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How To Develop A BNPL FinTech App Like GreenSky?

Buy Now, Pay Later apps are redefining consumer spending habits. This innovative approach has become a game-changer, with businesses increasingly adopting BNPL solutions to unlock higher sales and happier customers. GreenSky, a leading player in the B2B BNPL arena, exemplifies the remarkable success this market offers. The growing interest in BNPL app development among businesses and entrepreneurs highlights its future potential. It presents the perfect time and opportunity to develop a BNPL app like GreenSky.

This blog is your one-stop guide to building a powerful BNPL app inspired by GreenSky’s success. We’ll delve into everything from market potential and crucial features to the development process itself and cost considerations. Whether you’re looking to expand your existing services or make a splash in the FinTech world, this guide equips you with the information and strategies to capitalize on the BNPL trend and create a groundbreaking app.

The global buy now, pay later market is experiencing a meteoric rise, transforming the way consumers manage their finances and make purchases.

According to Grand View Research, in 2022, the market size was estimated at a cool $6.13 billion, and it’s projected to balloon at a staggering compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.1% by 2030. A growing consumer appetite for flexible and convenient payment options fuels this explosive growth.

As of 2022, North America holds the crown as the dominant region in the BNPL market, boasting a revenue share exceeding 29%. This lead can be attributed to the presence of a strong contingent of prominent players within the region. These players are continuously innovating and expanding their offerings, further fueling the market’s growth.

Understanding BNPL Apps And Their Rising Demand

BNPL apps allow consumers to purchase goods and services upfront and pay for them in installments over time. Unlike traditional credit cards, BNPL options often come with zero or low interest rates if payments are made on time. This flexible payment solution appeals to a wide range of consumers, from millennials to Gen Z, who are looking for budget-friendly alternatives to manage their finances.

The Rising Demand for BNPL Solutions

The demand for BNPL solutions has skyrocketed in recent years, with several factors contributing to their popularity:

Shift in Consumer Preferences

Today’s consumers prioritize convenience and financial flexibility. BNPL meets these needs by offering an alternative to traditional credit, allowing them to manage their expenses better. This shift is particularly evident among younger consumers who prefer not to depend on credit cards due to high interest rates and complex fee structures.

Growth of E-commerce

The pandemic increased the shift towards online shopping, with consumers increasingly seeking seamless and flexible payment options at checkout. BNPL services are seamlessly integrated into e-commerce platforms, providing a smooth checkout experience that encourages higher conversion rates. The convenience of splitting payments makes high-value purchases more accessible, boosting overall sales for online retailers.

Financial Inclusivity

BNPL apps cater to a broader audience, including those who may not have access to traditional credit options. This inclusivity expands the customer base for businesses, allowing them to reach consumers who might otherwise be excluded from purchasing due to a lack of credit history or low credit scores. For many consumers, BNPL provides a much-needed alternative to predatory payday loans and other high-interest financial products.

Trust and Transparency

Consumers appreciate the straightforward terms and conditions offered by BNPL providers. This transparency builds trust and encourages repeat usage. Unlike traditional financial products, BNPL services typically provide clear repayment schedules and minimal fine print, which appeals to consumers wary of hidden fees and unexpected charges.

Technological Advancements

The rise of fintech has enabled rapid advancements in payment technologies. BNPL providers leverage sophisticated algorithms and data analytics to assess creditworthiness in real time, offering instant approval processes that enhance user experience. This technological edge not only streamlines the consumer experience but also offers businesses valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences.

Increased Marketing and Awareness

Aggressive marketing campaigns by BNPL providers have significantly raised awareness and adoption rates. Collaborations with major retailers and e-commerce platforms have amplified the visibility of BNPL options, making them a common choice at checkout. As more consumers become familiar with the benefits of BNPL, its adoption continues to grow, building a positive feedback loop that further increases demand. 

Why Should You Consider Developing A BNPL Loan App? 

For businesses and entrepreneurs, developing a BNPL loan app presents a lucrative chance to tap into a growing market and meet the requirements of modern consumers. Here are compelling reasons why you should consider developing a BNPL loan app.

Capturing a Growing Market

The BNPL market is experiencing exponential growth. This rise is driven by the increasing adoption of digital payment solutions, changing consumer behavior, and the rise of e-commerce. By developing a BNPL loan app, you can position your business to capture a share of this burgeoning market and drive significant revenue growth.

Meeting Consumer Demand for Flexibility

Today’s consumers prioritize financial flexibility and convenience. BNPL apps cater to this demand by offering an alternative to traditional credit options. Unlike credit cards, which usually come with high interest rates and complex fee structures, BNPL solutions provide a straightforward and transparent way for consumers to manage their finances. 

By offering a BNPL loan app, you can attract a broad range of users looking for budget-friendly payment options, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhancing Customer Retention and Loyalty

Providing a BNPL option can significantly enhance customer retention and loyalty. Consumers appreciate the ability to spread out payments without incurring additional costs, making higher-value purchases more accessible. 

This flexibility encourages repeat business and fosters a sense of trust between the consumer and the business. By integrating a BNPL solution, you can build long-term relationships with your consumers, leading to increased lifetime value and sustained business growth.

Increasing Sales and Conversion Rates

One of the most immediate benefits of offering a BNPL option is the potential to increase sales and conversion rates. Studies have shown that businesses offering BNPL solutions see higher average order values and lower cart abandonment rates. 

By providing a flexible payment option at checkout, you can decrease friction and make it easier for customers to complete their purchases. This convenience not only boosts sales but also improves the overall shopping experience, setting your business apart from competitors.

Gaining a Competitive Edge

The fintech landscape is highly competitive, and staying ahead requires innovation and adaptability. By developing a BNPL loan app, you can differentiate your business from competitors and position yourself as a forward-thinking, customer-centric brand. 

Early adoption of BNPL solutions demonstrates a commitment to meet evolving consumer needs and can significantly enhance your market positioning. As more businesses recognize the value of BNPL, being an early adopter can give you a substantial competitive edge.

Leveraging Data Insights

BNPL apps provide valuable data on consumer spending behavior, preferences, and payment patterns. By interpreting this data, you can gain deep insights into your customer base and customize your marketing and product strategies more effectively. 

This data-driven approach allows you to optimize your offerings, improve customer targeting, and drive higher engagement and sales. The insights gained from BNPL app usage can also inform broader business decisions, helping you stay agile and responsive in a dynamic market.

What Makes the GreenSky Business Model Unique?

Here’s a breakdown of how GreenSky’s business model differs from other BNPL apps:

Focus on Businesses, not Consumers.

Unlike most BNPL apps that target consumers directly, GreenSky positions itself as a business-to-business (B2B) solution. They partner with merchants, primarily in home improvement and healthcare, to offer financing options to their customers. This allows GreenSky to tap into a specific market segment with potentially higher transaction values.

Loan Origination Model

GreenSky doesn’t directly issue credit to consumers. They act as a facilitator, connecting merchants with a network of participating banks and financial institutions. These institutions originate the loans, and GreenSky handles the application processing, technology platform, and loan servicing. This model reduces GreenSky’s financial risk compared to BNPL apps that hold the loans themselves.

Focus on Larger Purchases

GreenSky caters to purchases that might require a higher financing amount compared to typical BNPL transactions. This could be a new roof installation or significant dental work. GreenSky offers loan terms that can extend beyond the short-term installments commonly seen in consumer-focused BNPL apps.

Merchant-Centric Approach

GreenSky positions itself as a tool for businesses to grow sales by offering financing options. They provide merchants with point-of-sale technology and marketing tools to promote BNPL options to their customers. This focus on merchant success differentiates GreenSky from consumer-centric BNPL apps.

In summary, GreenSky’s unique aspects are:

  • B2B focus, providing financing solutions for merchants.
  • Loan origination model, partnering with banks for credit.
  • Focus on larger purchases with potentially longer loan terms.
  • Merchant-centric approach, helping businesses increase sales.

Key Features To Consider To Develop A BNPL Loan App Like GreenSky 

GreenSky has carved a unique path in the BNPL market with its focus on B2B transactions and loan origination models. If you’re looking to develop a similar FinTech app, here are seven key features to consider that go beyond simply mimicking GreenSky but instead build upon its strengths:

Seamless B2B Onboarding

Frictionless onboarding is crucial for attracting busy businesses. Therefore, develop an intuitive application process that allows businesses to quickly register and integrate your BNPL service into their existing point-of-sale (POS) system with minimal technical expertise required. Consider offering pre-built integrations with popular POS solutions to streamline the process further.

Targeted Creditworthiness Assessment

Move beyond traditional credit scores. Instead, develop a robust credit assessment system specifically tailored to business customers. This system could incorporate industry-specific data, business performance metrics, and alternative data sources to provide a more accurate picture of a business’s ability to repay—partner with data analytics firms to leverage their expertise in building these intelligent credit models.

Flexible Loan Options with Value-Added Services

Don’t just offer standard loan terms. Serve the diverse needs of businesses by providing a range of loan options with varying repayment schedules, interest rates, and loan amounts. Consider offering tiered financing options based on purchase size or industry. Additionally, explore value-added services that complement your BNPL offering. This could include fraud protection for businesses or loyalty programs for consumers using BNPL options.

Merchant Dashboard & Marketing Powerhouse

A basic dashboard is table stakes. However, empower merchants with a comprehensive and visually appealing dashboard that provides real-time insights into loan activity, customer accounts, and overall BNPL program performance. Integrate marketing tools within the dashboard that allow merchants to create and launch targeted campaigns promoting BNPL options to their customer base. Offer pre-designed marketing materials and customizable templates to make marketing effortless for businesses.

Unmatched Security & Streamlined Loan Servicing

Security is paramount when dealing with financial data. Implement robust security measures that comply with all relevant regulations to protect sensitive information for both businesses and consumers—partner with reputable lenders known for their secure loan processing and servicing practices. Ensure a smooth loan servicing experience, offering clear communication channels and efficient customer support for both businesses and consumers navigating repayments or encountering any issues.

Automated Repayment Management 

Frictionless loan repayment is key to a successful BNPL experience. Develop a robust system for automatic loan repayments, minimizing delinquencies and simplifying the process for businesses and consumers alike. Explore offering early payment incentives to encourage responsible financial behavior from consumers. This could be in the form of discounts on future purchases or loyalty program rewards.

Data-Driven Insights & Actionable Reporting

Knowledge is power. Provide merchants with valuable data and reports that go beyond basic loan performance metrics. Offer insights into BNPL usage trends, customer behavior analytics, and industry benchmarks. This data should be actionable, allowing merchants to optimize their BNPL strategy, identify marketing opportunities, and ultimately drive sales growth. Consider offering customizable reporting options so merchants can tailor data visualizations to their specific needs.

Steps To Develop A BNPL FinTech App Like GreenSky

If you’re ready to enter this exciting space, here’s a roadmap to develop a powerful BNPL FinTech app like GreenSky:

01 Market Research & Niche Selection

Don’t settle for a cursory market analysis. Conduct in-depth research to know the competitive landscape, identify unmet needs within the B2B BNPL space, and pinpoint your target market segment with laser precision. 

Focus on a specific industry or niche, such as home improvement, healthcare, or even sustainable energy solutions. By catering to the unique financing requirements of a well-defined niche, you can set up yourself as a trusted partner and solution provider.

02 Business Model & Navigate Regulations

Define your core revenue model. Will you function as a loan facilitator, connecting businesses with lenders, or will you offer your own credit lines? Carefully analyze the pros and limitations of each approach, taking into account factors like risk management, capital requirements, and potential profit margins. 

Ensure you comply with all required regulations for BNPL and consumer lending in your target market. Partner with legal and financial experts to get through the sometimes complex regulatory landscape, ensuring your BNPL app operates within a secure and compliant framework.

03 Technology Stack & Prioritize User Experience

Choose a strong technology stack that can handle the demands of your BNPL platform. This includes secure financial transaction processing, responsible user data management, and smooth integration with existing business systems. 

Develop a user-friendly app interface for both businesses and consumers. Prioritize intuitive navigation, a streamlined user experience, and a visually appealing design that fosters trust and encourages engagement.

04 Strategic Partnerships & Loan Origination

Partner with reputable lenders to handle credit assessment and loan origination. This reduces your financial risk by allowing established financial institutions to shoulder the burden of loan underwriting. Focus on forging partnerships with lenders that share your vision and commitment to the B2B BNPL market. 

Negotiate competitive loan terms that benefit both businesses and consumers using your BNPL platform. This will ensure a win-win scenario for all parties involved, fostering long-term growth and success.

05 Onboarding & Integration

Design a smooth onboarding process for businesses, making it effortless to integrate your BNPL service into their existing point-of-sale (POS) systems. Eliminate technical hurdles by offering pre-built integrations with popular POS solutions. This streamlines the adoption process for businesses, allowing them to quickly leverage your BNPL platform and start offering financing options to their customers.

06 Marketing & Customer Acquisition Strategy

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy designed to reach your target market of businesses and potential BNPL users. Leverage a variety of channels, including industry events, content marketing, targeted online advertising, and strategic partnerships with industry associations. 

Focus on educating businesses about the advantages of offering BNPL options and how your platform can streamline their financing processes and boost sales. Craft compelling messages that resonate with potential BNPL users, highlighting the convenience and flexibility your solution offers compared to traditional financing methods.

07 Continuous Improvement & Innovation

Collect user feedback and data to improve your app’s functionalities and features continuously. Be data-driven in your approach, using insights to spot areas for improvement and prioritize development efforts. Embrace innovation by exploring new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics. 

AI can be used to enhance credit assessment accuracy and fraud prevention. At the same time, data analytics can provide important insights into user behavior, allowing you to customize the user experience and improve your marketing strategies.

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A BNPL FinTech App Like GreenSky?

Developing a Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) FinTech app similar to GreenSky can vary greatly in cost, typically ranging from $150,000 to $500,000 or more. 

A basic BNPL app, priced between $150,000 and $250,000, provides essential functionalities such as user registration, basic payment processing, transaction history, and customer support. 

For a moderately complex app in the range of $250,000 to $350,000, additional features include advanced payment options, integration with multiple merchants, detailed financial reporting, fraud detection, and an improved user interface. 

The most advanced BNPL apps, costing $350,000 to $500,000 or more, offer comprehensive functionalities such as AI-driven credit assessments, personalized loan offers, robust security measures, multi-currency support, seamless integration with various financial systems, and extensive customization options. 

Here’s a breakdown based on the complexity of the app:

Cost ComponentBasic App ($150K – $250K)Moderately Complex App ($250K – $350K)Highly Complex App ($350K – $500K+)
Development Team$50K – $80K$80K – $120K$120K – $180K
Features and Functionality$40K – $70K$70K – $110K$110K – $160K
Infrastructure and Technology$30K – $50K$50K – $70K$70K – $100K
Testing and Quality Assurance$10K – $20K$20K – $30K$30K – $50K
Deployment and Launch$10K – $20K$20K – $30K$30K – $40K
Maintenance and Support$10K – $30K$30K – $50K$50K – $70K

These are just estimates. The actual cost depends on factors like the development team’s expertise, geographic location, specific requirements, and additional features needed to tailor the BNPL app to its intended market and user base.

App Complexity

A GreenSky-inspired app will likely be more complex than a basic BNPL solution. Features like a B2B focus, loan origination integration, and merchant dashboards significantly increase development efforts. Expect higher costs compared to simpler consumer-focused BNPL apps.

Development Approach

You can choose native app development (separate apps for iOS and Android) or a cross-platform method (single codebase for both platforms). Native apps offer a more tailored user experience but are often more expensive. Cross-platform development is typically cheaper but might have limitations in functionality.

Development Team Location & Experience

Hiring developers from regions with lower costs of living can impact the overall budget. However, experienced developers with expertise in FinTech and secure coding practices are crucial for a complex app like GreenSky’s. Striking a balance between cost and expertise is important. You can find this balance easily in Indian App Development Companies.

Third-Party Integrations

Connecting your app to existing financial systems, loan originators, and credit bureaus will involve integration costs. These costs change depending on the specific services you choose to integrate.

How Do BNPL Apps Like GreenSky Generate Revenue?

GreenSky and similar B2B BNPL apps generate revenue through a few key strategies:

Merchant Transaction Fees

This is a common revenue stream for BNPL providers. Apps like GreenSky charge businesses a fee for each BNPL transaction processed through their platform. This fee could be a flat rate per transaction or a percentage of the loan amount.

Interest Income (Facilitator Model)

In a facilitator model, apps connect businesses with lenders who offer BNPL loans. They could earn revenue through a share of the interest income generated on these loans. The lenders handle the credit risk and directly collect interest from borrowers, but the app gets a cut for facilitating the transaction.

Interchange Fees

Similar to credit card transactions, BNPL purchases might involve interchange fees. These are fees financed by the merchant’s bank to the issuing bank (typically the lender in the BNPL scenario). Apps like GreenSky, as a facilitator, negotiate a share of these interchange fees with the lenders they partner with.

Premium Services

These apps offer additional premium services to businesses for an extra fee. These services could include advanced fraud protection tools, data analytics dashboards with deeper insights into BNPL usage or marketing tools specifically designed to promote BNPL options to their customer base.

Here’s a breakdown of the potential revenue streams for a GreenSky-inspired BNPL app:

B2B Model: The primary focus would be transaction fees and potentially a share of interchange fees from facilitating BNPL transactions between businesses and lenders.

Hybrid Model: The app could offer both a facilitator model (earning from interest income share) and a direct lending model (earning interest directly from loans offered in-house). This would require a different regulatory framework and risk management strategy.

It’s important to note that GreenSky’s specific revenue model details are not publicly available. However, the above points provide a general understanding of how B2B BNPL apps like GreenSky can generate income.

The BNPL market is a dynamic space that is continuously adjusting to meet the requirements of consumers and businesses. Here’s a glimpse into some of the latest trends in BNPL FinTech app development:

01 Embedded Finance & Frictionless Integration

Consumers crave seamless financial experiences. BNPL apps are integrating directly into existing shopping carts and checkout processes, eliminating the need for separate apps or redirection. This creates a smoother and more convenient user experience, potentially boosting conversion rates for businesses.

02 Open Banking & Alternative Credit Scoring

Traditional credit scores often leave new businesses or individuals with limited credit histories behind. BNPL apps are exploring open banking APIs to access a wider range of financial data for credit assessment. This allows for a more holistic view of a borrower’s financial health, potentially expanding access to BNPL options for a broader user base.

03 AI-Powered Risk Management & Fraud Detection

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing BNPL. Machine learning algorithms can interpret vast amounts of data to assess creditworthiness more accurately and efficiently. This can lead to faster loan approvals, reduced risk for BNPL providers, and lower interest rates for qualified borrowers. Additionally, Artificial Intelligence can be used to spot and prevent fraudulent transactions, further enhancing security and trust within the BNPL ecosystem.

04 Subscription BNPL & Flexible Payment Structures

Moving beyond single purchases, BNPL apps are exploring subscription-based models. This allows consumers to spread the cost of ongoing services over time, like gym memberships or software subscriptions. Additionally, BNPL providers are offering more flexible payment structures, such as “buy now, pay later in installments” or “skip a payment” options under specific circumstances. This caters to a wider range of financial needs and budgeting styles.

05 Blockchain & Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Potential

This is where things get interesting. Blockchain technology, the foundation of cryptocurrencies, holds immense potential for BNPL. Imagine a decentralized BNPL platform where transactions are recorded on a safe and transparent blockchain ledger. This could eliminate the need for traditional financial institutions, potentially reducing fees and increasing accessibility. Additionally, DeFi protocols could offer alternative funding sources for BNPL providers, reducing reliance on traditional lenders.


The BNPL market is ready for innovation and growth. With the insights gathered from this blog, you’re now ready to start on your BNPL app development journey. Remember, success depends on a deep understanding of your target market, a carefully designed app with user-centric features, and a development process that prioritizes security and scalability.

Don’t hesitate to seek out expert guidance along the way. Partnering with experienced FinTech app developers can streamline the process, ensure compliance with regulations, and accelerate your time to market. As you launch your BNPL app, focus on continuous improvement. Gather user feedback, analyze data-driven insights, and adapt your app to stay ahead.

The BNPL revolution is here to stay, so take the first step and turn your BNPL vision into a reality. The future of finance is bright, and with a well-crafted BNPL app, you can be at the forefront of this exciting transformation.

How Can Idea Usher Help With BNPL App Development?

The BNPL market is experiencing explosive growth, and Idea Usher possesses the expertise to propel you to the forefront of this exciting revolution. We don’t just build apps – we craft secure, user-friendly BNPL platforms meticulously designed for the US market.

Our team understands the intricacies of the US BNPL landscape, ensuring your app adheres to all relevant regulations while perfectly catering to the specific needs of American consumers. Whether your vision focuses on empowering businesses to offer BNPL options or simplifying the buying journey for individual consumers, Idea Usher customizes your app to resonate with your chosen niche.

Don’t settle for simply watching the BNPL boom from the sidelines. Partner with Idea Usher and transform your vision into a reality. 

Contact us today for a free consultation and unlock the immense potential of the BNPL market!

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How to build a BNPL platform? 

Building a Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) platform involves several key steps. First, you need to define your target market and unique value proposition. Next, develop a user-friendly interface for seamless customer interaction, incorporating robust payment processing and secure transaction capabilities. Integrate advanced features like real-time credit assessments and personalized repayment options to enhance user experience. Ensure compliance with financial rules and data security standards throughout the development process. Finally, rigorous testing and continuous iteration are crucial to ensure reliability and user satisfaction.

How much does it cost to develop a BNPL Loan app? 

The cost of developing a BNPL loan app varies based on its complexity. A basic app with essential features may cost between $150,000 and $250,000, while more advanced platforms with sophisticated functionalities such as AI-driven credit assessments and multi-currency support can range from $250,000 to $500,000 or more. Factors influencing costs include development team expertise, geographic location, and specific customization requirements tailored to market needs.

What is the new business model of BNPL? 

The new business model of BNPL revolves around offering consumers a flexible payment option that allows them to purchase goods and services upfront and pay later in installments. This model appeals to customers seeking budget flexibility without the immediate financial pressure of full payment at the time of purchase. For businesses, BNPL platforms drive sales by increasing conversion rates and average order values while minimizing transaction risks through secure payment processing and credit risk management.

How do BNPL apps make money? 

BNPL apps generate revenue primarily through merchant fees and interest charges on installment payments. Merchants pay a percentage fee per transaction or a fixed fee when using the BNPL service. Additionally, interest is often charged to consumers who choose to extend their payment period beyond interest-free promotional periods. Revenue models may also include partnerships with financial institutions, referral fees, and data analytics services to optimize credit assessments and customer targeting.

Picture of Dhra Mrinalini

Dhra Mrinalini

As a seasoned Technical Content Writer with 4+ years of experience, I excel in transforming complex technical information into clear, engaging content. I specialize in bridging the gap between experts and end-users, ensuring information is both informative and accessible. With expertise in various subjects, strong research skills, and keen attention to detail, I consistently deliver high-quality content that exceeds project goals
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