They have a team of developers who are highly skilled in their respective fields. Also, they can provide you with an app that suits your budget.

3. Which Are The Best Women Health Apps?

There are many female health apps coming up these days. The top among them is Flo, Clue, Natural Cycles, Ovia, etc.

4. Which Wearable Technologies Are Boosting Women’s Wellness And Fitness?

Fitbit, Garmin, Ava Bracelets, Embr Wave, Willow, Elvie Trainer, Elvie Pump, and a lot more are wearable technologies that are boosting female wellness and fitness.

Picture of Sakshi Gautam

Sakshi Gautam

With an experience of about five years and good hands-on experience in both technical and non-technical content, I have gained a piece of good knowledge about the content writing field. My writing experience does not only covers SEO writing but also academic writing. I believe "learning is a continuous process" and that is why I keep taking up new learning opportunities. Presently at Idea Usher, I am working as a subject matter expert.
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