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Develop a Sports Booking App like OpenSports – Cost and Features

Develop a Sports Booking App like OpenSports

Looking for the right sports activity to join can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re an experienced athlete or just looking to stay active, sorting through all the sports leagues, tournaments, and pick-up games can take a lot of time. That’s where sports booking apps like OpenSports come in. These platforms make it easier to find and join sports activities, saving you both time and effort. 

The global sports app market is expected to hit USD 3.66 billion in 2022, with a growth rate of 10.9% per year from 2023 to 2030. This shows that more and more people are turning to apps to enhance their sports booking experience, creating a perfect opportunity for businesses to dive into this rapidly growing market.

With this growing trend, plenty of cool sports booking apps are popping up in the US market these days. In this post, we’ll walk you through how to create your own awesome sports booking app, like OpenSports. You’ll learn how to design a user-friendly interface and add features that will make your app stand out. Let’s get started!

Key Market Takeaways for Sports Venue Booking Apps

According to ImarcGroup, the market size for sports management apps is projected to reach USD 9.15 billion in 2024 and grow at a CAGR of 11.46% to USD 15.75 billion by 2029. This is due to the rising demand for efficient and user-friendly platforms that allow individuals to easily book and access sports venues. Apps like Sportsuite and Bookitlive are gaining popularity by offering a seamless booking experience, enabling users to find quickly and reserve courts, fields, and other facilities at their convenience.

Key Market Takeaways for Sports Venue Booking Apps

Source: ImarcGroup

Sports venue booking apps are incorporating innovative features to enhance the experience and drive adoption. For example, some apps now offer real-time availability updates, allowing users to see which facilities are open and book instantly. Others have integrated payment systems, enabling users to pay for their bookings securely directly through the app. These advancements make the booking process more efficient and user-friendly, contributing to the market’s growth.

Major players in the sports management software market are actively pursuing partnerships and acquisitions to expand their offerings and market share. For instance, in 2021, Omnify Inc., a leading sports management software provider, acquired CourtReserve, a sports facility booking platform. This strategic move allowed Omnify to integrate venue booking capabilities into its suite of sports management tools, offering a more comprehensive solution to its clients. Such partnerships and acquisitions are expected to continue driving innovation and growth in the sports venue booking app market.

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Business Model of the OpenSports App

The OpenSports sports venue booking app, generates revenue through a subscription-based pricing model, offering three plans:

  1. Basic – Free
  2. Full-Time Club – $20/month
  3. Premium – Custom pricing

The paid plans unlock additional features like leagues, tournaments, advanced reporting, and accounting codes.

OpenSports also charges a small transaction fee (3%) on top of Stripe’s processing fees for payments collected through the platform. This fee is lower than many competitors like Meetup and Eventbrite.

Target Customers

OpenSports primarily targets:

  • Owners of sports and social groups
  • Administrators and managers of sports facilities
  • Organizers of for-profit and non-profit sports organizations

By providing a comprehensive platform to manage all aspects of running a sports group, OpenSports aims to make it easier for organizers to grow participation and revenue.

Competitive Advantages

OpenSports differentiates itself by being the only all-in-one web and mobile app solution for managing sports groups, providing a seamless experience across desktop and mobile. Its flexible features and lower transaction fees compared to competitors like Meetup and Eventbrite also give it an advantage.

How Profitable are Sports Booking App like OpenSports?

The profitability of sports venue booking apps like OpenSports can be evaluated through their revenue potential, customer lifetime value, and actual revenue examples from similar applications. Here’s a detailed analysis based on industry statistics and trends.

Customer Lifetime Value

A key metric for determining the total revenue a business can generate from a customer during their entire relationship is the customer’s lifetime value. In the case of sports venue booking apps, several factors can impact CLV, shaping the potential long-term earnings from each customer.

Average Revenue Per User

This figure includes all spending by a user, such as booking fees and subscriptions. For example, if a user spends $200 annually on bookings and services, this figure is vital for calculating CLV.

For example, Playfinder operates on a commission basis, typically charging 10% to 15% per booking. If Playfinder facilitates 1,000 bookings per month at an average booking fee of $100, it could generate $120,000 to $180,000 annually from commissions.

Customer Lifespan

If users typically engage with the app for 5 years, the CLV would be:

  • CLV=ARPU×Customer Lifespan=200×5=$1,000
  • CLV=ARPU×Customer Lifespan=200×5=$1,000

Retention Rate

A higher retention rate significantly increases CLV. For instance, a 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits by 25% to 95%.

Example of CLV in Sports Venue Booking Apps

For instance, if an average sports fan spends $1,300 per year on various sports activities (including venue bookings, merchandise, and events), and if that fan remains engaged for 10 years, the total CLV would amount to:

  • Total CLV=1,300×10=$13,000 
  • Total CLV=1,300×10=$13,000 

This illustrates the potential long-term value of a dedicated user in the sports venue booking sector. 

For example, OpenSports has achieved over 1 million bookings annually. With subscription fees ranging from $30 to $750+ per month, OpenSports has the potential to generate substantial revenue. For instance, if just 100 organizations subscribe at an average of $500 per month, that equates to $600,000 annually from subscriptions alone.

OpenSports offers a feature-rich platform specifically designed to bridge this gap and foster growth within the sports community. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make OpenSports a popular choice for businesses and companies in the sports industry.

1. Effortless Event Discovery

Attracting new participants is crucial for any sports organization. OpenSports empowers businesses by facilitating effortless event discovery for potential players. Through its user-friendly search function, individuals can easily find local sports events, leagues, and pick-up games that align with their interests. 

2. Building Communities Through Groups

OpenSports fosters a strong sense of community by allowing users to join existing sports groups or create their own. This fosters loyalty and repeat business – a key factor for sports businesses.

3. Streamlined Communication and Waitlist Management

OpenSports understands the importance of clear and efficient communication within the sports community. Its built-in communication tools allow businesses to send announcements, messages, and notifications directly to group members.

4. Event Participation and Tracking

OpenSports empowers individuals to participate in the sports they love actively. Players can RSVP for events, invite friends, and track their playing history – fostering a sense of engagement and encouraging repeat participation. 

Features That Can Enhance a Sports Booking App like OpenSports

Sports apps like OpenSports have revolutionized the way people connect and participate in sports activities. To stay competitive and attract more users, these platforms need to innovate and offer unique features continuously. Here are seven innovative features that can enhance a sports booking app:

1. Augmented Reality Integration

AR can significantly enhance the user experience of sports booking apps. By overlaying game statistics or virtual coaching tips directly onto the playing field, AR can provide real-time insights and guidance to participants.

2. Group Chat and Collaboration

Enabling users to create group chats and collaborate on event planning, team strategies, or equipment sharing can create a great sense of community and improve the overall experience. This feature can also help streamline communication and organization for group activities.

3. Equipment Rental and Marketplace

Offering a platform for users to rent or buy sports equipment can make it easier for participants to access the necessary gear, especially for those who may not own their own equipment or prefer to try something new.

4. Integration with Fitness Tracking Devices

Integrating with popular fitness tracking devices can provide users with comprehensive data on their performance, calories burned, and overall health. This can help individuals track their progress, set goals, and stay motivated.

5. Sports-Specific Challenges and Achievements

Incorporating sports-specific challenges and achievements can encourage users and create a competitive atmosphere. These challenges can be customized to suit various skill levels and interests, keeping users motivated and engaged.

6. Integration with Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses, such as sports apparel stores or restaurants, can offer exclusive discounts or promotions to app users. This can benefit both the businesses and the app users, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

7. Accessibility Features

Ensuring the app is accessible to users with disabilities is essential for inclusivity. Incorporating features like voice commands, screen reader compatibility, and customizable settings can make the app more user-friendly for everyone.

Development Steps for a Sports Booking App like OpenSports

Creating a sports booking app like OpenSports involves several key development steps to enhance functionality and attract users. Here’s a guide to the essential components:

1. Focus on Venue Partnerships

Building strong relationships with sports venues, gyms, and community centers is crucial. Businesses should secure a variety of booking options and negotiate favorable terms to offer competitive rates to users. This approach ensures a broad range of facilities and attractive pricing.

2. Implement Real-Time Availability and Booking

Integrating with venue calendars to provide real-time availability is essential. This allows users to see up-to-date information and book facilities directly through the app, streamlining the process and eliminating the need for manual inquiries.

3. Offer Flexible Booking Options

Users should have the flexibility to book facilities for different time slots, durations, and activities. Offering options such as hourly rentals, daily passes, or monthly subscriptions caters to various needs and preferences, enhancing user satisfaction.

4. Incorporate Location-Based Features

Utilizing GPS technology allows users to search for venues based on their current location. Providing maps and directions helps users easily find and navigate to the booked facilities, improving convenience and user experience.

5. Facilitate Secure Payments and Refunds

A reliable payment gateway is essential for handling bookings and refunds effectively. Providing various payment options that can include credit cards, digital wallets, and online banking guarantees a smooth and secure transaction experience for users.

6. Provide Detailed Venue Information

Including comprehensive details about each venue, such as amenities, capacity, rules, and contact information, helps users make informed decisions. Allowing users to upload photos and reviews also adds value by sharing experiences and feedback.

7. Integrate with Social Media and Messaging Platforms

Connecting the app with social media platforms enables users to share their bookings and interact with other sports enthusiasts. In-app messaging features facilitate easy communication between users and venue owners, fostering a more connected community.

8. Offer Additional Services

Consider including complementary services like equipment rentals, coaching, or event planning to enhance the user experience. These added services can make the app more appealing and provide additional revenue streams for the business.

9. Continuously Monitor and Improve

Tracking user feedback, analytics, and booking trends is essential for ongoing improvement. Regular updates with new cool features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements help maintain app quality and user satisfaction.

Cost of Developing a Sports Booking App like OpenSports

Development ComponentDescriptionEstimated Cost Range
Research and Planning
Market AnalysisResearching competition, target audience, and trends.$2,000 – $5,000
Feature PrioritizationIdentifying key features and extras.Included in planning cost
Business Model DevelopmentCreating revenue streams and monetization plans.Included in planning cost
Front-End Development
UI DesignSimple, user-friendly interfaces.$5,000 – $15,000
UX DesignEnsuring a smooth user experience.Included in UI design cost
Responsive DesignAdapting for different devices.Included in UI design cost
Back-End Development
Server Setup and ConfigurationBasic hosting setup and configuration.$3,000 – $7,000
Database DevelopmentSimple data storage and retrieval.$5,000 – $15,000
API DevelopmentBasic APIs for communication between front-end and back-end.$5,000 – $15,000
App Features
Core FeaturesEvent discovery, venue booking, payments, and user profiles.$5,000 – $20,000
Additional FeaturesSocial media integration and basic push notifications.$5,000 – $15,000
Testing and Quality Assurance
Manual TestingTesting on basic devices and platforms.$3,000 – $5,000
Automated TestingUsing simple automated testing tools.$3,000 – $5,000
Performance TestingEnsuring app speed and responsiveness.$3,000 – $5,000
UI/UX Design
Wireframing and PrototypingBasic visual representations of the app’s interface.$2,000 – $5,000
Design IterationsLimited refinements based on initial feedback.Included in UI/UX cost
User Interface DevelopmentImplementing the final UI/UX design.$5,000 – $10,000

Total Estimated Cost$10,000 – $100,000 

The cost of developing a sports app like OpenSports can be influenced by several factors, some of which are unique to this type of application. Here are some key variables to consider:

1. Integration with Sports Venues:

Establishing partnerships with sports venues, gyms, and community centers can add complexity to the development process, as it involves integrating their calendars, availability, and booking systems into the app.

2. Real-Time Availability and Booking:

Ensuring the real-time availability of facilities and enabling users to book them directly through the app requires robust integration with venue systems and potentially custom development.

3. Location-Based Features:

Incorporating location-based features, such as searching for venues based on location and providing maps and directions, involves integrating with mapping APIs and developing precise location-based algorithms.

4. Payment Processing and Refund Management:

Handling payments and refunds for facility bookings requires secure payment gateways and efficient refund mechanisms, which can add complexity to the development process.

Successful Business Models for Sports Booking Apps like OpenSports

Successful business models for sports venue booking apps, such as OpenSports, leverage various strategies to maximize revenue while enhancing user experience. Key models include:

1. Commission-Based Model

This model charges a commission fee for each booking made through the app, typically ranging from 10% to 25% of the booking amount. For example, Playo, a popular sports ground booking app, employs this model, facilitating bookings for a wide range of sports facilities and earning a commission on each transaction. In 2022, Playo generated over $2 million in revenue through this model, with a 20% year-over-year growth.

2. Subscription Model

Apps can offer premium memberships that provide users with advanced features, such as ad-free experiences or exclusive access to certain venues. Subscription plans often range from $20 to $100 per month, depending on the services included. This model creates a nice and steady stream of recurring revenue. For instance, ClassPass uses a subscription model to allow users access to various fitness classes and sports activities, with over 1 million subscribers generating $150 million in annual revenue.

3. In-App Advertising

By displaying targeted ads within the app, companies can monetize their user base. This includes sponsored listings and banner ads, allowing businesses to generate income based on user engagement. For example, BookMyGround can partner with sports equipment brands to display targeted ads, maximizing returns through relevant promotions. In-app advertising can generate up to $10 CPM (cost per thousand impressions) for sports apps with a highly engaged user base.

4. Value-Added Services

Offering additional services, like equipment rentals or coaching sessions, can create new revenue streams. For instance, partnering with local sports equipment stores allows apps to earn a commission on rentals. This model not only generates extra income but also enhances the user experience, as seen with SportEasy, which offers team management features alongside venue bookings. Value-added services can contribute up to 20% of a sports app’s total revenue.

5. Partnerships and Sponsorships

Collaborating with local businesses or sports brands can lead to sponsorship opportunities, where companies pay to promote their products or services. This further diversifies revenue sources. For example, CourtHive, which specializes in booking tennis courts, can partner with sports brands for promotional events, increasing visibility and revenue. Sponsorships can generate up to $50,000 per event for popular sports apps with a large user base.


Sports booking apps like OpenSports are really helpful for people who like to play sports. They make it easy to find places to play, book games, and meet other people who enjoy the same sports. This helps people have more fun and play sports more often. Companies can also benefit from creating their own sports booking apps. These apps can help them find more customers, rent out their facilities more often, and sell more sports equipment. They can also build a community of people who love sports and come back to use their app again and again.

Looking to Develop a Sports Booking App like OpenSports?

Idea Usher, with our 500,000+ hours of coding expertise in the field, is your ideal partner. We specialize in developing cutting-edge sports booking platforms that seamlessly connect athletes, venues, and organizers. Our team leverages advanced technologies to build intuitive user interfaces, robust booking systems, and efficient payment gateways. Let’s collaborate to revolutionize the sports booking experience and drive your business forward.

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Hire Ex - developers, with combined 50000+ coding hours experience

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Q1: How do sports booking apps make money?

A1: Sports booking apps generate revenue through several monetization strategies. Commonly, they charge booking fees or commissions for each reservation made, linking earnings to venue performance. Additionally, in-app advertising allows for targeted promotions, enhancing revenue through partnerships with sports brands.

Q2: What is the cost of developing a sports booking app?

A2: The cost of developing a sports venue booking app varies widely based on complexity and features. A basic MVP typically incurs lower costs, while a feature-rich app can significantly increase the investment required. Complex applications with advanced functionalities may demand a higher budget.

Q3: How to develop a sports booking app?

A3: Developing a sports venue booking app involves several key steps. First, extensive market research is essential to understand user needs and competition. Next, defining the app’s core features and creating detailed wireframes will guide the design process. Choosing the right technology stack is crucial for functionality and scalability.

Q4: What technologies are used to make a sports booking app?

A4: Various technologies are employed to develop a sports booking app, including frontend frameworks like React Native and Flutter for cross-platform compatibility. The backend often utilizes Node.js or Python with frameworks like Django for robust data management and real-time functionalities. Integration with payment gateways is essential for secure transactions, while cloud services like AWS or Google Cloud facilitate scalability.

Picture of Debangshu Chanda

Debangshu Chanda

I'm a seasoned Technical Content Writer with over 5 years of experience transforming complex technical information into clear, engaging content. I'm skilled at creating content that serves as a bridge between experts and end-users, ensuring it is informative and easy to understand. My expertise covers various subjects, allowing me to adapt my writing style to different audiences. With a strong research foundation and keen attention to detail, I consistently deliver high-quality content that surpasses project goals.
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