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How To Create A Revolutionary App Like UrbanClap

how to create app like urbanclap

On-demand services make it easy for us to do what we want when we want and how we want – whatever our day brings forward. 

Concierge, delivery, rideshare, connectivity, domestic help – the on-demand service industry has exploded in recent years.

Clients and consumers want their services fast, and they want them delivered securely.  

A significant example of such on-demand home services apps is UrbanClap. Apps like UrbanClap have secured a great place in the market by providing a premium business model to both customers and service providers.

So the questions that come before us are what UrbanClap is? What all services does this app provide? And how to create app like urbanclap? 

Let’s begin!

What is UrbanClap?

To answer the how to create app like urbanclap question, let us start with basics. What is urbanclap?

UrbanClap is an on-demand platform that gives users access to thousands of trusted home specialists at the click of a button – from plumbers to cleaners and more. 

UrbanClap partners directly with experienced and verified local service providers for anything and everything. 

UrbanClap services involve:

  1. Urban Beauty: Salon and makeup services.
  2. Urban Spa: Massage therapy.
  3. Urban Grooming: Haircut and grooming services.
  4. Urban Repairs: Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and appliance repair
  5. Urban Cleaning: Home cleaning solutions
  6. Urban Painting: Home painting services
  7. Other services, such as fitness, yoga, and pest control.

How does UrbanClap earn money?

In 2017, UrbanClap’s annual revenue reached around $1.7 billion. Ever since then, the company has only witnessed a rise in these numbers. 

But how? How does an on-demand home services app earn so much? 

The answer is, by practising various revenue models and strategies. Let us have a look at some of them: 

UrbanClap Revenue Models


This model alone accounts for 85% of the profit that UrbanClap earns.

So how does UrbanClap basically work? To sum up, professionals from different fields sign up on their platforms. Consequently, users can browse through these services and choose whichever one they prefer. 

So, now what happens is that whenever a certain professional books a service via UrbanClap, they have to pay them a certain commission.

For each form of work, a certain commission amount is fixed. So the more jobs that the professionals complete via their app, the more money UrbanClap earns.

Lead Generation

As we read above, there is a fixed commission structure for fixed jobs. But what if the user is looking for something customized?

For example, a user has their wedding and is looking for florists for 4 days. Consequently, the user can simply feed their demands in the app. UrbanClap will then list all the leads that the user can use.

Furthermore, once a lead is booked, both the customer and the working professional will be charged with a certain amount of commission by the app.

Other Strategies 

Monetization via ads

Another great way apps earn money is via ads. There are various ad networks that run in the apps industry: 

  • Cost-per-mile
  • Cost-per-click
  • Cost-per-install
  • Cost-per-action
  • Cost-per-view

An app like UrbanClap simply chooses one of these ad networks as per their requirements and earn good sums from them.


Many times, apps simply launch crowdfunding campaigns to raise funds.

What is a crowdfunding campaign? Rather than just inviting one or two investors, brands invite thousands of people to invest small amounts of money into their products.

Referral Marketing

A referral is a third-party product or service that you can promote to optimize revenue opportunities.

App publishers can make money by promoting or selling affiliate products based on the number of clicks or installs.

Why build an app like UrbanClap? Because customers love it!

Yes! They can’t live without an app like Urban Clap! They book services as frequently as thrice a month. And as the app business owner- it simply means more money for you! An app like UrbanClap can offer various advantages:


As the professionals listed on the app are already hand-picked, customers can save a lot of time. They don’t have to go through each and every listing in detail, instead they can simply use the extensive search filters. 


Such apps go through extensive safety checks. Users can be assured that their information will is completely secured.

Multiple payment methods

These apps offer their users multiple payment options to choose from. The user can simply select the one that suits their needs the best.

Additional revenue options

As we have read above, UrbanClap type apps have added revenue methods such as in-app advertising and sponsorships that generate great profits.

Targeting local audience and marketplace

Local service provider apps like UrbanClap allow local vendors to easily offer services and find customers.

Personalized service experience

A local service provider app will collect data from customers and use the data to help customers as well as the service providers.


Such on-demand services apps provide both the user and the customer with the comfort of flexibility. 

Network building

By offering additional features such as referrals, UrbanClap type apps help the professionals in building a better customer network.

How much time and money will I need to build an Urban Clap Clone?

We knew these benefits will speak to you.

So, let us move further with our ‘how to build app like urbanclap’ quest and see how much time and money this venture can cost you.

When thinking about ‘how to create an app like urbanclap,’ app development can take upto anywhere from 12 to 30 weeks for development and app launch.

The cost of app building mainly depends on what kind of features you are willing to add. Some basic set of features that an app like UrbanClap must have are:

how to create app like urbanclap

Customer App Features

  • Easy Sign up
  • Simple login with social media integration
  • Data Security & Safety
  • Easy and interactive user interface
  • Easy browsing of services and price range
  • Advanced search filters
  • FAQs for better understanding
  • Multiple payment options
  • Service feedback
  • Service history
  • View service provider’s profile and details
  • In-app chat
  • Payment history

Service Professional Panel Features

Service Professional Features

  • Fast registration & simple login 
  • Profile analysis & approval by admin
  • Different subscription plans
  • Real-Time data
  • In-App chat 
  • Service rate & charges listing- hourly, fixed, experienced base quote
  • Set availability & service times
  • Update work status
  • Work and payment history
  • GPS location tracking

Admin Panel Features

Admin Panel Features

  • Full admin control panel
  • Map views of professionals and clients
  • Advance CMS and CRM
  • Record management of professionals and clients
  • Backup of data
  • Bill and payment history
  • Global access
  • Additional analytics
  • Notifications
  • Subscription plans management

Keeping these basic features in mind, urbanclap similar apps can cost around $15,000 to $20,000. However, professionals at Idea Usher can complete such projects at economical rates.

(if you are wondering about how to build a website like urbanclap, check out or web-development section)

How can Idea Usher help you build the best UrbanClap Clone

Let us tackle the ‘how to create an app like urbanclap’ question together.

As mentioned above, Idea Usher is capable of offering economic pricing structures as compared to our competitors. 

How? Idea Usher consists of a team of highly qualified professionals from all departments – from backend to design to marketing. In short, we already have all the resources we need to deliver you the project of your dreams.

In fact, we already have done this many times before. To have a look at those creatures, you can take a look at our portfolio page.


On-demand services are worth investing in because they show a promising future to service providers and multi-seller marketplaces. So, if you’re in the on-demand services industry, you should get an app developed now! 

Contact us for a free consultation call to get started! 


Q1) What are some other apps similar to UrbanClap?
A1) Some other apps similar to urbanclap are HouseJoy, Airtasker, Porch, and ThumbTack.

Q2) How many services does UrbanClap offer and how do they manage them all?

A2) Urban clap offers many services such as urbanclap deep cleaning, facial urban clap, urbanclap massage, urban clap pedicure, and much more. To manage these, UrbanClap has two solutions – urbanclap application and urbanclap website. Users can signup for urbanclap registration and use these services at their will.

Q3) Will the mobile app making cost in india be lesser for urban clap app clone development?

A3) Definitely. As compared to other countries, the cost of development of urban clap clone and other such projects is usually cheaper in India.

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Picture of Vasu Goel

Vasu Goel

Being calm and composed in difficult situations is a route well observed by him as a Project Manager. He has been working in the tech industry for just 3 years and has proved to be an additional 'A' for the team and always books profits for the company in the project he gets himself enrolled to. Team handling while keeping it low for the big money is a trade he knows to make a project to be delivered while the tides are still high to measure. His passion lies in creating a difference in the tech industry and trying to make the next big thing out of ordinary tech.
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