Online application trends are at a peak rise, and with the growing internet trends around the corner, the internet has given a significant increase to online shopping and on-demand grocery apps that has simplified the lives more many people; these applications are seen in more trends after the Covid 19 pandemic when people stopped stepping outside there homes.

According to a study by Forbes, it is estimated that the on-demand grocery apps will see a rise in their app usage by 50 percent of the existing users.

This makes on-demand grocery spaces a better place to start investing. With such technological advancement, it is straightforward to make an app like Instashop in no time with a perfect idea and a great team of developers.

Are you worried about the already existing competition in these spaces? Well, do not worry; you need to make an application that delivers to the particular needs that apps like Instashop are lacking, and in no time, you can capture the market with your ideas.

So if you are looking forward to building your own delivery platform, here is a guide to help you.

So without further ado, let us start 

What Exactly in InstaShop?

Instashop is an online grocery delivery app that allows you to purchase goods and deliver them to your home in less than 30 minutes. You do not need to travel to the grocery and can order them at your leisure. On the side, it also offers professional cleaning services in 2 hours at your convenience and doorstep. 

It operates in the Middle East, serving customers in Dubai, Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. 

The app offers various payment options, including cash on delivery and online payment, and allows customers to track their orders in real-time.

Instashop, in addition to its regular delivery service, offers a membership program called Instashop Prime. Prime members get free shipping on all items and special discounts and promotions. Instashop has recently expanded its offerings to include Instashop Go, which provides restaurant and café delivery.

Because of its user-friendly interface and rapid delivery system, Instashop has been a popular choice among busy professionals, families, and anybody searching for a quick and easy method to shop for food and necessities. The app has gotten favorable feedback for its swift and dependable service, as well as its diverse product range and reasonable pricing.

Growth Trend of the Instashop App

Without a doubt, the app has been growing significantly; thus, let us look at the other information.

Due to its major success and popularity, by the end of the first quarter of the year 2023, there will be more than 850,000 plus users in Dubai using the Instashop app for their daily delivery needs.

According to recent sources, the user base of InstaShop has grown by more than 400% since its launch in 2015 in Dubai. The success of the app can be given to its expansion methods, which have allowed it to reach new areas and demographics.

InstaShop’s continuing success can also be credited to its emphasis on client happiness, which has contributed to the company’s devoted user base. The app’s features and services are continuously updated to meet the changing needs of its clients.

Overall, the InstaShop expansion plan demonstrates the huge potential of the online grocery delivery business. With rising demand for easy and easily accessible shopping options, the market is expected to expand more in the future years.

The Rise of InstaShop App in Dubai: Impressive Statistics and Figures

  • Since its start in 2015, InstaShop has experienced remarkable growth in Dubai. As of 2021, it had over 3 million registered users in Dubai alone and has expanded its activities to include additional cities in the UAE, including Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.
  • According to the app, the average order value is AED 150, with the majority of customers ordering groceries and fresh vegetables. During the COVID-19 pandemic, InstaShop’s services saw an increase in demand as consumers began to rely more on online grocery delivery.
  • InstaShop was acquired by Delivery Hero, a multinational food delivery company, as in 2020. InstaShop’s reach and resources have been expanded as a result of the acquisition, allowing it to continue expanding in Dubai and beyond.

Figures Related to Instashop 

  • InstaShop was the top downloaded app in the UAE in the first quarter of 2021, according to App Annie. In the UAE, InstaShop reported a four times growth in yearly revenue in 2020.
  • InstaShop has over 500,000 UAE users and over 1 million internationally.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, InstaShop saw a 100% rise in orders, with a 100% increase in orders in Dubai alone.
  • InstaShop’s offerings have grown beyond groceries to include pet supplies, pharmacy products, and gadgets.

Top Features of the Instashop App.

Features are an essential part of any app; here are the top features that make the app stands out. 

Eye-Appealing UI/UX

What is the most crucial element that the user interacts with? It is the UI of the application; thus, it is essential to have a great experience and feel for the app and work on the design model of the application. 

Simple and feature-rich software allows the user to sign up and register.

Product Categorization 

The classification of items is critical in the Instashop app to create an outstanding shopping experience for customers and assist them in appropriately picking the type of food they need.

The categorization helps the user access the catalog quickly and find what they are looking for because it is expected for the users to leave the app mid-way due to accessibility that is difficult to crack.

Number of Payments Methods

To enable customers with rapid and safe transactions, a supermarket app must provide numerous forms of payment. The funds are returned to the originating account if the transaction is denied and the balance is deducted.

It is essential to provide every kind of payment method possible, from traditional to the newest forms of payment, from cash to services like buy now and pay later should be added.

Strong backend

A robust backend is required so that the shop owner can control the application’s operation and manage product stock.

Working of the Grocery App: Looking In-Depth Functioning

Below are the steps that explain the functioning of the grocery app.

Download and Sign-Up

Customers must first download the InstaShop app and register an account in their local app stores. Consumers must supply basic information such as their name, phone number, email address, and shipping address.

Browsing Products

After logging into the app, users may explore the available products from multiple supermarkets. Products may be filtered by category, supermarket, and price range, and it is essential to make the product catalog more appealing to customers and easy to access. Hence, the customer sticks to the app for the longest time.

Add to Cart Option 

By pressing the “Add to Cart” button, users may add the things they want to buy to their virtual cart. Each product may change the amount and add additional instructions or remarks.

Check Out 

After adding everything customers want, consumers can proceed to the checkout page. They will receive a summary of their order as well as a list of the things they have put in their cart and have a quick checkout payment option.

Delivery Time

Users can select a desired delivery time based on the available time slots. The delivery time windows usually are one hour long, and consumers may choose the most convenient time slot.

Payment Gateway

Customers may pay for their orders using various options, such as credit/debit cards, online payment systems, or cash on delivery.

Order Fulfillment 

Upon placing the order, an InstaShop shopper will get the order information and begin picking up the products from the chosen supermarket. The shopper will choose the goods carefully and guarantee they are of excellent quality.

Delivery of the items

The order will subsequently be delivered to the user’s door by the shopper. Customers may follow the status of their deliveries in real-time and receive updates on the projected delivery time.

Review and Ratings

Once the order has been received, consumers can rate and evaluate the items and the entire purchasing experience. They can give comments and improvement ideas.

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Building a Delivery Platform like Instashop: The Essential Steps

Step #1: Planning and Strategy 

Creating a successful shopping and delivery app like InstaShop requires careful planning and research. To start, you should identify your target audience and analyze the profiles of your competitors to understand what makes them successful. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights into what features and services your app should offer to stand out from the crowd.

It’s also essential to understand the challenges that potential customers face when shopping for groceries online. This could include issues related to product availability, delivery times, and payment options. By addressing these pain points, you can develop an app that meets the needs of your target audience.

In addition to research, it’s crucial to have a clear development plan that outlines all the necessary steps and resources required to create a successful app. This should include everything from design and development to testing, launch, and ongoing maintenance.

Ultimately, a successful shopping and delivery app requires a combination of user-friendly features, reliable functionality, and excellent customer service. By conducting thorough research and following a comprehensive development plan, you can create an app that delights your customers and drives business growth.

Step #2: Select the Idea Platform for the Application 

Choosing the right platform for your app is an important decision that will have an impact on its success. There are two main choices to make: native or hybrid.

Native Platform

A native platform involves creating different apps for Android and iOS, which might be expensive but can provide better performance and more personalized user experiences.

Hybrid Platform

A hybrid platform, on the other hand, employs a single codebase to produce an app that works across different platforms, such as Android and iOS. While the development cost may be lower, functionality and user experience may be limited.

Finally, which platform to employ is determined by considerations such as budget, target audience, and desired features. You may make an informed decision that leads to a successful app by carefully considering all of these factors and weighing the merits and downsides of each platform.

Step #3:Building a UI/UX Prototype

Design plays a crucial role in the success of a supermarket app, as it’s the first impression that customers will have of the app. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when designing an app:


The design should be visually appealing, with a color palette and layout that are appealing to the target audience. The design should be consistent with the logo of the business and reflect the brand image.

Responsive design

Responsive design is vital for an app since it ensures that the app can be utilized on a variety of devices and screen sizes. The design should be adaptive to various screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations.

UI/UX Experience

A great design not only looks attractive but also improves the user experience. UI/UX designers should collaborate to produce a clear and user-friendly interface with a simple flow and easy-to-use functionality.

Customer-Centric Design

The design should be centered on the demands of the customers, using a user-centered approach that takes into account the target audience’s wants, preferences, and behaviors. Designers should conduct user research to determine which features and functionalities are most significant to the target audience.


Consistency is important in design, and the design elements should be consistent throughout the program. Typography, color scheme, layout, and other design components are all included. A unified design fosters familiarity and makes it easier for users to browse the app.

Step #4: Building a Desired Prototype

Creating a prototype or a case study of the app is an essential step in the app development process. It helps to visualize how the app will look and how it will function. Here are some reasons why creating a case study is important:

Visualize the App

A prototype allows you to see how the app will look before it gets created, which can help you make any necessary modifications or improvements. It aids in developing an understanding of the user interface and user experience.

Test Features 

A prototype also allows you to test the app’s various features and functionalities. It allows you to check how the app functions and whether it fulfills the needs of the intended audience. This stage might assist in identifying any concerns or challenges that must be addressed.

Collect Feedback

A case study can be utilized to obtain feedback from potential consumers or investors. This might assist you in improving the app and making it more appealing to your intended audience. 


The case study can be used as part of the app’s pre-testing process. It enables you to identify any possible problems or shortcomings that must be fixed before launching the app.

Creating a prototype of a grocery app like InstaShop is an important step in ensuring that the app is optimized for success. It allows you to visualize the app, test different features, get feedback from potential users, and identify any issues that need to be addressed. By doing so, you can ensure that the app meets the needs of your target audience and stands out in a competitive market.

Step #5: Testing of the App

A crucial step in developing a successful Grocery Delivery Platform like Instashop is testing. Testing ensures that the app is functioning correctly and efficiently, and it can save you a significant amount of money if performed regularly from the early stages of app development. Here are some reasons why testing is important:

Quality Assurance (QA)

The QA team runs different tests to ensure that the app’s UI, compatibility, usability, security, and other performance metrics are all in order. These tests help in evaluating the app’s functionality and design and ensuring that it fulfills the required criteria.

Evaluate Every Feature

Engineers can determine the number of tests required to provide the highest level of quality. This stage guarantees that every element of the app has been extensively tested and that any issues or bugs have been detected and fixed before the app is released.

Security checks

Testing is also necessary to ensure the app’s security. With the increase in cyber attacks, it is critical to run security checks on the app to find and fix any loopholes.


Testing also ensures that the software is user-friendly and simple to use. This can improve the user experience and increase retain users.

By performing regular testing throughout the app development process, you can ensure that the app is optimized for success. It helps to identify and eliminate any issues or bugs, enhance security, improve usability, and provide a better overall user experience. Testing is an integral part of the app development process and should not be overlooked if you want to develop a successful grocery delivery platform like Instashop.

Step #6: Final Launch of the Product 

After completing the testing phase, the next step is to launch your InstaShop clone app online grocery shopping app. However, it’s important to note that launching the app doesn’t mean that your work is done. In fact, it’s just the beginning. Here are some things to keep in mind:


After launching the app, it’s critical to keep an eye on its features and public reaction. Keep track of user feedback and reviews and make the necessary changes so that your app is well-liked by your target demographic.

Regular Updates

Make regular updates and changes to the app’s features and functionality. This stage will help in keeping the app relevant and up to date with the newest industry trends and user expectations.

Marketing and Promotion

Proper marketing and promotion are required for a successful app launch. Use a variety of marketing methods to increase the profile of your app and attract additional users.

Customer Service

Maintaining user satisfaction requires providing outstanding customer service. Make sure that your service employees are easily ready to assist users with any concerns.

In conclusion, launching your InstaShop clone app online grocery shopping app is just the first step toward creating a successful app. Regular updates, marketing, customer support, and following up on user feedback are all crucial for ensuring that your app remains relevant and successful in the long run.

Step #7: Perform the Desired Marketing Procedure

Marketing your grocery app is essential to create awareness and attract potential users. It holds equal importance in the development and launching process. Here are some tips for effective app marketing:

Hire a Professional Agency

Consider hiring a professional marketing agency that specializes in-app marketing. They can provide expert guidance and help you create a comprehensive marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Regular Campaigns

Launch regular campaigns using social media, email, and other advertising platforms to reach your targeted audience. Focus on creating engaging content that highlights your app’s unique features and benefits.

User Behavior Analysis

Keep a keen eye on user behavior and conversion rates to gain insights into how users are interacting with your app. Use this data to optimize your marketing strategy and improve your app’s performance.

App Store Optimization

App store optimization (ASO) is a crucial factor in making your app more discoverable in app stores. It involves optimizing your app’s title, description, keywords, and visuals to rank higher in search results.

Influencer Marketing

Consider collaborating with influencers in your niche to promote your app to their followers. Influencer marketing can be an effective way to reach a wider audience and create buzz around your app.

Step #8: After App Support

After your grocery app is launched, proper maintenance and support are critical to its success. This will ensure that your app functions well and that your users have a continuous purchasing experience. A solid maintenance system that quickly discovers and addresses issues is required.

Furthermore, regularly updating the app with new features, improved security measures, and bug fixes will keep it relevant and up to speed with market trends. Proper maintenance also aids in the development of consumer loyalty and trust, which leads to repeat purchases and higher income.

As a result, even after your app has been released, it is critical to prioritize app maintenance and support. You can create a seamless experience for your customers and stand out in a competitive market by doing so.


Developing an on-demand grocery app like Instashop can be a challenging task, but it can also be a profitable business venture. With the increasing popularity of online shopping and the convenience of doorstep deliveries, on-demand grocery apps have gained immense popularity in recent years. 

These apps offer a seamless and user-friendly experience to customers, making it easier for them to buy groceries and other household items from the comfort of their homes.

To create a successful grocery app, conducting thorough market research and analyzing the competition is essential. 

Identifying the target audience and tailoring the app’s features and functionalities to their needs and preferences is also crucial. Additionally, incorporating the latest technologies and trends in the app can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and provide a better user experience.

Developing an on-demand grocery app like Instashop requires a strategic approach and a team of skilled developers, designers, and marketers. With the right strategy and technology partner, businesses can build a successful app development in Dubai to revolutionize the grocery industry. 

Contact Idea Usher today to learn how we can help you build your dream grocery app and take your business to the next level.

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Q. What platform should I use to build my grocery app, like Instashop?

A. Choosing the right platform depends on the target audience and market research. For instance, if the target audience primarily uses Android devices, developing the app for the Android platform would be best.

Q. What features should I include in my grocery app?

A. To create a successful grocery app, consider adding features such as a user-friendly interface, easy registration, product search and filtering options, secure payment gateways, real-time order tracking, and customer support.

Q. How much will it cost to develop a grocery app like Instashop?

A. The cost of developing a grocery app like Instashop depends on several factors, such as the platform, features, functionality, and time frame. Partnering with a reputable software development company that can provide an accurate cost estimate is recommended.

Q. How long does it take to develop a grocery app like Instashop?

A. The development time frame depends on the complexity of the app and the number of features to be included. Generally, it can take anywhere from three to six months to develop a grocery app like Instashop. However, partnering with an experienced development team can help reduce the time frame and ensure the timely delivery of the app.

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