How to create an elearning math app like Creta Class?

The education sector is witnessing a growth in mobile learning, with gamified experiences taking center stage, and math applications are at the forefront. Among several others, Creta Class, with its AI-powered curriculum and amazing features, has captured the attention of educators and parents alike. It has interactive lessons that ignite a love for math in children aged 3-8.

But what makes such apps effective, and how can you develop a similar solution for your institution? And most importantly, why develop a similar app? Firstly, traditional learning methods often fail to capture young minds. Secondly, AI-driven personalization can personalize the learning journey to each child’s pace and understanding.

This blog delves into the technical considerations, unique features, and functionalities that lie behind the development of an engaging math e-learning app like Creta Classes so you can create a similar yet unique app for your business. 

Introduction To EdTech

Education has changed significantly with the rise of Educational Technology, or EdTech. This field uses advanced tools and methods to improve teaching and learning. EdTech makes education more accessible, engaging, and personalized. It includes interactive platforms, AI-powered apps, virtual classrooms, and gamified learning experiences. The main aim is to use technology to meet the diverse needs of students and teachers while creating a more effective and inclusive educational environment. 

One such advancement is the gamified and interactive educational app that integrates game mechanics into educational content. These apps make studying engaging and fun while motivating students through rewards and challenges. They personalize learning experiences, enhance knowledge retention, and build essential skills. Moreover, gamified educational apps are ideal for all ages, and they transform traditional education into an interactive and enjoyable journey.

Market Trends Of Edtech App

The EdTech and e-learning market is set to grow significantly in 2024, with several important projections showcasing its potential. The global EdTech market size, which is expected to reach USD 222.4 billion in 2023, is projected to grow at an annual rate of 12.48% from 2024 to 2032. By the end of this period, the market is anticipated to reach USD 661.2 billion.

Additionally, the global EdTech and smart classroom segment is forecasted to expand considerably, with an estimated value of USD 127.06 billion in 2024. This highlights the increasing use of technology in educational settings.

Furthermore, the global e-learning app market is predicted to see substantial growth. Estimates indicate that this market will reach USD 267.5 billion in 2024, reflecting the rising popularity of digital learning platforms and mobile applications in education. These projections demonstrate the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of the EdTech and e-learning industry.

What Is A Creta Class App?

Creta Class App

Creta Class is an AI-driven educational app developed for children aged between 2 to 8. This app is designed to teach math through engaging and interactive methods. It personalizes learning using advanced algorithms and offers a structured curriculum with animated lessons, interactive exercises, and game-like activities. The app aims to make math enjoyable and effective, encourages daily practice, and builds a strong mathematical foundation. This app is globally recognized, and it integrates advanced technology with expert-designed educational content to enhance early childhood math education.

How Does The Creta Class App Work?

Here is how the Creta Class app works:

1. Structured Learning Paths

Creta Class follows a systematic approach. They offer five progressive stages, each of which comprises 240 lessons, 1,200 animations, and over 12,000 interactive exercises. These stages cover fundamental math concepts such as numbers, operations, shapes, and space.

2. Diverse Learning Resources

The app provides a wealth of resources customized to suit various learning styles. From animated videos to interactive quizzes, each lesson is designed to fascinate young minds. Creta Class provides daily sessions averaging 15 minutes that make learning math an enjoyable and manageable routine.

3. Personalized Learning Experience

Creta Class is an AI-enabled app that adapts to the individual pace and preferences of each child. Through hand-picked video courses and quizzes, the app delivers personalized learning experiences that help establish a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

4. Cultivation Of Essential Skills

In addition to math proficiency, Creta Class focuses on developing critical skills such as logical reasoning, spatial awareness, critical-thinking, and problem-solving. These skills lay a strong foundation for lifelong success.

5. Real-Time Progress Monitoring

Parents can track their child’s progress in real-time through detailed performance feedback and a 3-star rating system. There is also a provision for the certificate of achievement that serves as motivation and encourages children to push their boundaries and excel.

6. Accessibility And Safety

Creta Class is accessible anytime, anywhere, and it offers an ad-free, age-appropriate learning environment. The app has parental control features that parents can use to ensure their child is engaging with safe and enriching content.

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Why Invest In Developing An E-Learning Math App Like Creta Class?

The investment in educational apps, particularly those like Creta Class, presents a compelling opportunity for several strategic reasons. Here are some reasons worth considering:

1. Expanding EdTech Market

The EdTech industry is witnessing rapid expansion, with forecasts predicting global expenditures to surge to USD 404 billion by 2025. This growth underscores a robust and expanding market where innovative educational solutions are in high demand.

2. Increase In Digital Learning Demand

The pandemic has fundamentally transformed education and pushed digital learning tools to the forefront. Educational apps are now critical in facilitating remote learning. This app ensures that education is accessible to students regardless of geographical barriers. This shift has created an enduring need for high-quality digital educational resources.

3. Personalized Learning Advancements

Educational apps excel in delivering personalized learning experiences. Unlike traditional classroom settings, these apps can personalize educational content to individual student needs, enhance learning outcomes, and enable students to reinforce classroom lessons at their own pace and convenience. This adaptability is particularly beneficial for younger learners, as it provides them with an engaging and effective way to master foundational subjects like math.

4. Bridging Educational Disparities

One of the significant advantages of educational apps is their ability to democratize education. They provide affordable and high-quality learning resources that can bridge educational gaps between developed and developing regions. This accessibility ensures that a broader audience can benefit from innovative learning tools and contribute to global educational equity.

5. Proven Success Stories

The success of educational apps such as Creta Class, Yuanfudao, and VIPKID highlights the potential of this sector. Creta Class, in particular, stands out for its comprehensive educational content and technical support. It is designed for children aged 3-8 and effectively nurtures an interest in mathematics and develops critical-thinking skills. By making math engaging and approachable, it sets a benchmark for what educational apps can achieve.

Investing in educational apps like Creta Class is a smart choice with a lot of growth potential. With the EdTech market growing and the ongoing need for digital learning tools, this is a great chance to make a positive impact and see substantial returns.

– Market Expert, Idea Usher

What Is The Creta Class Business Model?

Creta Class is an educational app that is a children’s app for math learning. Here’s a detailed breakdown of business model:

1. AI-Driven Learning

Creta Class uses AI technology to create an engaging learning experience. The app customizes lessons to each child’s learning pace and style. It incorporates verbal assessments, interactive lessons, and real-world scenarios to ensure effective and enjoyable learning.

2. Rich And Interactive Content

The app offers a curriculum with 240 lessons, 1,200 animated videos, and 12,000 interactive exercises. These cover key math concepts such as numbers, geometry, patterns, problem-solving, measurement, and memory. The content is aligned with educational standards to provide a comprehensive learning experience.

3. Freemium Model And In-App Purchases

Creta Class operates on a freemium model. This app allows new users to get access to a free demo lesson that gives them a taste of the app’s features. To access more content and advanced features, users can make in-app purchases. This model balances free access with revenue generation.

4. Personalized Mentorship

Each child using Creta Class gets a dedicated mentor. These mentors help answer questions and address concerns, supporting both the child and their parents. This personalized mentorship enhances the learning experience and provides valuable support.

5. Performance Tracking

The app includes a performance tracking feature with a 3-star rating system. This provides immediate feedback and allows parents and children to monitor progress in real time. It helps identify strengths and areas needing improvement and makes learning more targeted and effective.

6. Global Reach

Creta Class is based in Singapore and has a global vision. It is used by more than 1 million families in countries like Japan, Korea, Singapore, India, and the United States. The app respects cultural differences and adapts to various educational needs worldwide.

Why Do Kids Love EdTech Apps Like Creta Classes?

Creta Class app for kids

EdTech apps like Creta Class have gained popularity among children for several compelling reasons:

1. Engaging And Interactive Learning

Creta Class turns math learning into an enjoyable activity. It uses interactive animated videos and exercises that make lessons fun and engaging. This approach helps children understand and apply math concepts in their everyday lives.

2. Personalized Learning Experience

The app employs AI technology to personalize lessons to each child’s needs. By adjusting to a child’s cognitive abilities, Creta Class ensures that every learner can progress at their own pace. This personalized method helps children learn more effectively and comfortably.

3. Consistent Learning Routine

Creta Class encourages daily learning with short and manageable sessions. This helps children develop a regular study routine and make learning a part of their everyday life. Consistent and bite-sized lessons keep children engaged and committed to their studies.

4. Overcoming Math Anxiety

Math can be challenging for many children and often leads to anxiety. Creta Class makes math approachable and fun while helping children overcome their math fear. The app uses engaging methods and interactive gestures to simplify complex concepts, boosting children’s confidence in their math skills.

5. Global Learning Community

Being part of a global learning community adds an exciting dimension to using Creta Class. The app has over 2 million learners from more than 40 countries, and it makes children feel connected to a larger network. This sense of belonging enhances their learning experience and motivation.

6. Recognized Quality

Creta Class has received numerous awards for its innovative approach to education. This recognition reassures parents and children of the app’s quality and effectiveness. Knowing the app is well-regarded boosts users’ confidence and satisfaction.

Why Are Education Apps Like Creta Class Growing In Demand?

Education apps such as Creta Class are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons:

  1. These education apps use interactive animations and exercises to make learning fun and help children grasp real-life concepts, keeping them interested and motivated.
  2. Some of these educational apps integrate AI technology that enables the features to customize the lessons to individual needs while adjusting to each child’s cognitive abilities and learning pace. This functionality enhances learning effectiveness.
  3. They provide a systematic approach to learning that helps children build a solid foundation and develop good study habits, thereby improving understanding and retention of concepts.
  4. If we talk particularly about Creta Class, for instance – this app is used by over 2 million learners from more than 40 countries. Its huge user base provides a sense of global connectivity and encourages engagement with peers worldwide.
  5. These apps allow learning anytime and anywhere and offer flexibility in scheduling and pacing. It helps build consistent study habits among children and leads to better learning outcomes.
  6. Apps like Creta Class and Boddle often involve parents’ participation and offer daily progress reports to parents. The tracking features in such educational apps allow for active parental involvement and support, which reinforces learning and helps keep children on track.
  7. Moreover, as per the report, the eLearning market is expected to grow to USD 404 billion by 2025, which indicates an increasing reliance on digital learning solutions and highlights the significant future role of education apps.

10 Key Features Of Creta Class That Make It Unique

Features of creta class app

Creta Class stands out as an exceptional educational app for children, particularly in math learning. Here are the key features that distinguish it:

1. Comprehensive Curriculum

Creta Class offers a curriculum with 1,200+ animated videos, 240+ lessons, and 12,000+ interactive exercises. This extensive content ensures that children receive a thorough and engaging education in math.

2. AI-Powered Learning

The app incorporates advanced AI technology to personalize the learning experience. By adapting to each child’s learning pace and style, Creta Class ensures maximum engagement and effective learning outcomes.

3. Expert-Designed Content

Content in this app is wisely developed by early education specialists from top universities worldwide. This ensures that the material is not only educational but also engaging and age-appropriate.

4. Progressive Learning Pathways

Creta Class provides thoughtfully designed learning pathways that progress with the child’s development. This structure helps build a solid foundation in math and ensures steady and comprehensive growth.

5. Development Of Key Competencies

The app focuses on cultivating essential competencies such as logical reasoning, spatial awareness, arithmetic skills, problem-solving, data analysis, confidence, and critical thinking. These skills are important for lifelong learning and development.

6. Bite-Sized Learning

Creta Class promotes a manageable 15 minutes of daily learning. This approach ensures that children remain engaged without feeling overwhelmed and leads to consistent and effective learning habits.

7. Safe And Child-Friendly Environment

The app is designed to be 100% safe for children. It features ad-free content and parental controls. This ensures a secure and focused learning environment for young learners.

8. Story-Based Learning

By incorporating engaging stories with animated characters, Creta Class captures children’s attention and teaches math concepts in an immersive and enjoyable way. This narrative approach makes learning more relatable and fun compared to traditional methods.

9. Encouragement Of Independent Thinking

Creta Class goes beyond simple rote memorization. The app’s interactive exercises are designed to encourage problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. This approach can shape children’s minds to think independently and creatively.

10. Mentor System

There is a unique mentor system within the app. This feature provides personalized guidance, and it significantly enhances the learning experience by offering customized support and encouragement to each child.

How To Develop An E-Learning Math App Like Creta Class?

Steps to develop a Creta Class App

As an app development company with expertise in creating educational technology solutions, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities involved in developing an educational app like Creta Class. Here is a comprehensive section to help you understand the process, key considerations, and technical steps involved in bringing such a project to life.

1. Market Research And Analysis

To build a successful educational app, it’s crucial to conduct thorough market research. We analyze current trends, user preferences, and gaps in the market. By studying competitors like Creta Class, we identify their strengths and weaknesses. This helps us pinpoint unique selling points for your app.

Key questions to address at this stage:

  1. What features do successful educational apps have?
  2. What are the unmet needs of the target audience?
  3. How can we differentiate your app from existing solutions?

2. Define App Objectives And Requirements

We work with you to clearly outline the objectives of your app. This involves defining the target audience, key features, functionalities, and educational outcomes. For example, Creta Class focuses on math learning for children aged 3-8, and it offers personalized and engaging content.

Detailed requirement gathering includes data regarding:

  1. Target age group and learning outcomes
  2. Key features (e.g., AI-powered personalization, interactive exercises)
  3. Platform (iOS, Android, or both)

3. Create A Detailed Project Plan

A detailed project plan is essential for successful app development. We create a roadmap that includes timelines, milestones, and resource allocation. This plan covers all phases of development – from initial concept to final launch and post-launch activities.

Components of the project plan include:

  1. Development sprints and milestones
  2. Resource allocation (designers, developers, content creators)
  3. Testing and quality assurance phases

4. Assemble A Skilled Development Team

We assemble a team of professionals, including project managers, UX/UI designers, frontend and back-end developers, AI specialists, content creators, and QA testers. It is always important to ensure that the team has experience in educational app development for a high-quality product at the end. 

Team Roles:

  1. Project Manager: Oversees the project timeline and ensures milestones are met.
  2. UX/UI Designers: Create intuitive and engaging interfaces.
  3. Developers: Code the app’s frontend and backend.
  4. AI Specialists: Implement personalized learning features.
  5. Content Creators: Develop educational materials and interactive exercises.
  6. QA Testers: Ensure the app is bug-free and performs well.

5. Choose The Right Technology Stack

Selecting a suitable technology stack is important for the app’s performance and scalability. For cross-platform development, we often use technologies like React Native or Flutter. For the backend, we prefer scalable options like Node.js, Django, or Ruby on Rails. We also utilize AI tools and frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch to enable personalized learning features.

6. Design The User Experience (UX) And User Interface (UI)

Creating an intuitive and engaging user interface is important. We design wireframes and prototypes to visualize the app’s layout and user flow. The UI is designed to be age-appropriate, visually appealing, and easy to navigate, ensuring it meets the needs and preferences of young learners.

Design considerations for an app like Creta Class:

  1. Age-appropriate themes and graphics
  2. Easy navigation and accessibility
  3. Engaging animations and interactive elements

7. Develop Educational Content

High-quality content is the base of an educational app. We collaborate with educational experts to create lessons, videos, interactive exercises, and assessments. The content is aligned with educational standards and designed to engage young learners. There are some content types that we prefer to incorporate, such as:

  1. Animated videos and tutorials
  2. Interactive exercises and quizzes
  3. Progress assessments and feedback

8. Implement AI And Machine Learning Features

AI-powered features are important for personalized learning experiences. We develop algorithms that adapt to each child’s learning pace and style. AI is used to provide real-time feedback and recommendations, and in the end, it improves learning outcomes. Here are some AI features that we mostly prefer for our educational apps:

  1. Adaptive learning paths
  2. Real-time feedback and assessments
  3. Personalized content recommendations

9. Develop The App’s Core Features

Our developers start coding the core features of the app. This includes user registration, lesson modules, interactive exercises, progress tracking, and parental controls. Furthermore, we also put emphasis on the security and data privacy that are important in this phase.

Core features of an educational app include:

  1. User Profiles and Registration
  2. Lesson and Activity Modules
  3. Progress Tracking and Reporting
  4. Parental Controls and Settings
  5. Gamification Elements
  6. Offline Access
  7. Multi-Language Support
  8. Notifications and Reminders

10. Integrate Analytics And Reporting

We implement analytics tools to track user engagement, progress, and performance. These analytics tools can provide a detailed report to parents and educators to monitor each child’s development. This data is also used to improve the app continuously. Apart from this, the analytics tools also help in identifying the following:

  1. User engagement metrics
  2. Learning progress tracking
  3. Performance reports and feedback

11. Test, Launch, And Market the App

Before launching, the app undergoes extensive testing to ensure it is bug-free and functions smoothly. We conduct unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. Moreover, at this stage, you can also conduct beta testing with a group of users to help gather feedback for final adjustments.

Once development and testing are complete, we launch the app on various app stores. We follow app store guidelines and optimize the app listing for better visibility. Here, a strategic marketing plan is executed to reach your target audience effectively. At this stage, our marketing expert suggests the given marketing strategies:

  1. Social media campaigns
  2. Influencer partnerships
  3. Educational community outreach

12. Monitor, Improve, And Scale

After launch, we monitor the app’s performance and user feedback. Using analytics, we track key metrics and identify areas for improvement. Simultaneously with this, we make regular updates to fix bugs, add new features, and enhance user experience.

As the user base grows, we ensure the app’s infrastructure can handle increased traffic and data. Planning for scalability in both functionality and backend infrastructure is important for long-term success.

Post-launch support includes:

  1. Regular updates and maintenance
  2. User support and feedback channels
  3. Ongoing marketing and engagement strategies

Tech Stack For App Like Creta Class

Frontend DevelopmentReact Native, Redux, JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML5/CSS3
Backend DevelopmentNode.js, Express.js, Python/Django, Java/Spring Boot
DatabaseMongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase
AI and Machine LearningTensorFlow/PyTorch, scikit-learn, AWS SageMaker
Cloud and HostingAmazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure
APIs and IntegrationsGraphQL, RESTful APIs, Twilio
Authentication and SecurityOAuth 2.0, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), SSL/TLS
Payment GatewayStripe, PayPal
DevOps and CI/CDDocker, Kubernetes, Jenkins/CircleCI
Analytics and MonitoringGoogle Analytics, Mixpanel, New Relic
Notification ServicesFirebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), OneSignal
Version ControlGit, GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket

Monetization Strategy For An E-Learning App

Monetizing an e-learning app involves several strategic approaches that can help generate revenue while providing value to users. Here are some effective monetization strategies:

  1. Offer basic content for free while charging for advanced features, exclusive courses, or premium content, attracting a broad user base and converting them into paying customers over time.
  2. Implement monthly or annual subscription plans that provide unlimited access to all courses and materials, with different tiers offering varying levels of access and additional benefits for higher-tier subscribers.
  3. Allow users to buy individual courses, lessons, or learning resources within the app, catering to those who prefer to pay only for the content they need.
  4. Display relevant and non-intrusive ads within the app, particularly through partnerships with educational brands or tools that offer additional value to users.
  5. Charge users a fee for obtaining certificates upon completing courses while enhancing their credentials and providing a significant revenue stream.
  6. Partner with businesses to provide personalized training modules for their employees, as companies are often willing to pay a premium for customized training solutions that improve their workforce’s skills.
  7. Promote educational tools, books, or other resources through affiliate marketing, earning a commission on each sale made through your app.

What Is The Cost Of Developing An E-Learning Math App Like Creta Class?

The cost of developing an e-learning math app like Creta Class can vary widely based on several factors. Here are some factors and estimated costs:

  1. The cost typically ranges from $50,000 to $300,000, depending on features, platforms, and development team location.
  2. Core features like interactive lessons, animated videos, and adaptive learning paths require significant investment.
  3. AI integration for personalized learning, user progress tracking, and real-time feedback adds complexity and cost.
  4. Developing a comprehensive curriculum with high-quality content from educational experts increases expenses.
  5. The tech stack, including React Native, Node.js, and TensorFlow, impacts the overall budget.
  6. UI/UX design is crucial for an engaging and intuitive user experience. The more complexity you want, the more time it will take, and that will impact the cost.
  7. Ongoing maintenance and updates are required to keep the app current and functional, which can also be costly.
  8. Hiring a development team from regions with lower labor costs, such as Eastern Europe or Asia, can help reduce expenses.


Developing an app like Kahoot, Boddle or Creta Class offers incredible opportunities for businesses. By providing a structured and engaging learning pathway, such apps can promote essential math skills and address common challenges like math phobia. The combination of high-quality content, real-time progress tracking, and AI-powered personalized learning ensures an impactful user experience. Additionally, the rising demand for digital learning tools in the expanding EdTech market makes this a lucrative investment for businesses like yours. So, by focusing on creating a user-friendly, secure, and educationally sound app, you can significantly contribute to early childhood education while achieving substantial growth and success.

Develop Your Creta Class-like e-Learning App With Idea Usher.

Creta Class demonstrates the power of engaging math apps for young learners. We at Idea Usher can translate that success into your own educational venture. Our expertise lies in developing captivating e-learning experiences that utilize cutting-edge features to grab a child’s attention. We’ll build a unique curriculum with a story-based approach and AI-powered personalization to ensure each child thrives at their own pace. So, partner with us today to dominate the booming educational app market. Let’s develop a high-quality app that ignites a passion for learning, delivers a strong ROI, and positions your brand at the forefront of the digital education revolution.

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What age is Creta class for?

Creta Class is designed for children aged 3 to 8 years old. It offers a personalized math learning experience that caters to the developmental needs of young learners.

What is the Creta class?

Creta Class is a math learning app that provides a comprehensive, interactive curriculum through animated videos, quizzes, and personalized lessons to make learning engaging and effective for young children.

What are the benefits of the Creta class?

Creta Class enhances early math skills, alleviates math phobia, and promotes key competencies like logical reasoning and problem-solving. The app also offers real-time progress tracking and personalized learning experiences, making math both fun and accessible.

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