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Developing an Investment App like Mintos – Cost and Features

Developing an Investment App like Mintos

Investing isn’t just for the rich anymore! Now, with just a smartphone, anyone can be an investor. Investment apps like Mintos have made it possible for regular people to grow their money. These apps offer easy access to financial markets, helping users to invest in stocks, bonds, and more from their mobile devices. They also provide tools for managing their portfolios, keeping track of their investments, and planning their finances. Plus, they offer educational resources and insights to help users make smart investment choices.

The investment app market is really taking off, with a lot of folks recognizing the potential of investing their money. It’s amazing to see the market’s growth, valued at a huge USD 100 Billion in 2023 and expected to reach USD 237.3 Billion by 2030, growing at an awesome rate of 25% each year. This growth presents an incredible opportunity for businesses in the fintech industry!

Due to these latest trends, we’re also noticing an increase in innovative investment apps entering the US market. That’s why, in this blog post, we’d like to help you grasp the process of creating an investment app like Mintos. Let’s jump in and get started!

Important Things to Know About the Mintos App

The Mintos app, launched in 2015, is an investment app that enables users to invest in a wide variety of financial instruments, with a focus on loans. It has gained significant popularity, surpassing 1 million downloads on the Google Play Store. Boasting a user rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars, Mintos is favored by investors looking for accessible and diversified investment opportunities. The app provides real-time market data to assist users in making well-informed decisions, and its user-friendly interface simplifies the investment process.

What Makes Mintos Unique?

Mintos has carved a niche in the investment landscape by offering a unique platform for peer-to-peer lending. Its focus on transparency, diversification, and accessibility has driven its growth.

  • Diverse Investment Opportunities: Mintos provides a wide range of investment options, including loans from various countries, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios.   
  • Secondary Market: The platform’s secondary market enables investors to buy and sell loans, offering liquidity and flexibility.   
  • Auto-Invest Feature: This automated investment tool simplifies the process for investors, allowing them to set preferences and let the platform manage their investments.
  • Risk Assessment Tools: Mintos offers various tools and information to help investors assess loan risk, empowering them to make informed decisions.   
  • Buyback Guarantee: While the buyback guarantee may not be offered for all loans, it serves as an additional level of protection for investors, offering increased security and peace of mind.

These features, combined with Mintos’ commitment to transparency and investor protection, have contributed to its popularity. The platform’s ability to democratize access to alternative investments has attracted a growing investor base.

Why People Invest in Mintos

  • Higher Returns: Mintos offers the potential for higher returns compared to traditional savings accounts.
  • Diversification: Investors can spread their risk across various loan types and geographies.
  • Auto-Invest Feature: Automated investing simplifies portfolio management.
  • Secondary Market: The ability to buy and sell loans provides liquidity.

The success of Mintos has demonstrated the growing appetite for alternative investment platforms. As investor interest in diversification and higher returns continues to rise, platforms like Mintos are well-positioned to capitalize on this trend.

Key Market Takeaways for Investment Apps

According to GrandViewResearch, with a staggering valuation of USD 37.27 billion in 2022 and an anticipated growth rate of 18.3% CAGR until 2030, the global stock trading and investing app market is experiencing unprecedented growth. This surge is attributed to several factors: the increasing accessibility of financial markets, advancements in technology, a shift in investor behavior towards digital platforms, and the expansion of investment options.

Key Market Takeaways for Investment Apps

Source: GrandViewResearch

The democratization of finance, driven by technology, has empowered individuals to take control of their investments. Mobile applications, coupled with high-speed internet, have transformed the way people interact with financial markets. This trend is set to continue as technology evolves, offering even more sophisticated investment tools and personalized experiences.

Recent partnerships between traditional financial institutions and fintech companies have accelerated the growth of investment apps. For example, Goldman Sachs’ partnership with Robinhood aimed to bridge the gap between traditional finance and the digital investment platform. Similarly, JPMorgan Chase’s collaboration with fintech startups has focused on enhancing its mobile banking and investment offerings. These strategic alliances highlight the increasing convergence of traditional finance and technology.

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Mintos, a prominent investment app, has garnered significant traction among investors. Several factors contribute to its success, with key features playing a pivotal role in attracting and retaining users.

1. Diversified Investment Opportunities

Mintos stands out for its wide array of investment opportunities. App users have a variety of options for loans, such as consumer, business, and real estate loans, offered by different loan originators. With tools like “Loan Originator Ratings” and “Loan Portfolio Diversifier,” investors have the power to build diversified portfolios, reducing risks and possibly increasing their returns.

2. User-Friendly Platform and Intuitive Interface

Mintos prioritizes user experience, providing an intuitive and user-friendly platform. The app’s design, incorporating features like “Auto Invest” and “Investment Overview, facilitates seamless navigation, allowing investors to effortlessly manage their portfolios, track investments, and explore new opportunities. A streamlined user interface is crucial for the success of any digital platform, and Mintos excels in this area.

3. Competitive Returns

Mintos offers investors the potential for competitive returns. By investing in loans, users have the opportunity to earn interest income. Features like “Expected Annual Return” and “Investment Calculator” help investors assess potential returns. While past performance does not guarantee future results, the platform’s historical performance has attracted investors seeking higher yields compared to traditional investment options.

4. Secondary Market for Investments

Mintos differentiates itself by offering a secondary market where investors can sell their existing investments. This feature, often referred to as the “Secondary Market, provides liquidity and flexibility, allowing investors to manage their portfolios effectively.

5. Transparent Information and Risk Assessment Tools

Mintos emphasizes transparency by providing detailed information about loan originators and individual loans. Features like “Loan Details” and “Risk Ratings” offer investors the tools to make informed decisions. By empowering investors with knowledge, Mintos fosters trust and confidence, encouraging long-term engagement.

Interesting Features That Can Enhance Investment Apps like Mintos

Investment apps have transformed the way people manage their finances. To stay competitive, these apps must continuously evolve. Here are some innovative features that can elevate investment apps to new heights.

1. AI-Driven Investment Recommendations

Integrating artificial intelligence can significantly enhance the investment experience. By analyzing user behavior, market trends, and risk tolerance, AI algorithms can provide personalized investment recommendations. This feature can assist investors in making informed decisions and reaching their financial goals more efficiently..

2. Social Investing Features

Introducing social elements can transform investment platforms into vibrant communities. Users can connect with other investors, share investment ideas, and follow experts. This fosters a collaborative environment, encouraging knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning.

3. Fractional Investing

Enabling fractional investing allows users to invest in high-priced assets, such as stocks or real estate, with smaller amounts of money. This feature democratizes access to a wider range of investment opportunities and can attract a larger investor base.

4. Gamification for Engagement

Incorporating game-like elements can make investing more engaging and fun. By introducing challenges, rewards, and leaderboards, companies can increase user retention and encourage active participation.

5. Enhanced Portfolio Analysis

Providing comprehensive portfolio analysis tools is crucial for investors. By offering detailed insights into asset allocation, risk exposure, and performance metrics, platforms can empower users to make data-driven decisions.

6. Robo-Advisor Integration

Integrating robo-advisor capabilities can cater to investors seeking automated investment solutions. By offering algorithm-based investment strategies, companies can attract a broader range of investors with different levels of investment knowledge.

7. Seamless Integration with Other Financial Tools

Connecting the investment app with other financial tools, such as budgeting apps and banking platforms, can create a unified financial management experience. This integration simplifies financial planning and helps users track their overall financial health.

How to Develop an Investment App like Mintos?

Developing a robust investment app like Mintos requires a structured approach that encompasses various stages. Here are some important developmental steps:

1. Market Research and Competitive Analysis

Creating a great app starts with getting to know your audience and what’s out there. It’s important to look at what people like and what other apps are doing. Understanding what’s popular and what people want helps you find your own unique spot in the market. By doing this, you can make sure your app is exactly what users are looking for, and different from the rest.

2. Business Model Development

Developing a comprehensive business model is a critical step in defining how the app will generate revenue and deliver value to users. This involves outlining revenue streams, such as transaction fees, subscription models, or advertising. It is also important to determine the investment focus, whether it be peer-to-peer lending, bonds, equities, or other asset classes. A well-structured business model provides a roadmap for the app’s financial viability and long-term success.

3. Platform Architecture Design

When you’re designing the platform architecture, you’re basically creating a technical blueprint for the app. This includes making the app look good, deciding how to structure the database, and keeping everything secure. It’s important to make sure the app can grow with the number of users and transactions. Security should be a top priority to keep user data safe and to build trust. And it’s also important to make sure the design can change and adapt to new technology and future growth.

4. Loan Origination and Underwriting

For investment apps that focus on lending, developing a robust loan origination process is essential. This includes implementing credit scoring systems, risk assessment tools, and efficient documentation procedures. Underwriting is a critical component that helps minimize default rates and ensures that loans are granted to creditworthy borrowers.

5. Investment Marketplace Creation

Creating an intuitive and user-friendly investment marketplace is key to attracting and retaining investors. The marketplace should allow users to browse and select investment opportunities easily, with features that support portfolio diversification and risk management. Providing investors with tools to assess potential returns and risks enhances their decision-making process and encourages active engagement with the platform.

6. Security and Compliance

In the financial technology sector, security and compliance are extremely important. Businesses need to focus on data security by using strong measures like encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. It’s also crucial to follow relevant financial regulations and compliance standards, such as KYC and AML.

7. Mobile App Development

Developing a native mobile app for iOS and Android platforms is essential for providing users with convenient access to the investment platform. The mobile app should offer a seamless user experience, with intuitive navigation and integration with the main platform. Features such as real-time notifications, personalized dashboards, and secure login mechanisms enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

8. Risk Management and Monitoring

Establishing a robust risk management framework is vital to protect investor funds and ensure the app’s sustainability. This includes implementing real-time monitoring of loan performance, market trends, and potential risks. With the power of data analytics and machine learning, companies can spot potential risks early and adapt their game plan. Staying ahead of potential problems not only keeps investors happy but also sets the stage for long-term success.

Cost of Developing an Investment App like Mintos

Development PhaseDetailsCost Range
Market Research and Business Analysis$1,000 – $5,000
Understanding the target market, competitor analysis, defining value propositions, and setting business goals.
UI/UX Design$2,000 – $10,000
Creating user-friendly interfaces, intuitive user flows, and a consistent visual identity.
App Development$5,000 – $50,000
Frontend Development: Building the user interface and experience.$2,000 – $15,000
Backend Development: Developing core functionalities like user management, investment offerings, payment processing, and data management.$3,000 – $25,000
Mobile App Development: Developing native apps for iOS and Android.$5,000 – $10,000
App Features$1,000 – $10,000
Core Features: User registration, login, investment browsing, portfolio management, payment processing, and customer support.
Advanced Features: AI-driven recommendations, risk assessment, secondary market, fractional investments, and social investing.
Testing and Quality Assurance$1,000 – $5,000
Rigorous testing to ensure app performance, security, and usability.
Deployment and Launch$500 – $5,000
App store deployment and marketing campaigns.
Total Cost$10,000 – $100,000

While the development of financial apps shares certain similarities with other app development projects, specific factors inherent to the financial industry significantly influence the overall cost.

1. Regulatory Compliance

The financial sector is heavily regulated, requiring strict adherence to compliance standards. Investment apps must comply with anti-money laundering (AML), know-your-customer (KYC), and other financial regulations. Meeting these requirements involves substantial legal and technical expertise, increasing development time and costs.

2. Security and Data Protection

Protecting user funds and sensitive financial information is paramount for investment apps. Implementing robust security measures, such as encryption, fraud prevention, and data privacy controls, is crucial. These security measures demand specialized skills and resources, contributing to higher development costs.

3. Financial Calculations and Algorithms

Investment apps involve complex financial calculations, including interest rates, returns, and risk assessments. Developing accurate and efficient algorithms for these calculations requires skilled developers and rigorous testing, increasing development time and associated costs.

4. Market Data Integration

Real-time market data is essential for providing accurate investment information. Integrating reliable market data feeds from various providers involves additional costs and technical challenges. The quality and frequency of data updates also impact development efforts and overall expenses.

Essential Tech Stacks to Develop an Investment App like Mintos

Developing a sophisticated investment app like Mintos requires a robust technology stack to support its functionalities. Here are some key tech stacks:

1. Frontend Development

Technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are foundational for building this interface, offering the basic structure and styling needed to render the app visually appealing. For developing complex and dynamic user interfaces, modern JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular are highly recommended. These frameworks provide robust tools for handling interactive elements and ensuring responsive design, enabling users to navigate through financial data efficiently.

2. Backend Development

Backend development is crucial for managing the server-side logic and ensuring the smooth operation of APIs that connect various app components. Node.js, Python, and Ruby on Rails are popular choices for backend development, each offering unique strengths in terms of speed and flexibility. Developers can use Django or Flask alongside Ruby on Rails to build robust web frameworks. These frameworks facilitate the creation of scalable applications by streamlining the development of APIs and handling database interactions effectively.

3. Real-time Data Feed Integration

Real-time data integration is essential for providing users with the latest financial information, such as market data, asset prices, and news feeds. Utilizing financial data APIs like Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, and Alpha Vantage allows the app to fetch this data efficiently. Data streaming technologies like Kafka and Apache Spark are employed to handle high-volume, real-time data. These tools ensure that users receive up-to-date information promptly, enhancing their decision-making process.

4. Investment Portfolio Management

Effective investment portfolio management requires advanced tools and libraries that support the construction and optimization of diversified portfolios. Libraries such as PyPortfolioOpt and Riskfolio-Lib provide comprehensive tools for this purpose. Performance analytics tools like NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy are also essential for calculating key performance indicators (KPIs) and risk metrics, enabling users to assess the performance of their investments accurately.

5. Fraud Detection and Prevention

Ensuring the safety of our investments is really important, so we always keep an eye out for any potential fraud and take steps to prevent it. Machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch are used to develop models that identify fraudulent activities. These models leverage anomaly detection tools like Scikit-learn to detect unusual patterns in user behavior, safeguarding the platform against potential threats and maintaining user trust.

6. Risk Assessment and Modeling

To understand investment risks and create detailed risk profiles, developers use statistical modeling libraries like Statsmodels and R. They also employ Monte Carlo simulation tools to simulate different market scenarios and understand how they could impact investments. This helps users gain valuable insights into potential risks and opportunities, allowing businesses to offer a thorough risk assessment that helps people make informed investment decisions.

7. High-Performance Computing

High-performance computing is necessary to handle complex calculations and simulations efficiently. Parallel processing frameworks like Apache Spark and Dask are utilized to process large volumes of data swiftly. GPU acceleration libraries such as CUDA and TensorFlow GPU are also implemented to accelerate data processing and model training, ensuring that the app can handle the computational demands of sophisticated investment strategies.

Latest Technologies That Can Enhance an Investment App like Mintos

Investment apps have transformed the way individuals approach wealth management. To maintain a competitive edge, apps like Mintos must continuously explore technological advancements. Here are three technologies that can significantly enhance investment apps:

1. Graph Databases

Graph databases can be instrumental in analyzing complex relationships between data points within the financial ecosystem. By representing data as interconnected nodes, these databases can identify patterns, correlations, and anomalies that traditional relational databases might overlook.

For instance, platforms like Acorns and Wealthfront could leverage graph databases to analyze investor behavior and preferences in greater depth, leading to more personalized investment recommendations.

2. Tokenization

Tokenization involves converting assets into digital tokens on a blockchain. For investment apps like Mintos, tokenizing assets like loans or real estate could offer several advantages. It can increase liquidity, fractional ownership, and transparency. By breaking down investments into smaller, tradable units, tokenization can democratize access to investment opportunities.

Companies like BlockFi and Coinbase have successfully implemented tokenization for various assets, and investment platforms can follow suit by offering tokenized investment products.

3. Sentiment Analysis

While sentiment analysis is a broader technology, its application to financial data can be highly specific. By analyzing news articles, social media posts, and investor forums, investment apps can gauge market sentiment toward specific assets or industries. This information can be used to generate investment alerts, identify potential trading opportunities, and assess risk.

Platforms like Bloomberg Terminal and TradingView already utilize sentiment analysis to provide insights to their users. Investment apps can integrate similar functionalities to offer more value-added services.

How Investment Apps like Mintos Generate Revenue?

Investment apps have become a popular tool for individuals and businesses alike, offering accessible and efficient ways to manage investments. These platforms generate revenue through a variety of channels, each tailored to the specific services they provide. 

1. Management Fees

One of the primary revenue streams for investment apps is management fees. These are charged on the total amount invested by users. For instance, Mintos applies a management fee of 0.19% per annum on amounts invested in its Mintos Smart Cash (money market fund). This type of fee provides a steady income stream for the platform, incentivizing the company to grow the assets under management.

2. Currency Exchange Fees

Investment apps often provide currency exchange services, especially those operating in international markets. Mintos charges a fee based on mid-market rates provided by XE, with a markup starting from 0.50%, depending on the currency pair. This enables the company to create more income by helping people invest internationally and providing great rates to its users.

3. Secondary Market Fees

Investment platforms like Mintos offer a secondary market where users have the opportunity to trade their investments. Mintos applies a 0.85% fee for manually selling investments on this secondary market. This fee serves as a source of revenue for the platform and also contributes to enhancing liquidity. The presence of this fee makes the platform more appealing to investors who value flexibility in their investment choices.

4. Inactivity Fees

To maintain active user engagement, some investment apps impose inactivity fees. Mintos, for example, charges €2.90 per month to investors who haven’t invested or sold investments for six consecutive months. This fee structure encourages continuous participation, ensuring that the platform remains dynamic while also generating income from less active users.

3. Recovery Charges

In certain cases, when recovering funds from defaulted loans, investment apps might incur legal or third-party costs. Mintos, for instance, may withhold recovery charges from repayments if they successfully recover funds for their investors. This ensures that the company can cover its costs while working to secure the best possible outcomes for its users.


Investment apps like Mintos have made it easier for people to grow their money beyond traditional banks. These apps provide a simple way to invest in different things, helping individuals work towards their financial goals. Creating an app for investing can be a big business opportunity. If companies make a platform that connects people who want to invest with those who need money or have assets, they can make money from fees, interest, and extra services. To do well, it’s important to offer lots of ways to invest, make the app easy to use, and have strong plans for managing risks. By earning trust and giving investors good value, businesses can get a big part of the growing investment app market.

Looking to Develop an Investment App like Mintos?

Conceptualize, design, and deploy a robust investment platform with Idea Usher. We offer unparalleled expertise in crafting sophisticated financial applications. Our team, backed by over 500,000 hours of coding prowess, specializes in architecting complex systems for investment management, risk assessment, and seamless user experiences. Whether it’s backend infrastructure or user-friendly interfaces, we’re here to create cutting-edge solutions just for you. Let’s make your investment dreams come true!

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Q1: How do I create an investment app?

A1: Start off by doing some research to understand the market and see who your users and competitors are. Then, put together a solid business plan that outlines what your app will offer and how it will make money. Next, get a great team together to build the app, or consider outsourcing the development. Make sure the app is easy to use and has a strong technical foundation. Finally, keep testing and getting feedback from users to make the app even better.

Q2: How much does it cost to make an investment app?

A2: The cost to develop an investment app varies significantly. Factors such as app complexity, desired features, development team location, and technology stack influence the overall expenditure. A basic investment app may require a moderate investment, while advanced platforms with complex functionalities demand a higher budget. Comprehensive market research and a detailed project scope are crucial for accurate cost estimation.

Q3: How do investing apps make money?

A3: Investment apps generate revenue through various channels. Core revenue streams include fees charged on transactions, subscriptions for premium features, and interest earned on cash balances. Some apps also generate income through partnerships with financial institutions, advertising, and data monetization. By providing value to users and building a strong user base, investment apps can create sustainable revenue models.

Q4: How long does it take to develop an investment app?

A4: The development timeline for an investment app varies based on its complexity and features. A basic app with core functionalities might take 3-6 months, while a complex platform with advanced features like AI-driven recommendations and social trading could require 6-12 months or longer. Factors such as team size, development methodology (agile or waterfall), and integration with external systems also influence the project timeline. 

Picture of Debangshu Chanda

Debangshu Chanda

I'm a seasoned Technical Content Writer with over 5 years of experience transforming complex technical information into clear, engaging content. I'm skilled at creating content that serves as a bridge between experts and end-users, ensuring it is informative and easy to understand. My expertise covers various subjects, allowing me to adapt my writing style to different audiences. With a strong research foundation and keen attention to detail, I consistently deliver high-quality content that surpasses project goals.
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