So, are you also into crypto? Talk over the recent event, Coinbase launches its “Less talk more Bitcoin” campaign to get new crypto investors and traders to their platform. Coinbase shed $6.5 million into its ad campaign to get more customers during the Superbowl event. Along with bringing new customers: this campaign also brings up troubles for them.
After a huge traffic spike, the mobile app and website crashed and failed to handle incoming traffic. To your knowledge: Coinbase is one of the best cryptos exchanges. Do you also want to invest in cryptos? Then you must check out the top best app to invest in cryptocurrencies.
So, what was the lesson worth taking from this news? And what is that Coinbase Superbowl ad? You’ll get everything about it within this blog.
What was the Coinbase Superbowl ad?
Talk over this Coinbase Superbowl ad event: they display a QR code on its advertisement for new users. After scanning and registering with a QR code. Each registered user can get $15 worth of free bitcoin on their Coinbase exchange account, along with getting participation in a $3 million giveaway.
Almost everyone takes out the scan of that QR code in a curious way to know the intent behind this bouncing QR code on their screen. It brings massive suspense as no one had the idea why the QR code was running on their screen, and the one who scans that code from their mobile gets jumped directly into the Coinbase platform, which brings the undesirable situation for Coinbase. And that was not a huge traffic spike but an uncontrolled way of crashing in their website and mobile app.
Still, after having success with the Coinbase Superbowl ad: it turns into a big nightmare by crashing its website. In the next section, you’ll find out why?
Why did the Coinbase website crash?
So, the question goes around what’s the reason for such a downfall of the Coinbase website? Even after profitable returns from the Coinbase Superbowl ad campaign, why does it teach the best lesson for both coinbase and us?
The answer to this situation comes from not preparing the coinbase website to handle massive incoming traffic (as expected) coming from this Bouncing QR code ad campaign. Coinbase could avoid this situation if they take website optimization seriously and modify all their load optimization factors in advance.
Even after the website crash, this marketing trick was still fruitful for Coinbase. In the next section, you’ll find how.
Was it a Marketing gimmick or just a trick?
So is it just an absolute worst-case scenario or just a marketing trick? Well, no one knows, instead of the Coinbase team?
Even after a bad ending, it brings attention from all corners of the Coinbase platform. So we can say it turns out to be a cheery on-the-top situation for Coinbase even after facing such a nightmare.
Have a look at these successful figures:

As no one wants to handle such a situation on their website, they must follow tips in the next section to avoid any worst time in advance.
Tips on load optimization
There are many ways to improve the stability and performance of your website, and we will discuss one of the most important ones on which we must focus, and that’s Load Optimization.
Load optimization is one of the most discussed points when discussing the website’s stability. It is a practice where we focus on well-managing media files(images, videos), HTTP requests, cookies, and even more. So, if you don’t know about load optimization: you must read on!
Follow these steps to ensure that you wouldn’t face any web optimization-related issues in the future (as happened with Coinbase with its Superbowl ad).
Server crashes due to poor web optimization can bring up many worst results to your business. So, prepare your website in advance if you plan to bring out such an ad campaign in the market.
By the way, you can follow on a few points.
- Choose a well-optimized hosting platform that fulfills all your needs.
- Always upload compressed media files without sacrificing quality.
- Follow good practices to reduce your redirects.
- Always do catching on your web page.
- Don’t forget to enable browser caching.
- Reduce CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
- For your CSS and JavaScript files: always do asynchronous and defer loading.
- Always use a content delivery network to its full potential.
Sure, there are many essential points are remain to follow, and it will be better if you go through each web optimization practice to which you can bring up better performance to your website.
So what’s the conclusion?
After looking at the above scenario, we at ideausher conclude that it is essential to calculate all the potential challenges to resolve before making any changes in marketing, designing, or whatever else in your business.
In this case, Coinbase does not prepare itself for massive traffic, and it brings up unwanted results for them in the end.
At such troubles, no one can handle the situation. So, better be prepared instead of having regret.
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