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Blockchain 4.0 – Everything You Need to Know

Blockchain 4.0

The tectonic plates of business are shifting. Blockchain technology, once a niche concept relegated to cryptocurrency enthusiasts, is undergoing a rapid metamorphosis. 

Previously, blockchain struggled with slow transaction speeds and complex interfaces, hindering mainstream adoption. However, Blockchain 4.0 boasts significant improvements. With technologies like sharding and directed acyclic graphs, it promises faster processing to handle real-world business volumes. Additionally, user-friendly interfaces and readily available developer tools lower the barrier to entry. Businesses no longer need a team of blockchain experts to leverage its benefits.

This new technology offers the potential for the development of robust decentralized applications with improved user experience and reduced environmental impact through energy-efficient consensus mechanisms. 

Industry giants like Walmart, FedEx, and Siemens are already reaping the benefits of Blockchain 4.0. By streamlining operations, building stronger customer relationships, and gaining a significant competitive edge, they are setting the pace for other businesses to follow. If you are wondering what Blockchain 4.0 is, how it differs from previous iterations, and, most importantly, how it can transform your business, stick with us till the end!

What is Blokchain 4.0?

Blockchain 4.0 is the evolution of blockchain technology designed to overcome the limitations of previous generations and make it a practical and powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It offers a user-friendly environment with improved scalability, allowing businesses to automate processes, build trust with customers, and unlock new revenue streams.

With Blockchain 4.0, we are witnessing a major step forward in addressing scalability bottlenecks and interoperability challenges that have limited earlier blockchain generations. While Blockchain 1.0 (focused on Bitcoin), 2.0 (emphasizing smart contracts) and 3.0 (focusing on Dapps) laid the foundation, they struggled with transaction speed limitations and difficulty in communicating between different blockchain networks. 

However, Blockchain 4.0 promises to enable high-throughput, permissionless networks that seamlessly connect disparate blockchains by leveraging advancements in sharding (dividing the workload), DAGs for faster transaction processing, and cross-chain communication protocols. 

The potential impact is undeniable. Studies show blockchain can reduce fraud by 80% and generate trillions in annual business value by 2030.  Furthermore, companies like Walmart are using Blockchain 4.0 to track food provenance, ensuring transparency and faster identification of potential contamination sources.

Key Market Takeawys for Blockchain 4.0

According to FortuneBusinessInsights, the global market size of blockchain is expected to surge from $27.84 billion in 2024 to a staggering $825.93 billion by 2032. The current blockchain landscape boasts a diverse ecosystem of over 100 private, permissioned blockchains alongside a multitude (more than 50) of layer 1 public blockchains.

Key Market Takeawys for Blockchain 4.0

Source: FortuneBusinessInsights

This explosive growth presents a significant opportunity for organizations to leverage the transformative power of Blockchain 4.0.

The BFSI sector is leading the charge in adopting blockchain technology. Companies are recognizing the immense value proposition of blockchain’s secure and tamper-proof distributed ledger system. This technology safeguards sensitive financial data and user identities, streamlining processes like cross-border transactions, clearing and settlements, and trade finance. A prime example is the Indian Banks’ Blockchain Infrastructure Co. (IBBIC) initiative, a collaboration between major Indian banks to leverage blockchain for faster, more secure transactions.

While questions regarding scalability, security, and sustainability remain, advancements in Blockchain 4.0 are actively addressing these concerns. The industry is constantly innovating to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored on blockchains. Additionally, eco-friendly consensus mechanisms are being developed to minimize the environmental impact of blockchain technology.

Blockchain 1.0 – Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain 1.0 marks the genesis of blockchain technology, where the focus was solely on creating cryptocurrencies. This era began with the launch of Bitcoin in 2008. The driving force behind this innovation stemmed from concerns about centralized control in finance and the internet. A group of cypherpunks envisioned a future with an open and secure internet, free from surveillance and censorship. Their solution was to develop a digital cash system called Bitcoin, that would empower individuals with complete control over their finances.

Building upon the concepts of electronic cash or ECash from the 1980s and 1990s, Blockchain 1.0 prioritized secure, anonymous, and peer-to-peer transactions for this decentralized digital currency. The core technology behind this involved a blockchain core for the specific cryptocurrency, along with supporting elements like wallet software, mining rigs, and mining software. This structure allowed anyone to participate in the network by running a node on their computer.

While initially focused on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, businesses soon recognized the power of blockchain itself. The technology’s transparent and tamper-proof ledger promised increased trust between partners (especially in supply chain management), reduced costs by eliminating intermediaries, and enhanced security for sensitive data. However, limitations like scalability and slow transaction speeds in Blockchain 1.0 prevented widespread adoption. Nevertheless, this era laid the groundwork for future iterations of blockchain to explore applications far beyond just creating digital currencies.

Blockchain 2.0 – Smart Contracts

Building upon the foundation of Blockchain 1.0, Blockchain 2.0 ushered in a new era of possibilities. This evolution is largely attributed to the development of Ethereum and the introduction of smart contracts. Unlike its predecessor focused solely on cryptocurrencies, Blockchain 2.0 transformed into a platform for decentralized applications.

The game-changer in this version is the smart contract – a self-executing code stored on the blockchain. These contracts automate agreements between businesses, eliminating the need for intermediaries. When some pre-defined conditions are met, the smart contract executes automatically, streamlining processes and reducing costs associated with verification, arbitration, and fraud protection.

Furthermore, smart contracts offer enhanced security and transparency. They are tamper-proof, ensuring data integrity and providing all parties involved with a clear and verifiable record of transactions.  Ethereum, a prominent player in Blockchain 2.0, serves as the go-to platform for smart contracts across various industries, particularly those in supply chain management, logistics, and cross-border payments.

Because of this technology, various innovations such as initial coin offerings, decentralized autonomous organizations, decentralized finance, and non-fungible tokens surfaced during that time.

 While challenges like resource-intensive mining persist, Ethereum’s programmability and continuous advancements positioned it as a leader in expanding the potential of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain 3.0 – DApps

The evolution of blockchain continues with Blockchain 3.0, tackling the limitations of its predecessors. This iteration primarily focuses on improving scalability, which was a major barrier to its widespread adoption, and also enables interoperability between different blockchain networks. 

A key feature of Blockchain 3.0 is its emphasis on decentralized applications . DApps leverage the power of smart contracts while offering a user-friendly interface. They operate independently of a central authority and can be built for various purposes, including DeFi platforms, NFT marketplaces, and peer-to-peer lending.

Unlike Blockchain 2.0, which relied heavily on Ethereum, Blockchain 3.0 offers a wider range of platforms specifically designed for dApp development. These platforms, such as Cardano, Solana, and IOTA, utilize alternative consensus mechanisms like Proof-of-Stake, aiming to improve speed, security, and scalability compared to previous generations. Additionally, they prioritize environmental friendliness by reducing the resource-intensive mining processes associated with earlier versions.

VeChainThor is a leading example of a Blockchain 3.0 platform that powers dApps, which are transforming businesses. Walmart China collaborated with VeChainThor to create a dApp that tracks food products across their supply chain. This dApp tracks the origin, transportation, and storage of food items, providing real-time data and ensuring transparency for consumers. As a result, they increased consumer trust, reduced food fraud, and improved operational efficiency for Walmart.

What’s the Speciality of Blockchain 4.0?

While Blockchain 3.0 is still establishing itself, the future is already brewing with the concept of Blockchain 4.0. This next generation aims to propel blockchain technology into the mainstream by making it truly usable for businesses. Previous iterations offered glimpses of potential, with benefits like security, automatic record-keeping, and secure financial transactions. However, limitations like scalability and user experience hindered widespread adoption.

Blockchain 4.0 seeks to bridge this gap. With Blockchain 3.0 laying the groundwork, the focus now shifts towards innovation. We can expect rapid advancements as businesses across industries embrace blockchain at an accelerated pace. This era will be defined by creating a business-friendly environment for developing and running robust decentralized applications.

The core principles of Blockchain 4.0 revolve around user experience and accessibility. Speed and ease of use will be paramount, allowing companies of all sizes to leverage the power of blockchain technology. 

How Blockchain 4.0 Solves the Bitcoin Scalability Issue?

Bitcoin’s reliance on Proof-of-Work consensus struggles to handle a large volume of transactions, hindering its widespread adoption as a global currency. This limited scalability restricts the number of transactions processed per second, impacting transaction speed and user experience. 

Blockchain 4.0 explores alternative consensus mechanisms that are more efficient than PoW. These mechanisms, like Proof-of-Stake or delegated Proof-of-Stake, require less computational power, enabling faster transaction processing and reduced energy consumption. This paves the way for handling a higher volume of transactions on the blockchain, overcoming the limitations of PoW.

For instance, Cardano, a blockchain platform built from the ground up, utilizes a unique PoS mechanism called Ouroboros. This innovative protocol boasts high transaction speeds and energy efficiency, processing over 1,000 transactions per second – a significant leap forward compared to Bitcoin.

Layer-2 Solutions: Taking Transactions Off-Chain for Faster Speeds

While alternative consensus mechanisms improve scalability, Blockchain 4.0 goes a step further. It explores layer-2 solutions like the Lightning Network. This allows for micropayments to occur off-chain, reducing the burden on the main blockchain. Transactions are then periodically settled on the main chain, ensuring security while enabling faster processing times for everyday transactions.

Even payment giants like Visa and Mastercard recognize the potential of Blockchain 4.0 for scalable transactions. Both companies are actively researching and developing solutions that leverage blockchain technology for faster and more efficient payment processing. 

By addressing scalability through alternative consensus mechanisms, layer-2 solutions, and improved user experience, Blockchain 4.0 paves the way for a future where blockchain technology can support a significantly higher transaction volume. This not only benefits Bitcoin but also lays the foundation for broader adoption of blockchain technology across various industries.

Some Important Blockchain 4.0 Applications

Blockchain 4.0 promises to revolutionize the operates of businesses across several key areas:

1. Web 3.0: Decentralized Future of the Internet

The internet is undergoing a major transformation towards Web 3.0, which prioritizes user control and privacy. This new iteration of the web is powered by blockchain 4.0, which enables decentralization. This shift presents a wealth of opportunities for businesses that want to adapt.

Web 3.0 is different from the centralized platforms of Web 2.0 that extract user data for targeted advertising. Instead, it gives users ownership of their data, which means businesses must focus on building trust and value with their customers rather than relying on manipulative advertising. The blockchain technology behind Web 3.0 ensures data security and tamper-proof transactions, which fosters trust in online interactions. Additionally, Web 3.0 streamlines business processes through the use of smart contracts. These self-executing codes automate tasks within Web 3.0 applications and are stored on the blockchain. 

For example, blockchain 4.0 platforms like Audius in the music industry can automate royalty payments directly to artists through smart contracts, ensuring fair compensation and a more efficient ecosystem for all stakeholders. By embracing Web 3.0 and blockchain 4.0, businesses can create a future that is focused on user control, security, and efficiency.

2. The Metaverse: Secure and Trustworthy Virtual Worlds

The concept of the Metaverse – immersive virtual worlds where users interact in realistic environments, is rapidly gaining traction. However, concerns linger regarding security and privacy in these centralized spaces. 

Traditionally, Metaverses are controlled by central authorities, raising concerns about data ownership and manipulation. Blockchain 4.0 empowers the creation of decentralized Metaverses, like Decentraland, where users are in control. These user-owned platforms offer greater transparency and security, fostering trust and encouraging user participation.

Blockchain 4.0, through Non-Fungible Tokens, provides secure proof of ownership for these in-game items and virtual assets. NFTs are immutable records stored on the blockchain, guaranteeing authenticity and preventing counterfeiting. This fosters a robust digital economy within the Metaverse, where users can confidently invest and trade virtual assets.

For instance, Axie Infinity, a popular play-to-earn game built on Blockchain 4.0, allows players to own and trade in-game creatures as NFTs. The value of these NFTs can reach staggering heights, with some selling for millions of dollars. 

3. Industry 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Industry 4.0, characterized by smart factories and digitized operations, is revolutionizing manufacturing and logistics. Blockchain 4.0 emerges as a key driver, unlocking new possibilities for businesses in this dynamic landscape.

Traditionally, the process of manually tracking goods throughout the supply chain can be complex and opaque, but Blockchain 4.0 offers a solution with its immutable ledger. Complete transparency and provenance can be ensured by recording every step, from raw materials to finished products, on the blockchain. This empowers businesses to identify inefficiencies, prevent counterfeiting, and build trust with consumers who increasingly value ethical sourcing. 

Furthermore, decentralization is a cornerstone of Blockchain 4.0, which opens doors for innovative business models built on secure and transparent data exchange. Blockchain 4.0 can facilitate secure, real-time data sharing, streamlining communication, and optimizing production processes. 

This is exactly what TradeLens, a blockchain-based platform developed by Maersk and IBM, is achieving. By enabling secure and transparent data exchange between all parties involved, TradeLens is streamlining global trade and unlocking new opportunities for collaboration in the Industry 4.0 landscape.

5 Popular Case Studies of Businesses Leveraging Blockchain 4.0

Blockchain technology has undergone significant evolution, and its latest version, Blockchain 4.0, promises even greater integration with other advanced technologies. Here are five compelling case studies showcasing how businesses are adopting Blockchain 4.0:

1. Everledger: Securing the Diamond Industry

Everledger: Securing the Diamond Industry

Everledger is a traceability platform that uses Blockchain 4.0 to track diamonds throughout the supply chain. By integrating Internet of Things sensors, Everledger creates an unchangeable record of a diamond’s origin, ownership, and characteristics. This not only increases consumer trust but also helps to prevent diamond fraud and conflicts.

A study conducted by Everledger revealed that 89% of consumers surveyed indicated they would be more likely to purchase a diamond with a verifiable blockchain record. Additionally, the industry has reported a 40% reduction in fraudulent diamond certificates since Everledger’s implementation.

2. Walmart: Streamlining Food Supply Chain Management

Walmart: Streamlining Food Supply Chain Management

Walmart, the retail giant, has teamed up with IBM to implement a Blockchain 4.0 solution to manage its food supply chain. The system enables tracking of food items from farm to store, providing real-time visibility and faster identification of potential contamination sources. This not only enhances food safety but also reduces waste and optimizes logistics. 

As a result of Walmart’s blockchain initiative, there has been a 50% reduction in the time it takes to trace the origin of food products. This has led to a significant decrease in foodborne illness outbreaks associated with contaminated products.

3. Siemens: Transforming Supply Chain Finance

Siemens: Transforming Supply Chain Finance

Siemens, an industrial leader, has adopted a Blockchain 4.0 platform that simplifies its supply chain finance processes. By automating invoice verification and payment, the platform reduces transaction costs and improves cash flow for both Siemens and its suppliers. This is a remarkable example of how Blockchain 4.0 can transform financial operations within complex supply chains.

Thanks to Siemens’ blockchain platform, the average invoice processing time has been reduced by 80%, resulting in better cash flow and decreased administrative costs. Furthermore, their suppliers have noticed a 25% increase in on-time payments.

4. JPMorgan Chase: Simplifying Cross-Border Payments

JPMorgan Chase: Simplifying Cross-Border Payments

JPMorgan Chase has been actively exploring Blockchain 4.0 for international payments. Their Interbank Information Network uses blockchain technology to enable faster, more secure, and transparent cross-border transactions while significantly reducing processing times and fees associated with traditional methods. 

JPMorgan Chase’s IIN pilot program demonstrated an impressive 75% reduction in the time required for cross-border payments compared to traditional methods. The platform has also achieved a significant reduction in transaction fees.

5. BASF: Enhancing Sustainability in Chemical Production

BASF: Enhancing Sustainability in Chemical Production

BASF, a chemical producer, is using Blockchain 4.0 to promote transparency and sustainability in its production processes. The platform tracks the origin and journey of raw materials, ensuring responsible sourcing and ethical practices. This empowers consumers to make well-informed decisions while choosing the products they need to purchase

As a result of BASF’s blockchain initiative, there has been a 90% increase in transparency in its supply chain. This has led to a 20% rise in customer satisfaction regarding the sustainability practices of their products.


The world of blockchain technology is about to enter a new era known as Blockchain 4.0. This new generation of technology is expected to overcome the scalability and usability challenges that have prevented the wider adoption of blockchain. By prioritizing efficiency, enhancing user experience, and enabling interoperability with existing systems, Blockchain 4.0 will pave the way for businesses to adopt decentralization, streamline operations, establish trust, and explore new revenue streams.

Looking to Adopt Blockchain 4.0 for Your Business?

Idea Usher can be your one-stop shop for seamless integration. Our team boasts over 1000 hours of coding expertise in this next-gen technology. We’ll guide you through every step, from needs analysis to deployment and beyond, ensuring your dApps leverage the power of secure, self-recording ledgers and unlock the full potential of Blockchain 4.0 for your enterprise.

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Q1: What are the four major components of blockchain?

A1: Blockchain technology is built on four key pillars that work together to ensure its functionality. These components include decentralized ledgers, which are distributed databases shared across a network to ensure transparency and security. Consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Work, are used to validate transactions and maintain order on the blockchain. Cryptography is used to secure data through encryption and hashing, which protects information and verifies its authenticity. Finally, smart contracts are self-executing agreements that automate actions when predetermined conditions are met.

Q2: What is Industry 4.0 blockchain?

A2: Industry 4.0 blockchain combines the digital automation and data exchange of Industry 4.0 with the secure, transparent data sharing of blockchain. This allows connected machines, supply chains, and production processes to share data securely and traceably, fostering efficiency, trust, and innovation in manufacturing.

Q3: What are the basic things to know about blockchain?

A3: Blockchain is a digital ledger that facilitates shared record-keeping. It works like a secure database that is visible to everyone but cannot be altered by anyone. Transactions are grouped into blocks, linked using cryptography, and arranged chronologically to form a tamper-proof and transparent record of ownership or activity.

Q4: Can a blockchain be hacked?

A4: Blockchains themselves are highly resistant to hacking due to cryptography and decentralized verification. However, vulnerabilities exist outside the blockchain. Hackers can target weaknesses in cryptocurrency wallets and exchanges or exploit situations like 51% attacks (gaining majority control of the network) to manipulate transactions.

Picture of Debangshu Chanda

Debangshu Chanda

I'm a seasoned Technical Content Writer with over 5 years of experience transforming complex technical information into clear, engaging content. I'm skilled at creating content that serves as a bridge between experts and end-users, ensuring it is informative and easy to understand. My expertise covers various subjects, allowing me to adapt my writing style to different audiences. With a strong research foundation and keen attention to detail, I consistently deliver high-quality content that surpasses project goals.
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