How to Make a Short Video App

Short video apps have taken the world by storm, providing a platform for users to express themselves creatively and engage with others through bite-sized videos. If you’re considering entering the exciting world of app development and want to create your own short video app, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key steps and considerations for developing a successful short video app that captures the essence of today’s digital landscape.

In recent years, short video apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels have become a cultural phenomenon, allowing users to share their creativity, humor, and talents in brief video snippets. These apps cater to a wide audience, offering a space for both entertainment and self-expression.

Credits – technavio

in a recent study, it was found that the online video platform market has emerged as a dynamic force, poised for remarkable growth between 2022 and 2027. A projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.26% paints a vivid picture of its potential, with an estimated increase of USD 1,198.96 million. This surge is fueled by a confluence of factors, including the proliferation of streaming services, the insatiable appetite for mobile video consumption, and the surge in user-generated content.

Why The Use Of Short Video Apps Has Skyrocketed

Short video apps have become a pivotal and dynamic component of the social media landscape, significantly shaping how users engage with content and how marketers promote their brands. These apps, characterized by their brevity and visually appealing nature, offer a range of factors that contribute to increasing the usage of short video format apps.

Engagement and Attention

Short video apps capture users’ attention quickly and effectively. With the average human attention span decreasing, these platforms provide a perfect solution for consuming content in bite-sized portions. Users can quickly scroll through and engage with multiple videos in a short span of time, making it easier for brands to showcase their messages and capture audience interest.

Visual Storytelling

Short video apps excel at visual storytelling, allowing brands to convey their narratives, messages, and emotions in a concise yet impactful manner. Through creative editing, filters, and effects, brands can evoke emotions, establish brand identity, and forge connections with their target audience.

User-Generated Content

These platforms thrive on user-generated content, empowering individuals to become content creators. This not only fosters a sense of community but also enables brands to leverage user-generated content for marketing purposes. Brands can encourage users to create content related to their products or services, effectively turning customers into brand advocates.

Viral Potential

The format of short videos is conducive to virality. Engaging, entertaining, or relatable content has the potential to spread rapidly across these platforms, reaching a vast audience in a short period. This viral nature can significantly enhance brand exposure and recognition

Influencer Collaboration

Short video apps have given rise to a new breed of influencers who specialize in creating captivating content within the constraints of a short format. Partnering with these influencers can provide brands with an effective way to reach their target audience authentically and boost brand credibility.

Diverse Content

From educational content to entertainment, short video apps accommodate a wide range of content types. Brands can experiment with various formats, such as tutorials, behind-the-scenes glimpses, challenges, and more, keeping their audience engaged and interested


Short video apps are inherently designed for mobile consumption, aligning with the way users interact with social media on their smartphones. This mobile-centric approach ensures that brands can effectively target users on the devices they use most frequently.

Global Reach

With the potential for content to transcend language barriers, short video apps offer a unique opportunity for brands to reach a global audience. The visual nature of the content allows for cross-cultural appeal, enabling brands to expand their reach beyond their local markets.

Data Analytics

Short video apps provide insights into user engagement, allowing brands to analyze metrics such as views, likes, shares, and comments. This data-driven approach enables marketers to refine their strategies, optimize content, and tailor their messages to resonate with their audience.

Adaptation and Innovation

The fast-paced nature of short video apps encourages continuous adaptation and innovation. Brands need to stay creative and relevant to stand out in users’ feeds, driving a culture of constant improvement in content creation and marketing strategies.

Key Features To Consider For Short Video App Platform

here are some key features –

Video Editing Tools

One of the cornerstones of short video app development is the inclusion of robust video editing tools. These tools empower users to add filters, effects, and music, and make necessary adjustments to create professional-looking videos effortlessly.

Social Media Integration

Seamless integration with various social media platforms allows users to easily share their videos with a broader audience. This feature enhances visibility and encourages user-generated content to go viral.

User-Friendly Interface

Short video apps are designed with user-friendliness in mind, ensuring that individuals of all tech-savviness levels can navigate and create content without complications.

Trending Challenges

Trending challenges foster creativity and community engagement. Users participate in popular challenges, showcasing their skills and connecting with like-minded individuals.

In-App Camera

An integrated in-app camera streamlines the video creation process. Users can record, edit, and enhance videos all within the app, without the need for external tools.

Monetization Options

Monetization features, such as advertising, sponsorships, and merchandise sales, offer creators the opportunity to earn from their content, making short video apps a versatile platform for aspiring influencers.

How to Develop a Short Video Creating Application

Developing a short video app can be a lucrative business opportunity, but it also involves many technical and business challenges. let’s discuss some of the key steps and considerations for building a short video app from scratch.

Step 1: Define your app idea and target audience

The first step in developing a short video app is to define your app idea and target audience. You need to have a clear vision of what kind of app you want to create, what features you want to offer, what problems you want to solve, and who your potential users are. You should also research the existing market and competitors, and identify your unique value proposition and competitive advantage.

Some questions you can ask yourself are:

  • What is the main purpose of your app? Is it for entertainment, education, social networking, or something else?
  • What kind of videos do you want your users to create and watch? Are they lip-syncing, dancing, comedy, gaming, or something else?
  • What are the main features and functionalities of your app? Do you want to offer video recording, editing, filters, effects, music, stickers, captions, hashtags, comments, likes, shares, followers, etc.?
  • Who are your target users? What are their demographics, preferences, behaviors, and pain points?
  • How will you monetize your app? Will you use ads, subscriptions, in-app purchases, or something else?
  • How will you differentiate your app from the existing competitors? What are the gaps and opportunities in the market that you can fill?

Step 2: Choose the right technology stack and tools

The next step in developing a short video app is to choose the right technology stack and tools for your app. You need to decide what platforms you want to support (iOS, Android, web), what programming languages and frameworks you want to use (Swift, Kotlin, React Native, etc.), what backend services and databases you want to use (Firebase, AWS, MongoDB, etc.), what third-party APIs and SDKs you want to integrate

(video encoding/decoding, face detection/recognition/filtering/effects/music/stickers/captions/hashtags/comments/likes/shares/followers/etc.), and what testing and deployment tools you want to use (Xcode/Android Studio/Visual Studio Code/Expo/Cordova/etc.).

Some of the factors you need to consider when choosing the right technology stack and tools are:

  • The performance and quality of your app. You want your app to be fast, smooth, reliable, secure, scalable, and user-friendly.
  • The development time and cost of your app. You want your app to be delivered on time and within budget.
  • The availability and expertise of your developers. You want your developers to have the relevant skills and experience in using the chosen technologies and tools.
  • The compatibility and maintainability of your app. You want your app to work well across different devices and platforms, and be easy to update and fix.

Step 3: Design the user interface

and user experience of your app The third step in developing a short video app is to design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of your app. You need to create a wireframe or prototype of your app that shows how it will look and how it will work. You need to consider the layout, navigation, color scheme, fonts, icons, buttons, and other visual elements of your app. You also need to consider the user flow, interaction, feedback, and animation of your app.

Some of the best practices for designing the UI/UX of your app are:

  • Follow the design guidelines and standards of the chosen platforms (iOS Human Interface Guidelines/Android Material Design).
  • Use simple, clear, and consistent design elements that match your brand identity.
  • Optimize the screen space, minimize the user input, and provide intuitive gestures for video recording, editing, and playback.
  • Provide multiple options for video creation, such as camera roll, gallery, templates, or live streaming.
  • Offer various video editing features, such as filters, effects, music, stickers, captions, hashtags, etc., that are easy to access and apply.
  • Enable social sharing features, such as comments, likes, shares, followers, etc., that encourage user engagement and retention.
  • Test your design with real users and collect feedback for improvement.

Step 4: Develop the front-end

and back-end of your app The fourth step in developing a short video app is to develop the front-end and back-end of your app. You need to code the functionality and logic of your app using the chosen programming languages and frameworks. You also need to connect your app to the backend services and databases using the chosen APIs and SDKs. You need to ensure that your app can handle the video encoding/decoding, face detection/recognition/filtering/effects/music/stickers/captions/hashtags/comments/likes/shares/followers/etc., as well as the user authentication, authorization, data storage, data retrieval, data synchronization, data security, data analytics, etc.

Some of the challenges and solutions for developing the front-end and back-end of your app are:

  • Video encoding/decoding: Video encoding compresses large, raw video and audio files so that they use less network bandwidth. With further decoding, videos can be transmitted across constrained networks and displayed in the appropriate format in your app, platform, and device. Mobile video editing app development requires fundamental knowledge of both. This expertise is rare due to its narrow industry focus and subject complexity. The challenge to find it gets compounded by a diversity of video formats, platform differences, and the ever-increasing mobile device market. A possible solution is to use third-party video encoding/decoding APIs or SDKs that can handle the complexity and diversity of video formats and platforms for you.
  • Face detection/recognition/filtering/effects: Face detection/recognition/filtering/effects are some of the most popular features in short video apps that allow users to apply various transformations to their faces or swap faces with others. These features require advanced computer vision and machine learning algorithms that can accurately detect and recognize faces in real time, even in challenging conditions such as low light, occlusion, or motion. The challenge is to implement these algorithms efficiently and effectively on mobile devices without compromising the performance and quality of the app. A possible solution is to use third-party face detection/recognition/filtering/effects APIs or SDKs that can provide fast and accurate face-processing capabilities for your app.
  • Music/stickers/captions/hashtags: Music/stickers/captions/hashtags are some of the most common features in short video apps that allow users to add more fun and creativity to their videos. These features require a large and diverse library of content that can suit different user preferences and needs. The challenge is to source, manage, and update this content regularly without violating any intellectual property rights or legal regulations. A possible solution is to use third-party music/stickers/captions/hashtags APIs or SDKs that can provide you with a rich and legal collection of content for your app.
  • Comments/likes/shares/followers: Comments/likes/shares/followers are some of the most essential features in short video apps that allow users to interact with each other and build a community around their videos. These features require a robust and scalable backend infrastructure that can handle a large amount of user-generated data and traffic without compromising the speed and reliability of the app. The challenge is to design and implement a backend architecture that can support the growth and demand of your app. A possible solution is to use cloud-based backend services and databases that can provide you with high-performance, high-availability, and high-security solutions for your app.

Step 5: Test, launch, and market your app

The final step in developing a short video app is to test, launch, and market your app. You need to test your app thoroughly for any bugs, errors, crashes, or vulnerabilities before releasing it to the public. You also need to launch your app on the appropriate app stores (Google Play Store/App Store) and follow their guidelines and policies for submission and approval. You also need to market your app effectively to reach your target audience and attract more users.

Some of the tips for testing, launching, and marketing your app are:

  • Test your app on different devices, platforms, networks, and scenarios using various testing tools (Xcode/Android Studio/Visual Studio Code/Expo/Cordova/etc.) or testing services (Firebase Test Lab/AWS Device Farm/BrowserStack/etc.). Use analytics tools (Firebase Analytics/Google Analytics/Mixpanel/etc.) to track and measure your app performance and user behavior.
  • Launch your app with a minimum viable product (MVP) that has the core features and functionalities of your app. Collect user feedback and reviews and iterate on your app based on user needs and expectations.
  • Market your app using various channels and strategies, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, app store optimization (ASO), search engine optimization (SEO), paid ads, etc. Use marketing tools (Mailchimp/HubSpot/Hootsuite/etc.) to manage and optimize your marketing campaigns.

The Top 5 Short Video App Platforms In 2023

Here some the top most used apps for short video consumption globally –

YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts has gained tremendous popularity as a platform for watching and creating short videos in the USA. With a staggering 77.9% of US social video viewers utilizing it, YouTube Shorts offers a seamless integration of short-form content within the well-established YouTube ecosystem. Users can easily discover and engage with a wide range of short videos, from entertaining skits to quick tutorials, making it a go-to platform for both creators and viewers alike.

Instagram Reels

As the second most popular platform for short video consumption in the US, Instagram Reels holds a strong presence with 60.8% of US social video viewers using it. Leveraging the already vast user base of Instagram, Reels allows users to express their creativity through short, snappy videos. The platform’s user-friendly interface, coupled with its integration into the Instagram app, makes it a favorite among those looking to explore quick, visually engaging content.


TikTok, a global sensation, takes the third spot in the US short video app hierarchy, with 53.9% of US social video viewers engaging with it. Renowned for its algorithm-driven content discovery, TikTok has revolutionized the way users consume short videos. Its user-generated content spans a multitude of genres, from dance challenges to comedy sketches, catering to a diverse audience. With its engaging and addictive nature, TikTok continues to be a staple for trendsetting and viral content.


Snapchat remains a significant player in the short video app landscape, capturing the attention of 41.6% of US social video viewers. While initially recognized for its ephemeral messaging features, Snapchat has successfully transitioned into a platform for short video consumption. The Stories feature, where users share bite-sized videos that disappear after 24 hours, has been a pivotal aspect of Snapchat’s popularity among younger audiences, fostering a sense of real-time, authentic connection.

Facebook Watch

Securing the fifth position, Facebook Watch garners the interest of 38.7% of US social video viewers. As part of the broader Facebook ecosystem, Watch provides a space for creators to share short video content with their network. While Facebook’s user base spans a wide age range, Watch has gained traction through a combination of user-generated videos, professionally produced content, and live-streaming events, making it a versatile platform for short-form entertainment.

From YouTube Shorts’ integration with the world’s largest video platform to TikTok’s algorithm-driven virality, these apps have transformed how people discover, engage with, and create short videos in the digital age.


Developing a short video app requires a blend of creativity, technical expertise, and user-centric design. By considering your target audience, user interface, engagement features, and data privacy, you can create an app that captivates users and contributes to the ever-evolving landscape of short video content.

if you’re looking for a reliable and efficient partner for your short video app development needs, look no further than Ideusher. Our team of experienced developers can help you bring your vision to life, delivering high-quality apps that meet your specific requirements. With our expertise in app development, we can help you create an app that stands out in the market and provides a seamless user experience. Contact us today to learn more about our app development services.

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1. What are the challenges to consider when developing a short video app?

Challenges to consider when developing a short video app, include video encoding and decoding expertise, region-specific nuances, and technical and business challenges.

2. What are the key features to consider when developing a short video app?

some key features to consider when developing a short video app include information exchange and login process, profile customization, administrator panel, message pop-ups, video editing, live streaming, social sharing, QR code scanner, and location-based content.

3. How much does it cost to develop a short video app?

The cost of developing a short video app can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the app, the features included, and the development team hired. It is best to consult with a professional app development team for an accurate cost estimate.

4. What is the technology stack for developing a short video app?

The technology stack for developing a short video app can vary depending on the specific requirements of the app. It is best to consult with a professional app development team for advice on the best technology stack for your app.

5. Should I hire an in-house development team or a remote team for developing a short video app?

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. An in-house development team can provide better communication and collaboration, while a remote team can offer cost savings and access to a larger pool of talent. It is important to carefully evaluate your specific needs and resources before making a decision.

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