“MILLENIALS”……the puzzle every marketer tries to solve yet so few succeed. What makes these “YOUNGSTERS” so difficult to understand? Are they different than the rest of the generations? Well, the answer to that is “No,
Building a winning blockchain project starts at the grassroots level. Despite attracting additional thought attention in 2018, the crypto world continues to be a closely-knit community of developers, small-scale investors, and supporters that tend to
The Scratch Marketers have two targets to reach their goals: making their brands distinctive and making them pioneers in their category. Once you have decided how to strategically position your brand, everything else will be
When the whole planet seems to be buzzing around the Bitcoin bubble, there’s a not so new entrant waiting in line to gain the traction of the masses and leave them spell-bounded once again. Still
While the cryptocurrency craze seems to be settling down, the fundamental blockchain technology is expanding enormously, griping its way in IoT. Blockchain technology goes far beyond just financial transactions. The secure transaction management offered by
You must have seen e-mails or must have heard it on news channels about the new General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR). But if you haven’t then it’s not your fault, GDPR is not exactly a hot
First let me ask you, whether a decision is made based on rational and practical bases? If you said Yes, then the answer is wrong. When a human takes a decision he mostly takes help
We have not reached at peak of species pyramid because of our muscles. And if you compare us in terms of muscle, we are easily at the very bottom in that regard. But we still
In the early stages, AR was limited to hardware like HUD and innovative handheld devices. Because augmentation techniques are typically performed in real-time and in semantic context with environmental elements. They need hardware components like