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Build A Health Management App Like Livongo – Cost & Features

Maintaining the right balance of glucose in the body is important for good health. Still, around 422 million people are struggling with Diabetes. Livongo is a diabetes tracker app that has simplified the process of managing everyday tasks related to diabetes, such as tracking blood sugar levels, scheduling medical appointments, and controlling diet.

If such apps inspire you and you want the same kind of app for your business, this article will help you understand everything that you need to know to develop an app like Livongo.

What Is A Livongo App?

Livongo was founded in 2014 and offers digital services and products to help people struggling to manage their diabetes and other chronic conditions such as hypertension and mental health issues. The digital healthcare company proposes that these conditions can be managed more competently and at a much lower cost by using tech, coaching, and other smart digital tools.

The users receive a starter kit at the beginning of the program, followed by regular coaching and continuous monitoring, all of which are paid by the user’s employer or insurance through a monthly subscription model.

What Makes Livongo Unique?

Livongo stands out in healthcare because it has a unique B2B model that focuses on partnerships with employers and insurers. The company uses connected devices to track health metrics and offers personalized coaching to help users manage their conditions. They also provide ongoing medical supplies, which makes things easier for users and helps them stick to their plans. Livongo’s approach is backed by clinical research, leading to positive outcomes for users. 

The company has also expanded its services to cover related health issues, increasing its impact. By using AI and machine learning, Livongo provides automated, personalized interactions, like chat functions and pattern recognition, improving the user experience. Additionally, Livongo connects its products with other devices and services, such as wearables and smart assistants like Alexa, making health management more accessible and effective.

How Does The Livongo App Works?

Livongo helps people take care of chronic health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and weight problems with a welcome kit. This kit includes everything they need to get started, like a Livongo glucose meter, a charger, a lancing device with lancets, a carrying case, and extra test strips sent for free whenever patients need them.

To begin, patients turn on the meter by pressing and holding the power button for three seconds. Then, they personalize their device by answering a few simple questions. Once set up, patients can do their first blood glucose check by inserting a test strip.

After each reading, the meter automatically uploads results to their secure Livongo account, making it easy to track blood glucose levels over time.

In the Livongo app, patients can access personalized support, including online access to their readings, tailored tips after each result to help them stay on track, and the option to contact a diabetes coach by phone or text whenever they need help. If their blood glucose levels are too high or too low, a coach will reach out to provide guidance.

Patients can also set up notifications for friends and family so they can stay updated on their progress. 

How Livongo App Generate Revenue?

Livongo’s revenue generation hinges on a subscription-based model that targets organizations, specifically employers and health plans. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

1. Employer and Health Plan Contracts

Livongo partners with employers, health plans, and other organizations to offer their services as part of wellness programs. These contracts typically involve a per-member-per-month (PMPM) fee, which allows organizations to provide Livongo’s services to their employees or members. This model ensures a steady and predictable revenue stream for Livongo.

      2. Monthly Subscriptions

      For individuals, Livongo offers a subscription-based model. Users pay a monthly fee to access the app’s features and receive personalized coaching and support. This direct-to-consumer approach provides an additional revenue stream.

      For $65-to-$75/month and a three-month minimum commitment, patients get unlimited test strips and lancets, access to a Livongo expert coach, and a Livongo blood glucose meter.

      3. Data Analytics

      Livongo leverages the data collected from users to provide insights and analytics to their partners. These insights help improve health outcomes and optimize care, which can be a valuable service for employers and health plans.

      4. Device Sales

      Livongo also provides connected devices like glucose meters, blood pressure monitors, and weight scales as part of their service. The cost of these devices is usually included in the subscription, but they also sell them separately. This creates an extra way to earn money, especially if users need replacements or want to buy more devices.

      Key Market Takeaways For Digital Diabetes Management

      According to Precedence Research, The global market for digital diabetes management was valued at USD 26.85 billion in 2023. It is expected to reach approximately USD 150.35 billion by 2033, with a growth rate of 18.8% each year from 2024 to 2033.

      Key Market Takeaways For Digital Diabetes Management

      Source: Precedenceresearch

      The growing need for digital diabetes management tools is a big opportunity in the healthcare market. These apps help healthcare professionals keep track of patients’ progress remotely, cutting down on in-person visits.  

      Building a digital diabetes management app can make healthcare providers more efficient, allowing them to help more patients while using their resources wisely. For patients, these apps make it easy to consult with healthcare professionals from home, leading to better health outcomes.

      Additionally, this market presents great business opportunities for healthcare providers and entrepreneurs. By developing innovative solutions, there’s potential to earn extra income through subscription models, partnerships with healthcare organizations, or offering premium services. This not only improves patient care but also creates new revenue streams for those in the diabetes management field.

      The Livongo app helps users keep track of their health data and improve their lifestyles. It’s not just for weight loss; Livongo can also help monitor conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. Users may want to prevent these diseases, and Livongo provides tips based on their habits to help lower their risk.

      Here’s how Livongo and similar apps are changing the game:

      1. Proactive Health Management

      A healthy person might overlook minor symptoms. Apps like Livongo can track a person’s health records, compare them with known patterns, and analyze signs of Diabetes. These apps monitor the patient and then build a model using adaptive analytics and algorithms to produce accurate results through regular data updates

      2. Early Detection Through AI

      The app’s sophisticated algorithms can analyze a user’s health records and identify patterns that might signal potential health issues, like diabetes. This allows for early detection and intervention, leading to better long-term outcomes.

      3. Convenience and Accessibility

      Imagine managing your health from your smartphone. Livongo offers 24/7 access to vital health information, eliminating the need for frequent appointments or carrying bulky medical records.

      Beyond Livongo: The Rise of Patient-Centric Apps

      Livongo is a prime example of a growing trend in healthcare – patient-centric apps that put users in control. These apps offer a variety of features beyond data tracking, including:

      1. Personalized Coaching

      Virtual coaches provide tailored guidance on everything from medication reminders to dietary advice, promoting self-care and healthy habits.

      2. Community Support

      Connecting patients with others facing similar challenges fosters a sense of community and shared experience, leading to improved emotional well-being and motivation.

      3. Enhanced Communication with Doctors

      Secure communication and data sharing with healthcare professionals allows for more informed treatment decisions and improved patient-doctor interaction.

      What are the Must-Have features For building a healthcare app like Livongo?

       Livongo’s diabetic app management platform has gained popularity for its unique features that benefit both users and healthcare providers. Here are some key features that make Livongo stand out:

      1. Health Dashboard

      The Health Dashboard gives patients a clear view of their health in one easy-to-use place. Patients can check important things like blood sugar, blood pressure, weight, and daily steps all in one spot. This dashboard keeps track of progress and shows visual insights that help patients change their habits easily, making it simpler to stay healthy.

      2. Data Tracking

      Enable users to seamlessly record and track various health metrics relevant to their specific chronic condition. This might involve integrating with wearable devices for automatic data collection.

      3. Custom Action Plan Creator

      With the Custom Action Plan Creator, patients can set personal health goals based on what they need and want. The app gives suggestions for activities, including exercise routines, diet changes, and lifestyle adjustments. This feature helps patients take control of their health journey with a plan that grows and changes as they make progress.

      4. Health Reminders

      Timely Health Reminders help patients build and keep healthy habits. The app sends alerts for taking medicine, exercising, and drinking water. Patients can also check out a library of healthy recipes and helpful articles to keep them inspired and informed on their wellness journey.

      5. Apple Health Integration

      iOS users can easily connect with Apple Health, which improves their experience by syncing data with other health apps and devices. Patients can import lab results and export blood sugar data, giving them a complete picture of their health. This integration keeps all health information in one place, making it easier to track and manage.

      6. Instant Access to Expert Coaching

      Patients can easily connect with certified health coaches who are available to message anytime. Whether they need help with nutrition tips, exercise advice, stress management, or medication guidance, expert support is just a click away. This feature helps patients boost their confidence in making healthy choices.

      7. Food Logging Tool

      The Food Logging Tool helps patients keep track of what they eat, making them more aware of their eating habits. Patients can easily log meals and snacks, spot dietary patterns, and stay committed to their health goals. By looking at their food log, patients can make smart choices that support their wellness aims.

      8. Health Pattern Analysis

      This feature gives patients clear charts and summaries that show their health data over time. This feature helps patients spot trends and patterns in their health metrics, enabling them to make smart choices about their lifestyle and take action when needed.

      9. Real-Time Health Feedback and Guidance

      Patients get quick feedback after entering their health data, along with personalized tips and helpful advice. Quick guidance helps them understand what their readings mean, encouraging healthier choices and better overall wellness. Patients feel more confident because they receive personalized suggestions based on their information.

      10. One-Click Test Strip Ordering

      To make health management easier, the app has a One-Click Test Strip Ordering feature. Patients can quickly order as many test strips and lancets as they need with just one tap, so they always stay supplied. This option encourages regular check-ups, helping patients stick to their health routines.

      11. Integration with Wearables

      Consider seamless integration with popular wearable devices to allow for automatic data collection and a more holistic view of user health.

      12. Goal Setting & Tracking

      Allow users to set personalized health goals and track their progress over time. This can increase motivation and engagement with the app.

      How To Develop A Healthcare App Like Livongo?

      Here’s a roadmap to get you started on building a diabetes management app for patients:

      1. Know the Healthcare Regulations 

      Building a healthcare app like Livongo requires following important rules like HIPAA in the USA and GDPR in the EU. These laws protect patient information and privacy, making it essential for any healthcare app to comply with them.

      2. Work with Healthcare Professionals

      Partnering with healthcare organizations, like insurance companies and clinics, is important. These partnerships help with billing, checking coverage, and connecting with current systems, making your app more useful. Involve healthcare experts in your app. Their medical knowledge ensures the app’s features are correct.  

      3. Integrate with Medical Devices

      Healthcare apps often need to connect with medical devices. Your app should work with tools like glucose meters and blood pressure monitors to make sure data is sent safely and readings are correct. This helps with tracking health and monitoring patient numbers.

      4. Create Personalized Health Programs

      Creating personalized health programs is a must-have step. These programs use patient data, medical history, and current health status. They should include real-time monitoring and feedback to ensure effective care for patients.

      Healthcare apps need solid data analysis to understand patient information and provide helpful insights. Good reporting tools help track health results, allowing providers to improve patient care over time.

      6. Test With Doctors And Patients

      Healthcare apps must show they are effective and safe. This involves testing them with real patients and doctors to ensure they provide accurate results and meet medical standards. This step is essential for earning the trust of users and health regulators.

      7. Include Telehealth And Medication Features

      Adding telehealth features is essential for healthcare apps. This lets patients have remote visits and virtual care through video calls, secure messaging, and easy scheduling. Telehealth improves access to care and helps patients, especially those with long-term health issues.

      Your app should include tools for managing medications, like reminders for taking them, tracking refills, and checking for drug interactions. Helping patients stick to their medication is important for better health outcomes, which is a key need for healthcare apps.

      8. Offer Patient Education and Support

      Healthcare apps should provide educational resources based on each user’s health needs. This can include articles, videos, and community forums where patients can connect and share their experiences. By offering support and education, these apps help users take control of their health, which is essential in healthcare.

      Cost Of Developing A Healthcare App Like Livongo 

      FactorPrice Range (USD)Description
      Market Research$5,000 – $15,000Analyzing target audience, competitors, and market needs.
      UI/UX Design$10,000 – $25,000Creating user-friendly interfaces and experience flows.
      Core Features Development$30,000 – $100,000Includes glucose tracking, meal logging, medication reminders, and data analytics.
      Integration with Devices$15,000 – $50,000Connecting with glucose monitors and wearables.
      Backend Development$20,000 – $50,000Building server infrastructure and database management.
      Compliance & Security$10,000 – $30,000Ensuring HIPAA compliance and data security measures.
      Testing & Quality Assurance$10,000 – $25,000Rigorous testing for functionality and performance.
      Launch & Marketing$10,000 – $30,000Promoting the app post-launch to attract users.
      Maintenance & Updates$5,000 – $15,000 annuallyOngoing support and feature updates post-launch.

      Total Estimated Cost: $95,000 – $315,000

      Also, here are more factors that can decide the cost of developing an app like Livongo.  

      1. Regulatory Compliance

      Healthcare apps must follow strict rules like HIPAA, FDA, and GDPR to protect user data. Meeting these standards requires careful legal advice, detailed paperwork, and thorough testing, which can drive up development costs. You should plan to spend a good part of your budget on compliance.

      2. Integration with Medical Devices

      Livongo connects with various medical devices to gather real-time health data. Creating software that works with these devices, using Bluetooth or IoT technology, and ensuring smooth data transfer requires special skills and thorough testing, which raises the overall cost.

      3. EHR/EMR Integration

      Connecting with Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems is crucial for providing complete care. Using standards like HL7 and FHIR aids in sharing data between systems. Developing APIs and ensuring smooth data flow requires complicated integration work, significantly increasing development costs.

      4. Clinical Validation and Testing

      Healthcare apps need thorough testing and validation to ensure safety and effectiveness. This includes running clinical trials, conducting usability tests with real patients and healthcare professionals, and confirming the app meets clinical standards. All of this takes considerable time and money.

      5. Patient Engagement Features

      To keep patients engaged, healthcare apps need personalized and interactive features. Applying principles from behavioral science, offering tailored health tips, and creating interactive tools, all require extra development work and skills, which can raise the overall cost. You can develop MVP to know what will work for your app.

      6. Telehealth and Remote Monitoring

      Offering telehealth services and remote patient monitoring is essential for today’s healthcare apps. Setting up secure video calls for virtual doctor visits and developing tools for ongoing remote health tracking can be complex. This complexity increases development and testing time, adding to the overall cost.

      7. Health Data Analytics

      Analyzing health data to provide insights and enhance patient care is vital for healthcare apps. Utilizing smart technology and data analysis to predict trends, manage real-time information from medical devices, and ensure quick responses demands advanced tools and skills, driving up development costs.

      8. Insurance and Billing Integration

      Integrating with insurance companies and managing billing is crucial for a seamless user experience. Features for checking patient insurance coverage and automating claims processing require complex integration and development work, which increases the overall cost.

      What Are The Teck Stacks Required to Develop A Healthcare App Like Livongo?

      Building a successful diabetes management app needs a solid mix of technologies to make sure it works well, can grow, and keeps users engaged. Here’s a simple look at the tech stack and tech you need to create a diabetes management app:

      1. Frontend Technologies

      To create a healthcare app like Livongo, choosing the right tech stack is very important. Start with frontend technologies like React Native or Flutter for cross-platform development. This allows your app to work well on both iOS and Android, reaching more users and increasing engagement. For web apps, using frameworks like Angular or Vue.js helps you build a responsive and user-friendly interface, enhancing the overall experience.

      2. Backend Technologies

      For the backend, programming languages like Node.js, Python, or Java are key for creating strong APIs that manage data well. Frameworks like Express.js or Django make development easier, allowing for faster feature launches and updates. For managing data, using both relational databases like PostgreSQL and NoSQL databases like MongoDB offers flexibility and reliability, ensuring user data is stored safely and accessed quickly.

      3. Cloud Services

      Cloud services like AWS or Google Cloud provide flexible infrastructure that lets your app manage more users without slowing down. Using health data APIs, especially those that follow the FHIR standard, helps your app work well with other health systems, making it simpler to connect with devices and services.

      4. Security Measures

      Security is essential in healthcare apps because health data is sensitive. Using OAuth 2.0 for user login offers a safe way for users to access their accounts, making sure that only authorized people can see private information. Also, using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) can improve security when sending data.

      5. Analytics and Monitoring

      Using Google Analytics lets you see how users interact with your app, helping you make smart choices to boost engagement. Tools like Sentry help spot problems quickly, so you can fix them fast and keep the user experience top-notch.

      6. DevOps Tools

      DevOps tools are really important for making it easier to develop and deploy apps, especially ones that need lots of updates, like healthcare apps. Using Docker helps because it packs everything an app needs into one package.

      Setting up Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) systems with tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, or GitHub Actions helps automate testing and get new updates out quickly.


      The Livongo app has changed how people manage diabetes by providing quick, affordable, and high-quality services.  If you want to create a similar app for your business, it’s a good idea to work with an experienced app development company that knows how to build diabetes management apps like Livongo.

      Looking To Develop A Healthcare App Like Livongo?

      Do you have an idea for a Diabetes Tracker app like Livongo? Idea Usher Can Help. We are a team of more than 300 members with over 50,000 hours of coding experience.  We’ll use the latest healthcare frameworks and AI-based algorithms to help you turn diabetes care into an easy and simple experience. Let’s give people the tools and motivation they need to manage their diabetes well!

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      Q. How to develop a diabetic app management system?

      A. To create a diabetes management app, begin with features like tracking blood sugar levels, logging meals, and reminding users to take their medications. Make sure the app can connect with glucose monitors and keeps data safe. A simple and easy design is important for both patients and doctors. Also, add educational resources, personalized tips, and tools for tracking exercise to help users manage their diabetes better.

      Q. How much does it cost to develop a diabetic app management system?

      A.The cost changes depending on features like connecting with glucose monitors, analyzing data, and providing user support. Adding security to protect sensitive health information also increases expenses. It’s essential  to create a budget for ongoing maintenance and updates to meet changing healthcare rules and user needs, so planning for the long term is essential.

      Q. How long does it take to develop a diabetic app management system?

      A. Development timeline depends on how complex the features are. For example, connecting with monitoring devices, analyzing data, and meeting health regulations can make the process longer. It’s important to create a smooth experience for both patients and healthcare providers, which may need extra time for testing and improvements.

      Q. How can developing a diabetic app management system be profitable for my business?

      A. Creating a diabetes management app can be very profitable because it meets the rising need for better care for chronic diseases. By including features like personalized tips, meal planning, and online consultations, you can reach more users and form partnerships with healthcare providers, boosting your revenue potential.

      Picture of Gaurav Patil

      Gaurav Patil

      Loves to explore the latest tech trends in the market. I feel motivated to write topics on Mobile Apps, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchains, especially Cryptos. You can find my words engaging and easier to understand, which makes content more entertaining and informative at the same time.
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