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Develop a Brain Training App like Peak – Cost and Features

Develop a Brain Training App like Peak

Sometimes, we walk into a room and forget why we’re there in the first place. If that’s the case for you as well, then that’s a sign that your cognitive muscles are getting weaker. But, people have found a remedy for this, turning to brain training apps like Peak.

Did you know that Peak has already racked up over 45 million downloads, and the numbers are only growing by the day? By developing a similar app, Ed-tech businesses can also capitalize on this trend and generate a hefty revenue from their brain training app!

What is the Peak app?

Peak is a brain training app developed by the London-based company Peak (formerly known as Brainbow) around 2014. It offers science-backed games designed by neuroscientists and psychologists to target cognitive skills like memory and problem-solving. Peak has partnered with prestigious institutions like Cambridge University and researchers there to incorporate study-backed games into their app.

What Makes Peak App Unique?

Peak separates itself from the pack with its data-driven customization and emphasis on real-world cognitive improvement. Peak goes beyond a generic program by utilizing an initial assessment to craft a personalized training plan targeting specific areas. This might include sharpening your memory with “Spot the Difference” or enhancing focus with “Tunnel Vision.” These aren’t just random names – they’re actual Peak features designed to target specific cognitive skills. Peak’s unique blend doesn’t stop there. 

The app boasts a library of games developed through collaboration with neuroscientists and game designers. This means the challenges you face, like “Rotate Matrix,” which improves mental agility by testing spatial reasoning, are not only engaging but have been scientifically proven to translate into practical benefits. By combining personalized programs with these gamified exercises, Peak offers a brain training experience that’s both effective and enjoyable.

How Does the Peak App Generate Revenue?

Peak leverages a freemium model to generate revenue. The core brain training experience is available for free, but it limits access to features that might entice users to upgrade. These premium features include personalized training plans, a wider selection of games, advanced statistics, competitor comparisons, and early access to new content.

To access these benefits, users are required to subscribe. Peak offers a range of tiered subscriptions, with options including $3.99 per month, $24.99 for six months, and a discounted yearly rate of $34.99. By providing a free, engaging base product and then offering a compelling upgrade path rich with features, Peak attracts and retains users who are willing to pay for a more comprehensive brain training experience.

Key Market Takeaways for Brain Training Apps

According to VerifiedMarketReports, the brain training app market is experiencing explosive growth and is projected to reach a value of USD 25 billion by 2030. This surge in popularity presents significant opportunities for businesses and companies in the mobile app development space.

Key Market Takeaways for Brain Training Apps

Source: VerifiedMarketReports

Consumer demand for accessible tools to improve or maintain cognitive function is driving this market growth. Lumosity, a leading brain training app company, reported a 40% increase in new users in 2020, likely fueled by the increased focus on mental well-being during the pandemic. Brain training apps offer a user-friendly solution, providing a variety of engaging activities that target memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. These activities often take the form of games, puzzles, and language learning exercises, making the process of sharpening mental acuity both stimulating and enjoyable.

To maximize user engagement and ensure consistent app usage, companies within the brain training app market are increasingly incorporating gamification elements. Elevate, another major player, partnered with Duolingo, the popular language-learning app, in 2023. This collaboration combined brain training exercises with language learning, creating a more well-rounded user experience and potentially attracting new demographics. 

Peak’s rise to app store prominence can be attributed to its ability to tap into several key user desires. Here’s a closer look at the features that have made Peak a favorite among those seeking to challenge their minds:

1. Gamified Brain Training

Let’s face it, rote memorization or repetitive exercises aren’t exactly a recipe for user engagement. Peak tackles this by transforming cognitive training into a fun and interactive experience. Its library of over 45 games, categorized by cognitive skills they target (memory, focus, problem-solving, etc.), keeps things fresh and engaging. Users can conquer mazes in “Memory Maze,” boost focus with “Spot the Difference,” or challenge their logic with “Double Trouble.”

2. Personalized Training

Peak goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. The app’s “Coach” feature acts as a virtual personal trainer, analyzing a user’s performance and tailoring daily workouts to target their specific strengths and weaknesses. This personalized approach keeps users motivated and ensures they’re constantly challenged. Difficulty levels within the games also dynamically adjust to prevent plateaus and keep the experience stimulating.

3. Measurable Progress

Peak isn’t just about playing brain games; it’s about tracking and celebrating progress. The app provides its users with detailed graphs and charts that showcase their improvement over time. Users can see how their cognitive skills stack up against others in their age group, fostering a healthy sense of competition and accomplishment. This data-driven approach allows users to witness the tangible benefits of their brain training efforts, fueling their motivation to continue.

4. Bite-Sized Workouts

In today’s fast-paced world, carving out dedicated brain training time can be a challenge. Peak acknowledges this with its “Coffee Break” workouts. These short, focused sessions allow users to squeeze in a quick mental boost during their busy days. Whether it’s a five-minute memory challenge or a rapid-fire focus exercise, these bite-sized workouts ensure consistent engagement, even with limited time.

5. Social Engagement

A little friendly competition can go a long way in boosting motivation. Peak’s premium tier unlocks social features that allow users to challenge friends and compare brain training performance. Leaderboards add a touch of competitiveness, while the ability to see how your cognitive skills stack up against others in your social circle fosters a sense of community and shared progress.

How to Develop a Brain Training App like Peak?

Developing a brain training app like Peak involves a strategic approach and collaboration with various experts. For companies aiming to venture into this market, here is a detailed guide to creating a successful brain training app:

1. Market Research and Target Audience

Conducting thorough market research is the primary step for any company planning to develop a brain training app. Analyzing existing apps such as Peak, Elevate, and Lumosity helps identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points. Companies need to define their target audience, whether it be students, working professionals, or seniors. Understanding the needs and preferences of these user groups is essential for creating a product that effectively meets their expectations.

2. Collaborate with Experts

Collaboration with neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists is crucial. These experts can design games that effectively target specific brain functions like memory, focus, and problem-solving. Their expertise ensures that the game mechanics, difficulty progression, and overall training approach are scientifically sound and beneficial for cognitive development.

3. Design Engaging and Effective Games

Developing a variety of mini-games that are both fun and challenging is essential for user engagement. Companies should target different cognitive areas and ensure the games are visually appealing and intuitive. Including a range of difficulties helps maintain user interest and encourages continuous use of the app.

4. Implement Adaptive Algorithms

Personalized training experiences can significantly enhance user satisfaction. Businesses should build adaptive algorithms that analyze user performance data to identify strengths and weaknesses. Recommending exercises tailored to individual needs helps users improve in specific areas and keeps them engaged with the app.

5. Develop a Compelling UI and UX

Companies should focus on creating a UI that is easy to navigate and understand. A smooth user experience, with intuitive design and seamless transitions, encourages users to return for regular training sessions.

6. Integrate Progress Tracking and Gamification Elements

Tracking user performance over time and displaying progress visually through charts and graphs can motivate users. Incorporating gamification elements like points, badges, and leaderboards fosters a sense of competition and achievement. These features can significantly enhance user engagement and retention.

7. Prioritize Data Security and Privacy

Protecting user data is a top priority. Implementing robust security measures, including encryption and secure storage practices, ensures user data is safe. Companies should obtain clear user consent for data collection and anonymize data whenever possible. Transparency about data usage in the privacy policy builds user trust.

8. Continuously Test and Improve

Gathering user feedback through surveys and in-app analytics helps identify areas for improvement. Companies should conduct A/B testing on different game mechanics, difficulty levels, and UI elements to determine what resonates best with users. Regular updates with new games, challenges, and features keep the app fresh and engaging, encouraging long-term use.

What is the Cost of Developing a Brain Training App like Peak?

Development StageCost ComponentEstimated Cost Range
Research & PlanningMarket Research$2,000 – $8,000
Concept Development$3,000 – $10,000
Neuroscience Integration (Optional)$10,000 – $25,000
Total$5,000 – $30,000
Front-End DevelopmentUser Interface (UI) Design$10,000 – $30,000
Game Design$10,000 – $45,000
Total$20,000 – $75,000
Back-End DevelopmentServer-Side Development$20,000 – $50,000
Data Security & Privacy$5,000 – $15,000
Integration with Analytics & Tracking$5,000 – $10,000
Total$30,000 – $75,000+
App FeaturesBasic Features (Free Version)$10,000 – $20,000
Personalized Workouts$10,000 – $25,000
Detailed Progress Reports$5,000 – $15,000
Social Features (Leaderboards, Challenges)$15,000 – $30,000+
Machine Learning Integration (Optional)$50,000+
Testing & Quality AssuranceFunctionality Testing$3,000 – $10,000
Usability Testing$2,000 – $5,000
Performance Testing$0 – $5,000
Total$5,000 – $20,000
UI/UX DesignUI/UX Design for App and Games$15,000 – $40,000
Ensuring Smooth User Flow and Clear InstructionsIncluded in UI/UX Design
Total$15,000 – $40,000
Total Estimated Cost Range$100,000 – $300,000+

Apart from the core costs mentioned above, there can be some variable factors that can affect the overall development costs of an education app,

Neuroscience Integration

Unlike most apps, brain training apps often integrate principles from neuroscience. Consulting with neuroscientists and ensuring games target specific cognitive functions adds another layer of complexity and cost to the development process.

Iterative Development with User Data

Brain training apps rely heavily on user data to increase the effectiveness of the training programs. This often involves an iterative development cycle where user performance data is analyzed to refine game mechanics and difficulty levels and introduce new games. This ongoing process requires additional resources compared to a linear development approach.

Data Security and Privacy

Since brain training apps deal with user performance data, robust security measures are crucial. Implementing strong data encryption, user consent protocols, and adhering to data privacy regulations adds to the development cost.

Gamification for Cognitive Training

Transforming cognitive tasks into engaging games requires a unique approach to UI and UX design. Balancing challenge and reward, crafting appealing visuals, and ensuring intuitive controls are all crucial aspects that influence development costs.

What Tech Stacks Required to Develop a Brain Training App?

To develop an education app similar to Peak, companies need to carefully select a robust tech stack that supports optimal performance, user experience, and scalability. Here is a detailed breakdown of the essential tech stacks required for this endeavor:

1. Mobile App Development

Building separate native apps for iOS and Android platforms is essential for delivering an exceptional user experience and maximizing performance. By developing apps tailored to each platform, we can ensure that the app takes full advantage of device-specific features, resulting in a seamless and engaging user journey. Swift is recommended for iOS development, while Kotlin is ideal for Android development. These programming languages provide the necessary tools to build high-performance, responsive, and user-friendly applications.

2. Backend Technologies

A scalable and robust backend is vital for managing user data, game logic, and user authentication. Utilizing cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, or Microsoft Azure can provide the necessary infrastructure. These platforms offer scalability, security, and a wide range of services to support backend operations. Depending on data storage needs, a NoSQL database, known for its flexibility in handling frequent data changes, or a SQL database, suited for structured and complex queries, can be selected.

3. Data Management and Analytics

Analyzing user performance data is essential for enhancing the app’s effectiveness and user engagement. Tools like BigQuery and Looker facilitate data warehousing, data visualization, and insights generation. These analytics tools enable businesses to comprehend user behavior, track progress, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the app’s features and user experience.

4. Reinforcement Learning Logic

Incorporating reinforcement learning logic within individual games can enhance user engagement. This involves rewarding successful actions and gradually increasing the difficulty level as users perform well. This approach reinforces learning and keeps users motivated to improve their cognitive skills through continuous challenges.

5. Gamification Frameworks

Using game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine can greatly enhance the visual appeal of brain-training games. These frameworks support the creation of complex game mechanics and features such as points, badges, and leaderboards. Gamification elements motivate users and foster a sense of competition, which is crucial for retaining user interest.

6. UI Design Tools

Designing a user-friendly and visually captivating interface is crucial for delivering a top-notch user experience. Tools like Figma and Sketch are instrumental in designing seamless app navigation and interaction. These design tools enable the creation of detailed wireframes, prototypes, and final designs that ensure the app is user-friendly and engaging.

7. Adaptive Training Algorithm

Implementing adaptive training algorithms is crucial for personalizing the user experience. ML techniques can be utilized to analyze user performance data and adjust the difficulty levels and game selection accordingly. This personalization keeps users challenged and engaged, catering to their specific needs and progress.

8. Pattern Recognition Logic

Some games within the app may require logic that recognizes user behavior patterns. For example, identifying if a user struggles with certain types of cognitive tasks, such as remembering visual patterns, can help adjust game mechanics to provide targeted challenges. This adaptive approach ensures that users receive the most effective training for their individual needs.


As our lives get more demanding, the ability to stay sharp and adaptable is becoming more and more important. Brain training offers a solution for everyday people, promising to enhance cognitive function and improve overall well-being. Businesses can capitalize on this trend by developing brain training apps that are accessible, engaging, and scientifically backed. By providing a fun and effective way to keep minds sharp, these apps can tap into a growing market and help their users to stay mentally healthy!

Looking to Develop a Brain Training App like Peak?

Idea Usher boasts over 500,000 hours of coding expertise crafting cognitive training experiences. We’ll partner with you to design a brain training app that leverages gamified neuro-training exercises and personalized algorithms, engaging users and optimizing cognitive improvement. Let’s turn your vision into a reality!

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Q1: Do brain training apps really work?

The effectiveness of brain training apps is a topic of debate. While some research suggests they can improve specific cognitive skills within the app itself, there’s limited evidence of these benefits translating to real-world situations. However, brain training apps can be a fun and engaging way to challenge your mind. If cognitive improvement is your goal, consider them as a supplement alongside activities like exercise, social interaction, and learning new skills, which have been shown to have a more substantial impact.

Q2: How to develop a brain training app?

A2: Building a brain training app requires a multi-step approach. First, identify your target audience and the cognitive skills you want to target. Then, craft engaging games based on scientific principles. User-friendly design and personalized training plans are essential for keeping users hooked. Consider incorporating data analytics to track progress and tailor the experience. Finally, explore gamification techniques and social features to boost engagement and retention.

Q3: What is the cost of developing a brain training app?

A3: The cost of crafting a brain training app hinges on its complexity. A bare-bones version with essential features can be built for a lower cost. Incorporating sophisticated game design, intelligent personalization algorithms, and compatibility across multiple platforms will naturally inflate the price. Even factors like developer location and experience come into play. To get a clear estimate, outlining your app’s functionalities and target user base is crucial. This initial planning will help determine a development cost that aligns with your overall business objectives.

Q4: How do brain training apps earn money?

A4: Brain training apps typically utilize a freemium model. A free base version with limited features entices users, while a premium subscription unlocks the full potential. These subscriptions, often tiered monthly or annually, grant access to a wider range of brain training exercises, personalized programs, advanced statistics, and even social features. By providing value upfront and then offering a compelling upgrade path packed with benefits, brain training apps convert engaged users into paying subscribers.

Picture of Debangshu Chanda

Debangshu Chanda

I'm a seasoned Technical Content Writer with over 5 years of experience transforming complex technical information into clear, engaging content. I'm skilled at creating content that serves as a bridge between experts and end-users, ensuring it is informative and easy to understand. My expertise covers various subjects, allowing me to adapt my writing style to different audiences. With a strong research foundation and keen attention to detail, I consistently deliver high-quality content that surpasses project goals.
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