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DeSo: First Blockchain-Based Social Media Platform

DeSo interface. ui

DeSo blockchain, a brand-new layer-1 blockchain; built from the bottom up to scale decentralized social apps to one billion users. Deso already powers over 100 applications, including (a decentralized social network).

The concept of a decentralized social (DeSo) network, which is the next phase in the evolution of social networking, has piqued the interest of many people. 

In addition, personal information, interests, and relationships of individuals are not committed to a single company, corporation, or government. One has complete control over your network interactions with DeSo.

There is no centralized authority to keep an eye on you. Instead, you keep an eye on yourself by participating in the network and verifying the information you receive.

What is a Decentralized Social (DeSo) Blockchain?

Deso Coin is a new blockchain that will enable decentralized social networks in web 3.0. DeSo has been working to solve the issues caused by current social media centralization since its inception in 2019. 

  • Today, a few private companies effectively control public discourse and benefit from monopoly profits; however, content creators are frequently underpaid and under-engaged. DeSo’s social blockchain treats social media content as a public utility, making it accessible to all without any permission.
  • Many individuals are interested in a decentralized social (DeSo) network, which is the next phase in the evolution of social networking. 
  • DeSo is a hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) network that distributes data across a vast network of peers rather than storing it in a central database. As there is no centralized service to hack or DDoS (Distributed-Denial-of-Service)

The software includes a combination of Trustworthy Timestamping and BitTorrent protocols to ensure that information is transferred effectively without relying on a single trusted third party.

DeSo’s objective is to become the most popular social network by giving people decentralized features.

It uses IPFS, a distributed file system that intends to connect all computing devices through a single file system.

DeSo is more resistant to fraudulent assaults and DDoS because of the IPFS connection. Data is for storing in a single location, enabling all users to view and contribute to decentralized social networks.

How Does DeSo Function?

Consider a Bitcoin node that has developed to handle a far broader range of transaction forms than just sending and receiving money, with custom storage and indexing algorithms built to enable social features.

The Vision

  1. Existing blockchains lack the necessary tools to index and store the data produced by social apps.
  2. All code and data are open sources, and all content is stored directly on the blockchain.
  3. Creation of DeSo from the ground up to scale one of the largest untapped markets for blockchain development technology: social media.

Native On-Chain Features

On-chain features of DeSo. ui
On-Chain ProfilesEvery user’s profile is stored on-chain and controlled individually by the user’s private keys, making your identity portable across all DeSo apps.
Social NFTsNFTs made on DeSo are linked to the artist’s profile and can be displayed on the buyer’s profile, enhancing the authenticity while also making them more valuable.
Social TokensDeso Coin is a social token that can be associated with any profile created on DeSo. On DeSo, social tokens generate cashflows through NFT sales.
Social TippingIt’s Never Been Easier To Integrate Money-Native Features Like Tipping Into Your App Because DeSo Is A Blockchain. Allowing users to give “Diamonds” to posts rather than just “Likes” is an example of how tips can be integrated directly with content.
On-Chain PostsEvery post and reply is directly stored and indexed on-chain, making your content portable across the DeSo ecosystem. If the algorithms of one app aren’t showing you, there are tens of thousands of others who will!

Importance of On-Chain Storage

Individuals argues that social apps can function without storing anything on the blockchain.

Consider an Ethereum-based app that initially registers a user’s public key on the blockchain before storing all posts on a centralized server. The issue with this type of app is that whoever is in charge is Centralized.

The Server has a strong incentive to become a gatekeeper, much like the social powerhouses we have today.

Moreover, the app’s fiduciary duty to its shareholders will inevitably hasten its transformation into a closed walled garden of content.

What Makes DeSo special? – USP

The DeSo blockchain offers unique native blockchain features such as social tokens (creator currencies), hints, and NFTs. in addition to more conventional social capabilities such as profiling and posting. 

Social capabilities of DeSo. ui

These capabilities open up new subcategories of cash-enabled products, ranging from stock markets to NFT marketplace development social experiences.

Hence these features allow producers to more successfully sell their content and connect with their audience through DeSo-based apps.

Since DeSo considers social media as a public utility, there’s not any forceful act for producers to utilize a small number of centralized applications.

Thus, all DeSo content is instantly available to a great network of independent third-party apps stored in a decentralized ledger.

How Would DeSo Decentralize Social Media?

DeSo maintains all of its data on a public blockchain that anybody can access, and compete with established social media platforms.

DeSo aspires to make social media an open utility for everyone rather than a private monopoly.

Anyone running a node can arrange their feed for their own social media platform, but they will also add data to the public pool of profiles, posts, and followers.

At the moment, DeSo blockchain can be explained as “social features” but even this explanation is difficult to grasp unless you specialize in IT.

The DeSo blockchain now supports standard social capabilities such as generating profiles and posting and blockchain-native features such as social tokens, tipping, and NFTs.

These features enable new categories of products like social NFT experiences, influencer stock markets, and so on.

In September 2021, Nader said that DeSo’s primary goal is to compete with social media giants like Facebook in interviews with influential media sources, including CNBC News Channel.

CNBC news on DeSo creator Nader.ui

Because all data on the blockchain is open-source, all developers worldwide will be able to access it to build their social networks based on the DeSo model. 

“That can create the scale economy that is needed to actually being able to compete with centralized monopolistic platforms. We can unlock the ingenuity of anybody anywhere in the world, not just of one company: the best researchers in the world can build models on the DeSo data”  Nader stated.

According to Nader, this technological revolution would be “highly disruptive” for centralized platforms in monopoly circumstances. It will struggle to adapt since they are bound by a closed system that depends on advertising and hence cannot share their data.

Let’s use this graph to analyze DeSo’s capabilities and performance in mid-June.

DeSo economy. ui

DeSo | 6 Web3 Social Apps on Social Media

According to DeSo on Twitter, these are a few web3 social apps next on social media.

Diamond is a place for creators and their audiences to create engaging communities focusing on content, incentives, and ownership.


With this, any individual can create, engage and earn — Overclout.


Desofy is the first and most popular decentralized social networking mobile app built on the DeSo blockchain. 


Next-generation ad-free blogging can now pay you daily in real money — Zirkels.


Users can view feeds in any language with DeSocialWorld.


Supernovas, the first decentralized, community-owned social network, and multi-chain NFT marketplace.

DeSo Includes Integration of NFTs and Social Media 

Integration of NFTs and social media. ui

Every feature added to DeSo, including NFTs, has an inherent social component built-in. 

When someone purchases an artwork or a collectible item, they do it in part because it gives them personal satisfaction, but they also want to show it off. 

We can show a user’s NFT collection and allow people to interact with their NFTs through comments, likes, diamonds, and other means.

Suddenly, purchasing an NFT transforms from a solely personal and economic motivation to one that is intrinsically social. Furthermore, because DeSo has a natural concept of identifying the user’s profile, the issuer’s reputation is much more meaningful with NFT, particularly for celebrities and superstars.

This not only increases the value of DeSo NFTs, but also leads to several new possibilities that combine collecting, flexing, and social.

NFT Use Cases

Applications of NFT. ui

Collectible Ticket Stubs

If you sold movie tickets in the form of DeSo NFTs, then each user would receive a virtual ticket stub on their profile as a reminder of the event.

What if some famous band or musician sold his tickets as DeSo NFTs? This approach might also be used to sell tickets to special events, such as a movie premiere or a gala.

Physical Memorabilia 

Consider selling a solid piece of memorabilia, such as a prop from a movie production, with an NFT attached, which the buyer may use to show on their page. 

This transforms a user’s profile into a collector’s room inventory. It allows you to see all the stuff they own, both digitally and physically.

Unlockable Digital Content

DeSo NFTs contain an “unlockable” section that is exclusively accessible to the NFT winner. 

Due to this, intriguing use cases for the sale of ultra-exclusive digital items are generated.

For instance, a musician may release an album a week early as an unlockable 1/10,000 NFT so that only those who complete the NFT can listen to it before. 

The artist would benefit from an increase in cash flow while continuing to be eligible to receive the same streaming fees a week later.

Interactive Content

DeSo NFTs are a tool that content producers can utilize to get fan input or to direct the progress of their material. 

For instance, the producer of a podcast may offer an NFT in which the prize is the choice of the topic for the following episode.

Before placing their bids, users may provide feedback to the author, and the artist ultimately decides who will win. 

A different option is for musicians to offer to incorporate an NFT winner’s name in a song or music video, in which case the winner would have the NFT on their profile to remember the event.

Producer credits in the final cut of a short film could be sold by the film’s director as NFTs.

Digital Trading Cards

Sufficiently well-known inventors or creators can publish a “one of N” NFT to create a digital trading card of themself. 

They just have to create original artwork, such as a crypto punk drawing of themselves, and their followers can watch the updates on their profiles. 

Since each DeSo NFT carries a serial number, so each one will be unique even within the same issue.


It is the main issue for big brands: A genuine Gucci bag is far more valuable than a copycat, but knockoffs are frequently so good that it’s difficult to tell the difference.

Consider a DeSo NFT-based solution in which a luxury brand creates an official DeSo profile and offers an NFT with every sale of their items. Now, a user receives digital, unforgeable proof that they own a genuine product.

Then, if they ever resell their product, they can transfer the NFT with it.

It allows it to function as a certificate of authenticity produced and digitally certified directly by the brand that traces the item’s origin.

The Future of Charity

Charities, like individuals, can build profiles on DeSo. Anyone can choose to send them DeSo as part of the sale of their NFT.

For instance, selling a dinner for two with the agreement that all proceeds would go to the Red Cross.

Then, they could digitally demonstrate that the money went to that organization. As an alternative, a charity can take part in the fun directly by issuing their own NFTs.

Owning a Piece of History

A user has the opportunity to coin and sell each post they make to DeSo as an NFT. One may say that the user who “owns” the resulting NFT owns a piece of history.

Conclusion | DeSo

DeSo’s mission is to become the most popular social network by providing individuals with decentralized capabilities while preserving a simple user experience.

In contrast to the established, centralized, and monopolized social media firms, the decentralized social blockchain project provides a somewhat complete alternative.

DeSo seems to be a more profitable and fair choice for creators with a native token. Additionally, it opens up an entirely new range of potential for fan engagement and artist revenue. 

If you are an entrepreneur interested in developing a similar app, you can choose Idea Usher.

Idea Usher provides a diverse range of blockchain services. Also, our specialists connect with the clients in-depth, evaluate their needs, and offer them final solutions.

Moreover, you can get in touch with them to learn more and gain a better understanding of the application development process.

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DeSo Nodes: What Are They?

The websites that are developed on top of the DeSo Blockchain are known as DeSo Nodes.

What Exactly Are Creator Coins?

Creator coins are your unique digital currency created just for your profile on the DeSo blockchain. When an individual creates an account, buying 3 coins is necessary.

Picture of Nikhil Jassal

Nikhil Jassal

Nikhil Jassal is an enthusiastic Sr. Project Manager who is instrumental in monitoring project delivery and driving results. His diverse industry experience helps him demonstrate agility and the ability to realize project targets. As an out-of-the-box thinker and executer, his passion lies in gadgets and new technology.
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