How Blockchain is Evolving Video Streaming? - Ideausher
Blockchain in Video Streaming

The world of video streaming has undergone significant transformations, catering to the increasing demand for captivating digital experiences. Live streaming via Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) has enhanced viewing pleasure, Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms have broadened content accessibility, and social video networks empower creators to monetize their content. Despite these advancements, the hidden complexities behind video streaming, particularly the exorbitant costs, present challenges that need innovative solutions.

What is a Blockchain-Enabled Video Streaming App?

A Blockchain-enabled video streaming app is a cutting-edge platform for watching and interacting with video content that leverages blockchain technology to overcome limitations seen in traditional centralized streaming services. The key distinguishing features include decentralization, where content is distributed across a network of nodes rather than being stored on centralized servers. This decentralization enhances resilience and censorship resistance.

Creators have the ability to upload content directly to the network, eliminating intermediaries and potentially enabling more equitable revenue sharing. Users may actively participate in platform decisions through token-based voting or decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), promoting a sense of community governance.

Key Market Takeaways

According to GrandViewResearch, the burgeoning global video streaming market, which was valued at USD 89.03 billion in 2022 and projected to achieve a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.5% from 2023 to 2030, presents a lucrative landscape for businesses aspiring to launch their own video streaming apps. 

This growth is driven not only by surging user demand but also by the integration of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), which promise enhanced security and a revolutionized video production process.

Blockchain, in particular, emerges as a transformative force, offering decentralized and transparent frameworks that can significantly elevate the security of your video streaming app. As your business delves into app development, understanding the pivotal role of blockchain in content delivery becomes instrumental in ensuring a secure and seamless user experience.

Key Market Takeaways for video streaming market

Source:  GrandViewResearch

AI, another game-changer, is reshaping the industry’s dynamics by improving content quality and personalization. Taking cues from industry leaders like Netflix, businesses can leverage AI-driven innovations not only to meet but exceed user expectations, ensuring that their streaming app stands out in a crowded market.

The surge in global mobile phone adoption, driven by the popularity of social media and digital channels, provides an opportune moment for businesses venturing into video streaming. Additionally, the prominence of cloud-based solutions in regions like Europe and North America offers a scalable and efficient infrastructure for your app, enhancing its reach and performance.

How Does Decentralized Video Streaming Work?

Decentralized video streaming takes a radical approach compared to traditional platforms. Here’s a breakdown of the magic behind it:

1. Chopping Up the Content

Imagine a video of a delicious pizza. In decentralized streaming, the video gets sliced into tiny “chunks” of data. These chunks are then distributed across a vast network of computers – the viewers’ devices themselves! Each device acts like a mini storage unit, holding onto its assigned chunk.

2. Peer-to-Peer Power

When you hit play on a decentralized video platform, your device reaches out to the network, searching for the video chunks you need. These chunks are then delivered directly from other users in the network who have them stored. It’s like borrowing a slice of pizza from a bunch of your friends for a viewing party!

3. Keeping it Efficient

The network is constantly optimizing delivery. If a particular chunk is in high demand (lots of viewers watching simultaneously), it might be replicated across more devices for faster access. Additionally, users with good internet connections and spare storage might contribute more by holding onto more chunks and helping deliver them to others.

This peer-to-peer approach creates a dynamic and resilient system. There’s no single server to overload, and the more users join, the faster and more robust the network becomes. It’s like having a massive pizza party where everyone contributes a slice, ensuring everyone gets a piece of the action!

Centralized vs Decentralized Video Streaming

The world of video streaming is undergoing a paradigm shift with the emergence of decentralized alternatives.

FeatureCentralized StreamingDecentralized Streaming
Data StorageCentralized serversDistributed across user devices
Content DeliveryServer-to-client (one-way)Peer-to-peer (multi-directional)
ScalabilityLimited by server capacityHighly scalable with increasing users
ResilienceVulnerable to server outagesMore resistant to outages
User ExperienceGenerally smooth and user-friendlyCan vary depending on the network
Content ControlControlled by the platformMore creator control is possible
MonetizationPlatform-driven modelCan involve cryptocurrency

Blockchain’s Impact on Video Streaming

Video streaming has evolved dramatically over the years, with a surge in demand for on-demand content. Traditional models, however, face challenges related to ownership, security, increased costs and transparency.

The existing challenges in the video streaming industry highlight the need for transformation. Blockchain emerges as a solution that can address these challenges while ushering in a new era of efficiency and trust.

1. Transformative Power of Blockchain

Blockchain’s decentralized nature eliminates the reliance on a central authority, disrupting traditional models that are susceptible to control and manipulation.

The cryptographic principles of blockchain enhance security by making it nearly impossible to tamper with stored data, ensuring the integrity of video content.

The immutability of the blockchain ledger ensures that once data is recorded, it cannot be altered. This feature guarantees the authenticity of video content.

Also read, “How to Make a Blockchain Platform Like Vechain

2. Blockchain-based CDN: Efficient Storage Space Utilization

Traditional Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) often grapple with finite storage capacities, restricting their ability to handle large volumes of content efficiently. The constrained storage space in traditional CDNs can result in inefficiencies, as content may need to be duplicated across multiple servers to meet demand. This redundancy can contribute to increased operational costs.

How Blockchain Addresses Storage Issues

Blockchain technology introduces decentralized storage solutions, where content is distributed across a network of nodes rather than being stored on centralized servers. This approach optimizes space utilization and enhances overall storage efficiency.

By leveraging a decentralized model, blockchain minimizes the load on centralized servers. This not only improves scalability but also enhances the resilience of the storage infrastructure.

Benefits of Content Delivery Networks

Blockchain-based CDNs significantly enhance storage efficiency by eliminating the need for extensive duplication across centralized servers. This leads to better resource utilization and reduced storage space wastage.

The decentralized nature of blockchain-based CDNs allows for faster content retrieval and delivery. Users can access content from nodes that are geographically closer to them, resulting in reduced latency and improved streaming experiences.

3. Ownership and Accessibility: Ensuring Transparency and Integrity

Ownership and accessibility issues plague conventional models, leading to disputes and a lack of transparency in the distribution of royalties.

Blockchain’s transparent and traceable ledger enables precise tracking of ownership, ensuring that creators receive their due compensation.

Blockchain’s ability to secure the ownership chain guarantees the integrity of video content, fostering trust among creators and consumers alike.

4. Smart Contracts in Video Streaming

Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, streamline transactions in video streaming.

Eliminating Third-Party Intervention

By automating contract execution, smart contracts reduce reliance on intermediaries, minimizing the chances of disputes and delays.

Ensuring Fair Compensation for Creators

Smart contracts facilitate fair compensation by automatically enforcing royalty agreements, ensuring creators receive timely payments for their content.

Also read, “The Future Of Video Streaming Applications In One Take!

5. Blockchain-enabled Micropayments

Micropayments, small transactions often overlooked in traditional systems, find new life with Blockchain. Understanding micropayments is crucial to recognizing the revolutionary impact Blockchain has on the efficiency of financial transactions within the video streaming ecosystem.

6. On-chain Payments

Simplifying user-content transactions is a key focus of Blockchain in video streaming. On-chain payments streamline the process, providing benefits such as reduced transaction costs and faster settlement times. This section delves into the advantages of on-chain payments for both content creators and consumers.

7. Content Licensing and Monetization

Content licensing and monetization have long been challenging aspects of the video streaming industry. Blockchain offers solutions by providing transparent and secure mechanisms for tracking and monetizing content. This section explores how Blockchain transforms content licensing and monetization strategies.

8. Intellectual Property Protection

The protection of intellectual property, particularly copyrights, is a critical concern in the video streaming realm. Blockchain’s decentralized and tamper-resistant nature plays a pivotal role in safeguarding intellectual property. Learn how Blockchain contributes to defending copyrights and ensuring fair compensation for creators.

9. Decentralized Content Distribution

The traditional model of content distribution involves intermediaries and complex networks. Blockchain introduces decentralized content distribution, offering direct, transparent, and flexible channels. This section discusses how this shift empowers content creators and enhances the overall distribution process.

Components of Blockchain-based Video Streaming

Blockchain-based video streaming comprises several key components that synergize to redefine the digital content landscape. Let’s delve into the essential elements shaping this innovative ecosystem:

1. NFTs and Content Ownership

One of the groundbreaking aspects of blockchain-based video streaming is the tokenization of content through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Creators can now fractionalize ownership, allowing fans and investors to own a piece of their favorite content.

Dynamic pricing and scarcity of video NFTs

The rarity of video NFTs is determined by on-chain factors such as viewership and creator reputation. This introduces dynamic pricing, making content ownership a unique and potentially lucrative experience.

Community ownership and governance through DAOs

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are forming around video content, providing NFT holders with voting rights and decision-making power. This community-driven approach reshapes the traditional dynamics of content creation and consumption.

Also read, “How Entertainment Industry Are Leveraging NFTs

2. Broadcaster in Blockchain-Based Video Streaming

The broadcaster, a pivotal figure in blockchain-based video streaming, serves as the entity responsible for delivering video content to the audience. This role involves transcoding videos with encryption and packaging, ensuring the secure transmission of content.

Video Transcoding, Encryption, and Packaging

To ensure the security and integrity of video content, broadcasters employ transcoding, encryption, and packaging processes. These measures safeguard the content throughout its journey from the broadcaster to the end-user.

Nodes on the Network and Cryptocurrency Payments

Blockchain introduces a network of nodes that validate tasks such as encryption and packaging. In return for their contributions, nodes receive payments in cryptocurrencies, establishing a decentralized and incentivized ecosystem.

3. Relay Nodes in Video Streaming

Relay nodes act as the distributed network infrastructure responsible for channelizing and distributing video content. Their role is pivotal in reducing network latency and enhancing the scalability of the streaming platform.

Network Latency Reduction

By strategically placing relay nodes, broadcasters can significantly reduce network latency, ensuring a smoother and faster streaming experience for users.

Scalability Enhancement

The scalability of blockchain-based video streaming platforms is amplified through the use of relay nodes. This allows for the efficient handling of increasing user demands and a growing volume of video content.

4. Live Streaming and Interactivity

Blockchain enables direct transactions between viewers and creators. Viewers can now tip their favorite creators or pay to access live streams using cryptocurrencies or platform-specific tokens, reducing dependency on third-party payment systems.

Interactive audience engagement features

The integration of voting, polls, and quizzes into live streams enhances audience engagement. Viewers become active participants, contributing to a dynamic and participatory streaming experience.

Play-to-earn mechanics during live streams

Blockchain introduces play-to-earn mechanics, where viewers are rewarded with tokens for specific actions during live streams. This gamification not only incentivizes engagement but also introduces a novel way for viewers to interact with content.

Also read, “Live Video Streaming Apps – The Next Big Thing

5. Blockchain-Based CDN

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) play a crucial role in optimizing video streaming performance. In blockchain-based video streaming, CDNs can be either centralized or decentralized, depending on the platform’s requirements.

Centralized vs. Decentralized CDN Solutions

Blockchain-based CDNs provide flexibility, allowing platforms to choose between centralized and decentralized solutions. This choice impacts the platform’s scalability, efficiency, and overall performance.

Integration with Blockchain-Based Platforms

The integration of CDN with blockchain-based platforms enhances content distribution, reduces latency, and ensures a seamless streaming experience for users.

6. Communication Sub-Module

The communication sub-module within blockchain-based video streaming platforms plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining connection protocols. This ensures smooth and secure communication between various nodes on the network.

Decentralized Storage Communication

With decentralized storage communication, blockchain-based video streaming platforms ensure that content is distributed efficiently across nodes. This reduces dependence on centralized storage systems, enhancing the platform’s overall resilience and security.

Collaboration of Nodes in Video Streaming

The communication submodule facilitates nodes’ collaboration, ensuring a cohesive and efficient network. This collaborative effort contributes to the seamless distribution and streaming of video content.

7. Events Sub-Module

The events sub-module focuses on monitoring various aspects of video transmission. This includes tracking the progress of video content from the broadcaster to the end-user, ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted streaming experience.

User-Interaction and Display Tracking

Understanding user interaction and display activities during the streaming process is vital for optimizing the overall user experience. The events sub-module captures and analyzes this data, allowing platforms to enhance their services based on user preferences.

Enhancing Streaming Experience

By actively monitoring and responding to events during video streaming, the events sub-module contributes to enhancing the overall streaming experience. This iterative process ensures continuous improvements in the platform’s performance.

8. Metaverse Integration and Virtual Reality

Decentralized video platforms can leverage the metaverse to host 360° videos and virtual reality experiences. This opens up new possibilities for storytelling and audience interaction, providing immersive content experiences.

Spatial audio and haptic feedback

Integrating spatial audio and haptic feedback enhances the realism and immersion of video experiences in the metaverse. Viewers can feel more connected to the content, blurring the lines between the virtual and real worlds.

Virtual land ownership and content creation

Users can own virtual land parcels in the metaverse, utilizing them to host and monetize their own video content. This concept of virtual land ownership introduces a unique dimension to content creation and distribution.

9. Consensus Algorithms in Video Streaming

Blockchain-based video streaming platforms employ consensus algorithms like PoW, where nodes compete to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions. This ensures the security and integrity of the streaming network.

PoS (Proof-of-Stake) and Its Role

Another widely used consensus algorithm is PoS, where nodes are chosen to validate transactions based on the amount of cryptocurrency they hold. This approach introduces a different dimension to the security and efficiency of video streaming platforms.

Diverse Consensus Protocols

The variety of consensus protocols available allows platforms to choose the most suitable approach for their specific needs. Each protocol brings unique strengths and considerations, influencing the overall performance of the video streaming network.

10. Sustainability and Environmental Impact

To address environmental concerns, blockchain-based video streaming platforms are exploring alternatives to Proof of Work (PoW), such as Proof of Stake or Delegated Proof of Stake. These alternatives significantly reduce the energy consumption associated with blockchain operations.

Carbon offsetting initiatives

Collaborations with carbon offsetting projects help mitigate the environmental impact of video streaming platforms. This reflects a commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible business practices.

Promoting sustainable content creation practices

Encouraging environmentally conscious video production and storytelling becomes crucial. Platforms can help shape industry practices by promoting content creation that aligns with sustainable principles.

11. Data Privacy and Security

Implementing zero-knowledge proofs enhances user privacy by enabling secure authentication and identity verification without revealing personal information. This cryptographic technique adds an extra layer of security to user interactions.

Decentralized identity management

Users gain control over their data and digital identities through decentralized identity management. This shift prevents centralized platforms from holding sensitive information, putting user privacy at the forefront.

Advanced encryption and security protocols

Continuous development and implementation of robust security measures are crucial for protecting user data and video content from unauthorized access. Blockchain-based video streaming prioritizes the security and privacy of its users.

How to Develop a Blockchain-based Video Streaming Platform?

Embarking on the journey of building a blockchain-based video streaming platform is a thrilling endeavor. This guide breaks down the complexities and outlines a step-by-step approach to help you navigate this exciting venture.

1. Defining Platform Focus

Understanding your audience is paramount. Are you catering to content creators, viewers, or a combination of both? Identifying your primary audience sets the tone for platform features and functionalities.

Content Types and Diversity

Define the nature of the content your platform will host. Will it be movies, TV shows, educational videos, or user-generated content? Catering to diverse content types enhances the platform’s appeal.

Monetization Strategies

Determine how users and creators will earn on your platform. Subscription models, pay-per-view, micropayments, or tokenized rewards—all are viable options. Choose a model that aligns with your platform’s goals.

The Balance Between Centralization and Decentralization

Decide on the decentralization level of your platform. Will it be fully decentralized, or will certain elements remain centralized for efficiency? Striking the right balance is crucial for optimal performance.

2. Choosing Blockchain Technology

Evaluate different blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and EOS. Consider factors such as transaction fees, scalability, and developer support before making a choice.

Consensus Mechanisms

Choose a consensus mechanism—Proof-of-Work (PoW), Proof-of-Stake (PoS), or a hybrid approach. Analyze factors like energy consumption, security, and transaction finality to make an informed decision.

Smart Contract Development

Develop smart contracts for user registration, content uploading, monetization, and dispute resolution. Ensuring security and tamper-proof execution is paramount for the success of your platform.

3. Designing Platform Architecture

Consider the user interface for browsing content, playing back content, and interacting with it. Ensure compatibility with web, mobile, and TV apps to maximize accessibility.

Back-End Essentials

Design a robust back-end infrastructure that covers video transcoding, storage, a P2P network, and seamless API integration for blockchain interaction. Scalability and reliability should be at the forefront.

Blockchain Integration

Implement smart contracts for secure content registration, ownership management, and efficient micropayment processing. The integration should enhance both security and functionality.

4. Developing Core Features

Include features for content upload, metadata management, categorization, and robust search functionality. Streamlining content management is essential for a seamless user experience.

Optimizing Streaming Playback

Ensure smooth playback across devices and various internet speeds. Implement buffer optimization and provide offline viewing options to enhance user satisfaction.

Diverse Monetization Options

Enable pay-per-view, subscriptions, micropayments, and tokenized rewards based on your chosen model. Providing diverse monetization options attracts a wider range of content creators and users.

Community-Building Features

Incorporate user interactions like comments, ratings, and social sharing to foster engagement. Building a vibrant community enhances the overall user experience and promotes platform growth.

Ensuring Content Security

Implement robust content protection measures, including optional DRM integration, to prevent piracy and prioritize the security of user data and intellectual property.

5. Security and Testing

Identify and address vulnerabilities in your smart contracts and platform code through thorough penetration testing. Ensuring the security of user data and financial transactions is paramount.

Performance Testing

Guarantee smooth platform operation under high user loads and various network conditions. Performance testing is crucial to providing a seamless and reliable streaming experience.

Security Audits

Seek expert reviews of your smart contracts and blockchain integration to ensure adherence to security best practices. A proactive approach to security minimizes risks and enhances user trust.

6. Launch and Community Building

Generate awareness through effective marketing and PR strategies. Attracting users and content creators is essential for your platform’s success.

Active Community Management

Engage with users, gather feedback, and actively address issues to foster a sense of community. Responsive community management contributes to a positive user experience.

Decentralized Governance Model (Optional)

Consider implementing a decentralized governance system to involve the community in decision-making processes. This enhances transparency and community trust.

7. Additional Tips

Begin with a core set of features and gradually add more based on user feedback and market demand. Iterative development allows for refinement and improvement.

Staying Updated

Keep abreast of the evolving blockchain and video streaming landscape. Adapting your platform to industry trends ensures its relevance and competitiveness.

Seeking Expert Guidance

Don’t hesitate to involve blockchain developers, video streaming specialists, and security experts. Seeking expert guidance can prevent pitfalls and ensure the success of your platform.

Tech Stacks to Consider While Developing a Blockchain-Enabled Video Streaming App

Here’s the list of all the tech stacks that you should keep in mind while developing a blockchain video streaming app,

1. Blockchain Platform Selection


Ethereum stands out as a popular choice for building decentralized applications (dApps). With a robust developer community and existing infrastructure, it provides a solid foundation. However, scalability challenges may pose considerations, especially for high-volume streaming applications.


Recognized for its fast transaction speeds and low fees, EOS presents itself as an attractive option for high-volume streaming applications. Its efficiency in handling transactions makes it a contender in the blockchain platform selection process.


As a sidechain solution for Ethereum, Polygon inherits Ethereum’s security while offering faster and cheaper transactions. This makes it an appealing choice for developers looking to balance speed and security.


The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) plays a crucial role in decentralized storage. Ideal for securely and efficiently storing video content, IPFS enhances the overall security and reliability of the streaming application.

2. Front-End Technologies


Known for its popularity and strong community support, ReactJs is a JavaScript framework that excels in building user interfaces. Its component-based architecture facilitates the development of interactive and responsive front-end interfaces.


If simplicity and ease of learning are priorities, Vue.js is an excellent choice. This JavaScript framework offers a straightforward approach to building user interfaces, making it accessible to developers of varying skill levels.


Developed by Google, Flutter is an open-source framework for building mobile apps for both iOS and Android with a single codebase. Its appeal lies in creating beautiful and seamless cross-platform applications.

React Native

Similar to Flutter, React Native enables the development of cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript and React knowledge. It provides flexibility and efficiency in catering to a diverse user base.

3. Back-End Technologies


For real-time streaming applications, Node.js serves as a suitable JavaScript runtime environment. Its asynchronous nature makes it efficient in handling concurrent connections, ensuring a smooth streaming experience.


Known for its high performance and efficiency, Golang is a programming language that excels in handling concurrent tasks. Its features make it a solid choice for the back end of a video streaming app.


With its versatility, Python offers a range of libraries, like Django and Flask, making it a strong contender for building robust web applications. However, specific requirements and expertise within the development team should be considered.


As a mature language with strong enterprise support, Java is well-suited for complex systems. When building a blockchain-enabled video streaming app with intricate functionalities, Java becomes a valuable asset.

4. Streaming Server Options

Wowza Streaming Engine

Recognized for its power and flexibility, Wowza Streaming Engine supports various protocols and provides Digital Rights Management (DRM) options. It stands out as a reliable choice for those seeking a robust streaming server.

Streamlabs OBS

For those venturing into live streaming, Streamlabs OBS offers an open-source solution with built-in encoding and recording capabilities. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible to content creators of varying technical backgrounds.


A JavaScript library designed for playing HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) videos in web browsers, HLS.js enhances the viewer experience. Its compatibility with web browsers ensures a seamless streaming experience for users.

5. Additional Tools

IPFS Gateway

The IPFS Gateway plays a crucial role in providing access to IPFS content through HTTP connections. This enhances the accessibility and availability of video content stored on the decentralized IPFS network.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts automate content licensing, payments, and governance functions on the blockchain. These self-executing contracts ensure transparency and efficiency in the management of video content.


Interacting with the Ethereum blockchain is simplified through Web3.js, a JavaScript library. Its integration facilitates seamless communication between the application and the blockchain, enabling various functionalities.

Video Encoding Libraries

Tools like FFmpeg play a crucial role in transcoding and preparing video content for streaming. The efficient handling of video encoding contributes to the overall performance of the streaming app.

6. Factors Influencing Tech Selection

The choice of technologies for developing a blockchain-enabled video streaming app depends on several factors:

App Type

Determining whether the app is designed for live streaming, on-demand content, or a hybrid model influences the selection of technologies tailored to the specific use case.

Target Audience

Understanding the target audience—whether technical enthusiasts, mainstream users, or a combination of both—shapes the user interface and overall user experience considerations.

Scalability Needs

Anticipating the user base and video traffic helps in selecting scalable technologies that can handle the expected load and ensure a seamless streaming experience.

Development Team Expertise

The development team’s skills and familiarity with specific technologies play a pivotal role in decision-making. Opting for technologies aligned with the team’s expertise ensures efficient development and maintenance.

Top 10 Blockchain-Powered Video Streaming Platforms in USA You Should Know About 

Here are some of the best blockchain-powered video streaming apps in the USA,

1. ChainFlix

ChainFlix video streaming app

Founded: 2018

Estimated Annual Revenue: $28 M

Standout Point: Blockchain-based revenue-sharing model, rewarding users and fostering engagement through CFX coins.

ChainFlix innovates the video streaming experience by implementing a transparent revenue-sharing model on the blockchain, rewarding users for their viewership. Users earn CFX coins, which are tradable on various exchanges, fostering an ecosystem that values user engagement. The incorporation of blockchain technology enhances transparency, creating a platform that not only entertains but also involves users in the platform’s success through a fair distribution model.

2. BitTube

BitTube video streaming app

Founded: 2018

Estimated Annual Revenue: $5 M

Standout Point: Incentives, user control through browsers, and blockchain security for transparent transactions.

BitTube distinguishes itself as a decentralized video streaming platform where users are incentivized for watching videos and engaging in additional activities. Beyond traditional streaming, the platform offers its browser and Google browser extension, providing users with increased control over their online experiences. The integration of blockchain ensures secure and transparent transactions, aligning with BitTube’s commitment to user-centric content distribution in the evolving landscape of online video platforms.

3. DTube

Dtube video streaming app

Founded: 2015

Estimated Annual Revenue: $1.3 M

Standout Point: Decentralization, rewarding creators, and preserving unalterable authenticity for diverse expression.

DTube introduces a decentralized approach to online video, allowing content creators to earn rewards while providing viewers with an uninterrupted experience. Noteworthy is DTube’s commitment to creative freedom, granting users a platform where uploaded content remains unalterable post-upload. This authenticity ensures diverse forms of expression. DTube’s decentralized structure signals a shift in user-driven content creation and consumption, fostering a more inclusive and open environment.

4. Odysee

Odysee video streaming app

Founded: 2020

Estimated Annual Revenue: $500 K

Standout Point: Leverages blockchain, LBRY cryptocurrency, for permanent, censorship-resistant video hosting with transparent monetization.

Odysee utilizes blockchain technology, specifically the LBRY cryptocurrency, to establish a video streaming platform ensuring content permanence and transparent monetization. A distinctive feature is Odysee’s resistance to takedowns or blocks due to content or copyright issues, providing creators with a robust and censorship-resistant environment. Users can tip creators using LBRY cryptocurrency, adding a layer of financial interaction that aligns with Odysee’s commitment to empowering content creators and preserving content integrity.

5. DLive

DLive video streaming app

Founded: 2017

Estimated Annual Revenue: $25 M

Standout Point: Directly rewarding participation, boasting 80% revenue retention for creators

DLive, a blockchain-based streaming platform, redefines the relationship between content creators and viewers by offering direct rewards for participation. With an 80% revenue retention for streamers, DLive empowers creators to build sustainable income streams. Blockchain ensures transparency in transactions, and the platform encourages a vibrant and engaged community. DLive’s innovative approach combines blockchain technology with user-centric features, establishing it as a unique player in the evolving landscape of video streaming platforms.

6. Verasity

Verasity video streaming app

Founded: 2017

Estimated Annual Revenue: $7.4 M

Standout Point: Proof of View, “Watch & Earn,” and blockchain security, revolutionizing user engagement.

Verasity introduces a Proof of View system to address issues in video advertising and NFT fraud. The “Watch & Earn” system and VeraWallet distinguish the platform, providing users with innovative ways to interact with content. Verasity leverages blockchain to ensure the integrity of views and transactions, creating a trustworthy environment for content creators and consumers alike. By embracing cutting-edge blockchain solutions, Verasity aims to reshape the dynamics of video streaming, emphasizing security, transparency, and user engagement.

7. LivePeer

LivePeer video streaming app

Founded: 2017

Estimated Annual Revenue: $4.3 M

Standout Point: Empowering developers with affordable, open-source, and decentralized solutions.

LivePeer emerges as a decentralized platform for video streaming infrastructure, offering developers an affordable solution to bring their ideas to life. The open-source nature of LivePeer’s video streaming infrastructure enhances accessibility, allowing developers to harness the power of decentralized streaming without the complexities of traditional systems. By fostering a community-driven approach, LivePeer contributes to the democratization of video streaming, enabling a diverse range of content creators to thrive in an environment built on transparency, cost-effectiveness, and innovation.

8. Theta Network

Theta Network video streaming app

Founded: 2017

Estimated Annual Revenue: $4.4 M

Standout Point: Leveraging unused bandwidth for rewards, enhancing quality, and reducing costs.

Theta Network pioneers a decentralized streaming model, utilizing unused bandwidth for rewards. Operating on its native Ethereum-compatible blockchain, Theta Network ensures a secure and transparent ecosystem for video streaming. The platform’s unique approach leverages a decentralized network to enhance streaming quality and reduce costs. By integrating blockchain technology, Theta Network establishes a trust-based environment where users are rewarded for contributing to the network’s efficiency, shaping the future of decentralized and community-driven video streaming.

9. PeerTube

PeerTube video streaming app

Founded: 2017

Estimated Annual Revenue: $5 M

Standout Point: Decentralized video creation, prioritizing privacy, diversity, and censorship

PeerTube distinguishes itself as a decentralized video platform, providing users the autonomy to create individual video spaces. With features like video chapters, storyboards, and replaceable uploaded videos, PeerTube responds to community requests. Notably, it operates independently of advertising and user tracking, focusing on user privacy and content control. PeerTube’s commitment to a diverse and censorship-resistant environment positions it as a neutral space for content creators and viewers seeking an alternative video-sharing experience.

10. BitChute

BitChute video streaming app

Founded: 2017

Estimated Annual Revenue: $1 M

Standout Point: Free speech on a decentralized blockchain platform, fostering content diversity and openness.

BitChute serves as a blockchain-based video platform with a distinct emphasis on freedom of speech. Offering an alternative to mainstream platforms, BitChute enables content creators to share a wide array of content with minimal restrictions. Its decentralized nature aims to mitigate content censorship and control, providing users with a platform that prioritizes openness. BitChute’s commitment to reduced restrictions and decentralized content sharing contributes to a more inclusive landscape in the realm of blockchain-powered video streaming.


In conclusion, the innovations in video streaming propelled by blockchain technology promise a scalable and cost-effective future. Decentralized video streaming addresses the pitfalls of traditional models, offering transparent ownership, efficient storage, and fair compensation mechanisms. As we embrace this evolution, the synergy between blockchain and video streaming opens new frontiers for creators and viewers alike.

Looking To Make Your Own Blockchain blockchain-powered video Streaming App?

IdeaUsher offers end-to-end development services, ranging from mobile to web applications. Our experienced team understands the intricacies of blockchain integration, ensuring a secure and innovative streaming platform. Whether you have a specific vision in mind or need guidance on the entire development process, IdeaUsher is your reliable partner. Elevate your streaming experience with cutting-edge technology. Let’s bring your ideas to life!

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Q. What is a blockchain video streaming platform?

A. Imagine a streaming service where creators directly control their content, viewers pay for what they watch, and transactions are secure and transparent. That’s the idea behind blockchain video platforms. They use blockchain technology to empower creators, ensure fair revenue sharing, and potentially improve streaming quality.

Q. Can blockchain be used for streaming?

A. Yes, blockchain offers unique advantages for streaming. It can verify content ownership, automate payments to creators, and even incentivize viewers to share bandwidth for smoother streaming.

Q. Can you put videos directly on the blockchain?

A. Technically, storing large video files directly on the blockchain isn’t ideal. Blockchain platforms often use solutions like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to store the videos themselves, while the blockchain tracks ownership and facilitates transactions.

Q. How do I create a blockchain platform?

A: Creating a blockchain platform involves a comprehensive process to ensure its success and functionality. First and foremost, it’s crucial to define the objectives clearly, outlining the goals and functionalities that the platform will serve. Next, the choice between a public or private blockchain is tailored to the project’s specific requirements. The development phase includes creating smart contracts, if applicable, and enabling the automation of processes within the blockchain platform.

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