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A Detailed Study Of The Bar Stock Exchange Applications

bar stock exchange app

The unique concept of the bar stock exchange app has spread its wings across the world. This concept allows the customers to trade in hard drinks. The customers place the order in real-time on the application and depending on the demand of the drink, its price is estimated. The more the demand for the drink, the higher the price will be.

Isn’t the concept totally new and exciting? Well! Because of its totally different concept, the idea of bar exchange is gaining popularity. The idea has taken the world by storm. And it has become the must-go place for a person who likes drinks and trading.

The idea is a super hit in the food and beverage industry. The industry is trying to expand it and also ensure an improved customer experience. This idea has added a fun element to the bars. To know more about this concept, let us dig in a bit deeper and read this blog.

What Is a Bar Stock Exchange?

This concept is designed for people to experience unique fun activities along with drinking and dining. Leisure and fun go hand-in-hand in this unique concept of trading and drinking. The paper-based menu cards are transformed into digital menus with the rates mentioned. 

The users have the option to order the drink of their choice along with the preferred quantity. Once the order is placed, the rate of the order will be finalized according to the demand.

How Does Bar Stock Exchange Work?

  • The customers will order from their smartphone or smart device, and the rates of the order will change dynamically. 
  • The rate will be finalized on the basis of the demand for the drink. 
  • The customers can order themselves, or the order can also be taken by the staff on the devices allotted to them. 
  • The TV screen present in the bar will show the orders and their changing prices.
  • To excite the customers, some bar owners introduce features like Market Crash. This feature controls the drop in the prices of certain specified drinks. 
  • The customers are alerted about Market Crash with a loud siren. This keeps the excitement level of the customers.

How Can AI Prove Useful In These Apps?

AI is shaping the future growth of the stock exchange apps. It helps to execute a trade at an optimal price. They also help to forecast the price fluctuations with greater accuracy. The main idea behind artificial intelligence in stock trading applications is to help users enhance the buying and selling process.  This makes the trading faster, more efficient, and with a better performance.

Features of Bar Stock Exchange App


A stock exchange application offers a uniquely entertaining way for people to enjoy their leisure time with a bar. It has become a way to have fun and earn (through savings). These applications work similarly to a stock trading app with dynamic changes. A stock exchange software provides access to several features. Let us discuss them in detail:

1. Real-Time Trading

An application that offers real-time bar stock trading. The user can see the ups and downs in the prices of various drinks in the market. This data enables users to make accurate decisions and predictions. It enables scalability. Usually, a bar stock traded in a reasonable volume is the best.  

2. Reporting And Analytics

Analytics play a massive role in developing bar stock exchange apps. Users can study the sales through charts, graphs, etc. It enables them to view the highly-traded bar stock, low volume stock, current prices, etc. They can make accurate projections based on real-time data. The generated reports influence daytime traders who can go big. 

Analytics also smoothens the user and bar owners’ experience. For example, earlier, they had to reset the prices manually every day. However, analytics automates the process and re-sets it based on collected data.

3. Market Crasher

When the bar managers want to make the game fun and exciting, they can use this tool. Market crasher allows them to control the drop in the price of some selected drinks. This tool brings the prices of the chosen drinks back from the beginning. Owners can also use it to ensure that a particular drink does not become overpriced or underpriced.

It lets them bring some twists and turns to ensure users feel the rush. Also, they can monitor the progress and provide no harm to their drinks. Users can benefit (or lose) from the sudden changes. 

4. A TV Screen Interface For Customers

Like the stock exchange, bar exchange applications provide users’ with a TV screen interface. It depicts the current performance of various stocks (drinks) in real-time. The users can see the ups and downs clearly and make appropriate decisions. Also, such a TV screen provides them real stock market feeling to enjoy while drinking.  

5. Integrations

A bar stock exchange application integrates with different systems for a seamless experience. It can directly reveal its impact on the stock price. The bar owners can integrate their POS/ Till systems to indicate costs and sales. 

6. Web Panel

Bar owners can use insider apps and web panels to manage dashboards, menus, and prices. They can update, monitor, and control wherever needed. Also, the insider applications provide a holistic view. It enables the management of all the features of the system. The speed of the waiting staff expedites with a waiting staff application. It impacts the overall customer experience positively.

Challenges To Make A Bar Exchange App


Although a bar-related stock exchange application seems highly valuable, its development limitations can impact its performance and user experience. Therefore, businesses must know these challenges and find a suitable solution to face them.

The following points highlight some significant hurdles in the bar stock app development: 

1. Staff Training

Applications might seem easier to use, but there can be negative consequences if the staff faces challenges. Therefore, they should have adequate training and knowledge of stock trading and the entire concept before serving customers. It will help them guide the customers and potentially attract more. 

2. Site Architecture

Stock trading applications consume massive amounts of data and storage. Therefore, while developing such an application, users need to create several layers to accommodate all the data. It can create many obstacles to app development.

3. Service Speed

The food and beverage industry thrives on speed and leisure. If the application slows the process, it will neither be beneficial for the customer nor the bar owner. The app must aim at expediting the processes with streamlined services and integrations.

4. Loading Speed

Any application that takes more than a minute to load will not attract many customers. People today demand speedy work, and the application should follow the speed feature. The loading of the application should be in no time.

5. Good User Interface

Developing an easy-to-navigate interface is also a challenge for businesses. Only skilled developers can help a business retain its customers. Appealing designs, layouts, styles, fonts, etc. contribute to an attractive user interface.

5 Top Trending Bar Stock Exchange Apps 

bar stock exchange apps

These applications bring a new and entertaining cover to the fun times. These applications cover various features to enhance the user experience. The following list highlights the trendiest bar stock exchange applications based in India. The United States app developers and business people can exploit this niche market with ideas from the following applications: 


With the concept based on the stock market, TBSE 2.0 UPGRADED allows customers to trade in alcohol and spirits. It lets consumers control the price of the drinks and receive a similar trading experience. Customers can compete in real-time to set rates for drinks and orders through the application. 

The prices begin from retail and increase in value with every order. The application algorithm and circuit breaker ensure you get the best out of your favorite drink. The application integrates with other bar systems- POS, the waiting staff, etc., for a seamless user experience. The cutting-edge advanced technology and the unique concept attract more customers, including foreign travelers. 

Size 16 M
Installs100,000 +
Requires Android4.4 and up
Developer Email[email protected]
LocationMumbai, Bangalore, Pune
CEOMihir Desai

2. The Bar Stock Exchange Mumbai

The application in Mumbai uses algorithms and real-time demand to determine the prices of your drinks. In other words, you get to decide the price of your drinks. 

Customers can compete among themselves to score the best prices on their favorites. It works by letting the customer order a drink. The comprehensive analytics and algorithms determine the price for the next customer ordering the same drink.

The market can also crash and fall at any point. At that moment, a loud siren plays to notify the customers in the bar. At the same time, every customer rushes to order to take advantage and inflate or deflate their favorite drinks.

This application is for the people living in Mumbai. Customers can visit the bar and order through the application.

Size 15 M
Installs100,000 +
Available OnGoogle Play Store and Apple Store
Developer Email[email protected]
CEOMihir Desai

3. Fionaa Stock Exchange

The stock market pub chain enables customers to order drinks through the application and influence their prices. It provides a stock market simulation, except the stock is their drinks, whose price rise and falls in real-time due to demand.

It is advisable to reserve your table in advance at an appropriate time to take advantage of low prices. The application promotes sociability by letting you converse with fellow beings while you enjoy your order. 

You can play with your friends and family and challenge them for the best prices. The demand for every drink rises if customers order a peg, pint, glass, etc. It falls when nobody calls it for a while.

Size 21 M
Installs5,000 +
Requires Android4.4 and up
Developer Email[email protected]
CEOFiona Dsouza


India’s newest concept and theme bar, DRINX EXCHANGE, combines smart devices and virtual reality. Customers can view the latest drink prices, market crash announcements, special offers, and more through the application. 

This application provides a unique feature enabling customers to group and vote for the market crash. Also, these people can come up on the 3D screens and enjoy animated experiences and offers.

The application is easy to navigate and offers an interactive user experience. It has various integrations for a seamless user experience, including booking a cab, calling a waiter, showing a bill or score, etc. 

Size 24 M
Installs50,000 +
Outlets10 Outlets across 4 cities
Developer Email[email protected]
CEORahul Dhingra

5. Shisha Bar Stock Exchange

Instead of going to the counter and hassle through to order, the app enables users to order via the application user interface. The prices fluctuate based on the demand and supply of the drink.

A dashboard with information and analytics on the app influences users’ decision-making. It integrates with other applications for an enriching experience. You can view the prices going up and down in real-time on the application itself and compete with your fellows.

Size 26 M
Installs10,000 +
Requires Android4.4 and up
Developer Email[email protected]
CEONikhil Bhambani

Growth of the Bar Stock Exchange Industry

growth of bar stock exchange

The stock market industry spreads to various realms. However, the bar stock exchange industry is a unique market niche that can offer excellent returns.

The stock exchange industry related to the bar is growing at a good pace. It combines the two most fun elements for ultimate users- leisure and earning (saving). A little bit of strategy and data-enabled decisions can take them the long way.

These applications and services make bars appealing and distinct to the consumer. They can experience the nail-biting moments with their friends and family. The idea is already a big hit among consumers with drinking and trading tendencies.

Automatic POS integration drives sales and reduces customer waiting time. Bar owners prefer this model as it gives them complete control over the minimum and maximum prices, stock, market crashes, etc. The uniqueness and exclusivity double the bar owners’ revenue in a particular period.

The users entirely entranced by the idea share their experiences over social media. It brings word-of-mouth and media coverage, further aggravating the growth of this remarkable industry. 

Build Your Own Bar Stock Exchange App with Idea Usher

It has been quite clear from the beginning that these applications are new to the market. Although they are gaining popularity in India very fast, they are still a little away in The USA and UK markets. People who wish to put in their investment in something unique have the right idea here.

Creating such an application will give you a monopoly in the market. The businesses can introduce a totally new concept with the help of the experts and developers of Idea Usher. The team will make an application keeping in mind that your business owns the place.


Creating an application that stands out from the crowd is no piece of cake. You need to put in really hard efforts to make the application a huge success. To make the journey of application development a success, you can reach out to the experts of Idea Usher. We assure you that you will be spellbound with our services. For more details, you can contact us at the below-mentioned information.


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Trusted by 100+ clients

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone Numbers : (+91)9463407140, (+91)8591407140, and (+1)7329624560


1. How Much Time Does It Take To Develop A Bar Stock App?

The bar stock exchange app requires a minimum of 45 days for development. The time varies depending upon factors and functionalities to add.

2. How Much Would It Cost To Develop A Bar Stock Exchange App?

The costs are pretty reasonable to develop a bar stock exchange. However, the typical cost varies according to the features that are to be included in the app. The more customization you will want in your app, the more it will cost you.

3. What Is The Estimated ROI That Businesses Get To Earn From Such Apps?

An application with an easy-to-navigate and designer user interface can shoot the ROI about 65% in comparison to a normal bar. A restaurant can increase its profits considerably. 

4. What Are The Add-On Features That Contribute To A Seamless User Experience?

A holistic application serving various needs of the consumer can enrich the user experience. These include immersive virtual reality, special offers, integrations with food-delivery apps, etc.

5. Distinguish Between Stock Exchange And Bar Stock Exchange.

A stock exchange under SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) offers the stock value of publicly traded companies. On the other hand, the bar stock exchange offers a controlled setting of one particular restaurant. It determines the price of the drinks according to the demand of the drink.

Picture of Sakshi Gautam

Sakshi Gautam

With an experience of about five years and good hands-on experience in both technical and non-technical content, I have gained a piece of good knowledge about the content writing field. My writing experience does not only covers SEO writing but also academic writing. I believe "learning is a continuous process" and that is why I keep taking up new learning opportunities. Presently at Idea Usher, I am working as a subject matter expert.
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