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Natural Language Processing App Development – Cost and Features

Natural Language Processing App Development

These days, we’re used to talking to technology like we do to our friends. We ask our phones for directions or chat with smart assistants. NLP apps make this possible by understanding our words and talking back in a way that feels natural. They can help us communicate better, like when we need customer service, want to translate languages, or need help creating content. Plus, NLP apps can analyze lots of text data to find useful information, which is great for businesses and researchers.

NLP is a growing field with a lot of potential. In fact, the global NLP market is expected to grow from $29 billion in 2024 to a whopping $158 billion by 2032! This means more and more people are using NLP apps, which is great news for companies looking to get involved in this exciting market!

With so many people talking about NLP these days, it’s no surprise that we’re seeing more and more NLP apps in the US market. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating your own NLP app. We’ll cover the essential features, design tips, technologies you’ll need, and best practices to follow.

Key Market Takeaways for NLP Apps

According to MarketsandMarkets, the NLP market is projected to reach $68 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 29.3%. The rapid development of increasingly sophisticated text-analyzing computer programs has been pushing this market pretty fast!

Key Market Takeaways for NLP Apps

Source: MarketsandMarkets

These advancements enable NLP apps to better understand and process human language, leading to more accurate and valuable insights. Additionally, businesses are increasingly recognizing the need for enterprise solutions that can streamline operations and enhance customer interactions. NLP apps offer a powerful tool for achieving these goals.

Chatbots are perhaps the most recognizable examples of NLP apps. Leading chatbots like ChatGPT, Dialogflow, and IBM Watson Assistant utilize NLP to engage in natural language conversations with users. These chatbots can provide customer support, answer questions, and even offer personalized recommendations.

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What is a Natural Language Processing App?

A Natural Language Processing app is a software application that enables computers to understand, interpret, and respond to human language. It uses algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze text or speech data, extract meaning, and perform tasks like translation, sentiment analysis, and question answering. These apps are becoming increasingly prevalent in various fields, from customer service chatbots to language learning tools. Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are popular examples of NLP-powered virtual assistants that can understand voice commands, answer questions, and perform various tasks.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) apps have diverse monetization strategies, catering to various business models and target markets. Here are some common revenue models:

1. Direct Licensing

Many NLP app developers offer enterprise-grade solutions tailored to specific business needs, such as customer service chatbots, document analysis tools, or language translation platforms. These solutions are typically licensed to businesses on a subscription or perpetual basis. Companies can provide API access to their NLP technology, allowing other businesses to integrate these capabilities into their own applications or platforms. This model generates revenue through API usage fees or subscription plans.

For example, a customer service chatbot platform like Dialogflow might offer enterprise plans starting at $300 per month.

2. Data-Driven Services

NLP apps can analyze text data to determine sentiment, providing valuable insights for market research, brand monitoring, and customer feedback analysis. Businesses can pay for these services based on the volume of data processed or the depth of analysis required.

NLP can extract specific information from text documents, such as names, dates, or locations. This is particularly useful for data mining, knowledge management, and compliance applications. Businesses can subscribe to these services or pay per extraction.

For example, a sentiment analysis tool like Lexalytics might charge based on the volume of data processed, with pricing starting at $10,000 per month for large-scale projects.

3. Platform-as-a-Service

Some NLP app developers offer cloud-based platforms that provide a suite of NLP tools and services. Businesses can access these platforms on a subscription basis, paying for usage or storage. Platforms may also offer custom development services to tailor their solutions to specific client requirements, generating additional revenue.

For example, Google Cloud Natural Language Platform offers a lot of pricing options, including pay-as-you-go and committed use discounts. Monthly costs can range from $10 to $10,000 or more depending on usage.

NLP apps have witnessed a surge in popularity in recent years due to a lot of key factors:

1. Technological Advancements:

Significant advancements in machine learning algorithms, particularly deep learning, have enabled NLP models to achieve remarkable accuracy in tasks like language translation, sentiment analysis, and text generation. The availability of much more powerful hardware, such as GPUs and TPUs, has accelerated NLP model training and inference, making them more practical for real-world applications.

2. Growing Demand for Automation:

NLP-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, like ChatGPT and Google Assistant, are becoming increasingly popular as businesses seek to automate customer interactions and provide 24/7 support. NLP can be used to generate content, such as news articles, product descriptions, or social media posts, reducing the need for human writers.

According to a Gartner report, by 2025, over 90% of customer interactions will be taken care of by AI, including NLP-powered chatbots.

3. Data Availability and Accessibility:

The availability of massive datasets, such as Common Crawl and Wikipedia, has provided NLP researchers with the resources needed to train sophisticated models. Cloud computing platforms, like AWS and GCP, have made it easier for companies to access and utilize large-scale computing resources for NLP tasks.

4. Business Value and ROI:

NLP apps can streamline business processes, automate tasks, and reduce operational costs. By providing personalized and efficient interactions, NLP-powered applications can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, NLP can extract valuable insights from unstructured data, enabling companies to make better decisions and gain a competitive advantage.

McKinsey estimates that NLP technologies could create economic value of up to $2.7 trillion annually across a range of industries.

5. Integration with Other Technologies:

NLP is not just a standalone technology. It’s being combined with other exciting AI fields like computer vision as well as speech recognition to create even more powerful applications. For example, imagine a smart home device that can understand your voice commands and respond accordingly, thanks to the integration of NLP and speech recognition.

IDC predicts that spending on AI systems, including NLP, will reach $97.9 billion by 2023, representing a compound annual growth rate of 29.4%.

Must-have Features in NLP Apps 

To effectively meet the demand, NLP apps must incorporate essential features that enhance their functionality and value. This article highlights five must-have features that can drive business growth and improve the user experience.

1. Accurate and Contextual Understanding

A fundamental component of NLP apps is their capacity to comprehend and interpret natural language within its context accurately. This necessitates advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to grasp the nuances of human language, such as synonyms, idioms, and cultural references. By effectively understanding context, NLP apps can deliver more relevant and helpful responses.

Example: Grammarly is a popular NLP app that uses contextual understanding to provide real-time feedback on grammar, spelling, and style. It can accurately identify errors and suggest corrections based on the context of the sentence.

2. Natural Language Generation

Natural language generation is another crucial feature that enables NLP apps to generate human-like text. This involves using algorithms to create coherent and informative sentences based on input data. NLG can be used for various applications, such as drafting emails, summarizing documents, and creating personalized content.

Example: is an AI writing assistant that uses NLG to generate high-quality content.

3. Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is also quite a valuable tool that enables NLP apps to recognize and comprehend the emotional tone of the text. By examining sentiment, businesses can acquire insights into customer feedback, market trends, and brand perception. This information can be utilized to enhance products, services, and customer satisfaction.

Example: Brandwatch is a social media monitoring tool that uses sentiment analysis to track brand mentions and customer sentiment.

4. Machine Translation

For businesses operating in global markets, machine translation is a vital feature. NLP apps that offer accurate and efficient machine translation can facilitate communication and collaboration across different languages. This can help businesses expand their reach, enter new markets, and improve customer satisfaction.

Example: Google Translate is a popular machine translation tool that supports over 100 languages. It can be used for real-time translation of text, speech, and images.

5. Integration with Other Tools and Platforms

To enhance their utility and value, NLP apps should be easily integrated with other tools and platforms. This includes integration with CRM systems, productivity suites, and social media platforms. By seamlessly integrating with other tools, NLP apps can streamline workflows while also providing a more comprehensive solution for businesses.

Example: Intercom is a customer communication platform that integrates with various NLP tools to provide automated customer support and personalized messaging. It can use NLP to understand customer inquiries and provide relevant responses.

Innovative Features That Can Enhance an NLP App

NLP has become an indispensable tool for businesses across various industries. To remain competitive and provide exceptional value, NLP apps must continually evolve and incorporate innovative features. This article explores seven such features that can enhance the capabilities of NLP apps and drive business growth.

1. Real-Time Contextual Understanding

NLP apps should be able to grasp and respond to the context of a conversation in real-time. This includes understanding references to previous topics, recognizing entities like people, places, and organizations, and adapting responses based on the evolving conversation. For example, a chatbot could provide tailored recommendations based on a user’s previous inquiries.

2. Multimodal Understanding

Beyond text, NLP apps should be able to process other forms of media, such as images, audio, and video. This enables more comprehensive understanding of user queries and allows for richer interactions. For instance, a customer service chatbot could analyze a product image to provide relevant information or troubleshoot issues.

3. Emotional Intelligence

Integrating emotional intelligence into NLP apps can lead to more empathetic and engaging interactions. By analyzing tone, sentiment, and other linguistic cues, apps can better understand the user’s emotional state and respond accordingly.

4. Personalized Learning and Adaptation

NLP apps should continuously learn from user interactions to improve their performance over time. This includes adapting to different user styles, preferences, and dialects. For example, a virtual assistant could personalize its responses based on a user’s past behavior and preferences.

5. Integration with Other Technologies

Using NLP with other technologies, such as ML, data analytics, and IoT, can create powerful and versatile applications. For instance, an NLP-powered IoT device could analyze sensor data and provide insights in natural language.

6. Ethical Considerations

As NLP technology advances, it is crucial to address ethical concerns such as bias, privacy, and transparency. Businesses should ensure that their NLP apps are developed and used responsibly, avoiding harmful biases and protecting user data.

Development Steps for a NLP App: A Detailed Guide

NLP has become a vital tool for businesses and companies seeking to enhance user experiences and streamline operations. Developing an NLP app requires a systematic approach to ensure that the app is not only functional but also aligned with business objectives.

1. Problem Definition and Goal Setting

Businesses and companies developing an NLP app must begin by clearly defining the problem the app is intended to solve. Establishing measurable goals will guide the entire development process, ensuring that the app aligns with business objectives and delivers value to its users.

2. Data Collection and Preparation

The foundation of any successful NLP applies in the data. Companies should focus on gathering a relevant and diverse dataset that accurately reflects the language and topics the app will address. Cleaning and preprocessing this data to remove noise, inconsistencies, and errors is crucial for building a reliable model.

3. Feature Engineering

In this step, businesses need to extract meaningful features from the data that will enable the NLP model to interpret language effectively. Techniques such as tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization play an important role in transforming raw data into something that the model can understand and analyze.

4. Model Selection and Training

Choosing the right NLP model is critical. Whether it’s recurrent neural networks, transformers, or support vector machines, companies must select a model that aligns with their specific requirements. Training the model on the prepared dataset allows it to learn patterns and relationships within the language, setting the stage for effective language processing.

5. Evaluation and Fine-tuning

Evaluating the model’s performance is essential for identifying areas of improvement. Metrics such as accuracy, recall, and F1-score provide insights into how well the model is performing. Fine-tuning the model’s architecture, adjusting hyperparameters, or modifying the training data are steps companies can take to enhance performance.

6. Integration with Application

Once trained, the NLP model must be seamlessly integrated into the application’s backend or frontend. This integration ensures smooth communication between the model and the user interface, allowing for real-time processing and response.

7. User Interface Design

Creating a user-friendly interface is essential for attracting and retaining users. Businesses should prioritize designing an interface that enables users to interact seamlessly with NLP applications. This includes considering input methods, output formats, and the overall user experience.

8. Testing and Debugging

The final step involves rigorous testing to identify and fix any bugs or errors. Companies should conduct both functional and non-functional testing to ensure that the apps meet the highest quality standards and deliver a seamless experience to users.

Cost of Developing a Natural Language Processing App

CategoryDescriptionCost Range
Research and DevelopmentNLP Model Selection: Choosing an NLP model like BERT, GPT, or LSTM.$3,000 – $10,000
Data Acquisition and Preparation: Gathering and cleaning large datasets for training.
Custom Model Training: Training a custom model if pre-trained options are insufficient.
Front-End DevelopmentUser Interface Design: Creating an intuitive and engaging UI.$2,000 – $8,000
Integration with NLP Backend: Connecting the front-end to the NLP backend.
Back-End DevelopmentNLP Model Deployment: Deploying the NLP model to cloud or on-premises infrastructure.$4,000 – $15,000
API Development: Creating APIs for front-end interaction.
Data Storage and Management: Implementing scalable and secure data storage solutions.
App FeaturesText Analysis: Costs vary based on the complexity (e.g., sentiment analysis, topic modeling).$2,000 – $20,000 per feature
Natural Language Generation: Generating human-like text.
Speech Recognition and Synthesis: Integrating speech-related features.
Machine Translation: Implementing text translation between languages.
Testing and Quality AssuranceManual Testing: Ensuring correct app functionality and user satisfaction.$1,000 – $5,000
Automated Testing: Utilizing tools to automate testing processes.
UI/UX DesignUser Experience (UX) Design: Creating a user-friendly experience.$1,000 – $5,000
User Interface (UI) Design: Designing consistent and appealing interfaces.

Overall Cost Estimate: $10,000 – $100,000

The development cost of an NLP app is influenced by several factors, many of which are unique to this field. Here are some key variables to consider:

Complexity of NLP Tasks

The specific NLP tasks involved, such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, or machine translation, directly impact development costs. More complex tasks require more sophisticated models and algorithms, leading to increased development time and expenses.

Data Requirements

NLP models rely on large, high-quality datasets for training. The quantity and quality of data needed can significantly influence development costs. Acquiring and preparing suitable datasets can be time-consuming and expensive.

Model Selection and Training

Choosing the appropriate NLP model (e.g., BERT, GPT, LSTM) and training it effectively can be a complex process. The cost of training models depends on factors like computational resources, hardware, and the expertise of the development team.

Custom Model Development

In some cases, pre-trained models may not meet specific requirements, necessitating the development of custom models. This involves additional research, experimentation, and computational resources, increasing development costs.

Top 5 Natural Language Processing Apps in the USA

Here are the top 5 NLP apps in the USA that are making significant strides:

1. Babbel


Babbel, a language learning platform founded in 2007, has got over 10 million downloads and boasts partnerships with renowned educational institutions like Yale and the University of Cambridge. By leveraging NLP to personalize language lessons, Babbel has achieved impressive user engagement and generated significant revenue through subscription models. According to a recent study by Statista, Babbel is one of the most popular language-learning apps globally, with an estimated revenue of over $100 million in 2023.

2. Replika


Replika, launched in 2016, is an AI-powered companion designed to engage in conversations, offer emotional support, and assist in developing writing skills. With millions of downloads and a strong user base, Replika has gained popularity for its ability to adapt to individual personalities and interests. While specific revenue figures are not publicly disclosed, Replika has secured funding from prominent investors like Luka and formed partnerships with companies like Somatic. According to a recent report, Replika has surpassed 10 million downloads and has a user base spanning over 150 countries.

3. ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak, established in 2015, is an app dedicated to improving English pronunciation. Leveraging NLP-powered speech recognition and personalized training plans, ELSA offers valuable feedback and exercises to enhance English-speaking skills. With a growing user base and positive reviews, ELSA has gained traction in the language learning market. While revenue details are limited, the app has secured funding from investors like Goodwater Capital and formed partnerships with educational institutions like Harvard University and the University of Michigan.

4. SentiStrength


SentiStrength, a sentiment analysis tool launched in 2007, enables users to gauge the emotional tone of text data. By analyzing social media posts, customer reviews, and other text-based content, SentiStrength provides valuable insights into public sentiment.SentiStrength has been adopted by researchers, businesses, and individuals seeking to understand public opinion. The tool has been used by major brands like IBM and Microsoft for market research and customer sentiment analysis.

5. Clinical AI

Clinical AI

Clinical AI, a healthcare technology company established in 2015, leverages advanced analytics to enhance clinical decision-making. By analyzing huge stacks of patient data and medical literature, Clinical AI empowers healthcare providers to make more informed and effective treatment choices. Clinical AI has garnered significant investments from reputable venture capital firms such as General Catalyst. Moreover, the company has developed some great partnerships with renowned healthcare institutions like Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of California, San Francisco.


Looking To Develop A NLP Enabled App?

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Q1: How to build an NLP application?

A2: Building an NLP application involves several key steps. First, you’ll need to define the specific NLP task you want to accomplish, such as sentiment analysis, text classification, or machine translation. Next, you’ll need to gather and preprocess a suitable dataset for training your NLP model. Once the data is ready, you can select and train an appropriate NLP model, considering factors like the task’s complexity and the available resources. Finally, you’ll need to integrate the trained model into your application’s interface, ensuring that it can effectively process user input and provide relevant outputs.

Q2: How to train your own NLP model?

A2: Training an NLP model involves several crucial steps. Initially, it’s necessary to compile a large and varied dataset of relevant text. After gathering the data, it must be preprocessed through steps such as tokenization, stemming, and normalization. With the data ready, the next step is to choose a suitable NLP architecture, like a RNN or a transformer. The model is then trained on the preprocessed data using methods such as backpropagation, aiming to minimize the loss function. Lastly, the model’s performance is evaluated using a separate test dataset.

Q3: Is NLP hard to implement?

A3: NLP implementation can be complex, particularly for those without a strong foundation in natural language processing, machine learning, or data science. The task’s intricacies, the quality and quantity of required data, and the choice of technology stack can all contribute to the difficulty. Additionally, NLP requires a deep understanding of language nuances, context, and ambiguity, which can be challenging to represent in a machine-readable format. Although there are many pre-trained models and tools available to simplify the process, successful NLP implementation often necessitates a combination of technical expertise, domain knowledge, and iterative experimentation.

Q4: How much does it cost to implement NLP?

A4: The cost of implementing NLP can vary significantly depending on several factors. These include the complexity of the NLP task, the size and quality of the required data, the choice of technology stack, and the level of expertise needed. Small-scale projects might cost a few thousand dollars, while larger-scale enterprise applications could require hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Additionally, ongoing maintenance, data updates, and potential hardware upgrades can add to the overall cost.

Picture of Debangshu Chanda

Debangshu Chanda

I'm a seasoned Technical Content Writer with over 5 years of experience transforming complex technical information into clear, engaging content. I'm skilled at creating content that serves as a bridge between experts and end-users, ensuring it is informative and easy to understand. My expertise covers various subjects, allowing me to adapt my writing style to different audiences. With a strong research foundation and keen attention to detail, I consistently deliver high-quality content that surpasses project goals.
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