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Develop a mHealth App Like AURA – Cost and Features

Develop a mHealth App Like AURA

Our health is our greatest asset, and in today’s busy world, it can be hard to make it a priority. That’s where mHealth apps like AURA come in. They make it simple to access health information and resources, helping people manage chronic conditions and track important health metrics. mHealth apps also make it easier to connect with healthcare providers, book appointments, and receive personalized health tips.

In 2023, the global mHealth apps market was valued at USD 33.17 billion, and it’s expected to grow from USD 36.68 billion in 2024 to USD 88.70 billion by 2032, with a CAGR of 11.7%. These numbers show that more and more people are turning to these apps to enhance their healthcare experience, creating an exciting opportunity for businesses to enter this rapidly expanding market.

Because of these reasons, a lot of cool new mhealth apps have started popping up in the US market these days. In this post, we’ll show you how to create your own awesome mHealth apps, just like AURA. We’ll teach you how to design a user-friendly interface and add features that will make your app stand out from the crowd. Let’s get started!

Key Market Takeaways for mHealth Apps

According to GrandViewResearch, the mHealth app market is experiencing significant growth, driven by increased smartphone adoption, rising healthcare awareness, and favorable government policies. The market size is projected to reach USD 32.42 billion by 2023, with a CAGR of 14.9% from 2024 to 2030.

Key Market Takeaways for mHealth Apps

Source: GrandViewResearch

One of the main factors driving it’s market growth is the growing popularity of fitness and medical apps. These apps allow individuals to collect and track their health data, enabling them to make better health decisions. For example, in the U.S., 84 million people used healthcare apps in 2022 to monitor their health activities. Additionally, increasing internet and smartphone penetration, coupled with rising awareness of the importance of maintaining physical health and lifestyle improvements, further contribute to the adoption of mHealth apps.

Government initiatives, increased funding, and collaborative efforts between healthcare institutions are also playing a crucial role in driving market growth. For instance, my mHealth Limited, a digital therapeutics company, received a USD 2.75 million Eurostars Grant in 2021 to develop innovative healthcare solutions. Such collaborations and funding support are instrumental in fostering the development and adoption of mHealth apps.

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Important Things to Know About the AURA App

AURA is a mobile health application developed in 2017 by brothers Steve and Daniel Lee, focusing on mental wellness through personalized content and coaching. It has rapidly gained popularity, boasting over 100,000 paying subscribers and a vast library of mindfulness resources created by numerous expert coaches and therapists. The app has received 4.5 star ratings on the Google Play Store, reflecting its effectiveness and user satisfaction. AURA has differentiated itself in the mental health space by leveraging data science to deliver tailored wellness recommendations, and it has formed significant partnerships, including collaborations with MetLife to enhance its digital security offerings.

What Makes the AURA App Unique?

AURA distinguishes itself in the wellness app market through its highly personalized user experience and extensive content library. AURA’s unique approach involves leveraging data science to tailor wellness recommendations based on individual user preferences and needs. 

  • Personalized Wellness Insights: Tailored recommendations based on individual user preferences and needs
  • 1:1 Coaching: Access to personalized guidance from mental health experts
  • Improved Measurement Algorithm Stability: More accurate tracking of wellness metrics, and enhanced user experience and data reliability.
  • Enhanced Chart Features: Customizable experience for users, and the ability to enable or disable recommended limits.
  • Refined Summary: Clearer insights into wellness metrics for easier understanding of progress and areas for improvement.

Why People are Using AURA?

  • Personalized approach: AURA’s ability to tailor recommendations to individual users makes it highly effective.
  • Comprehensive content library: The application offers a wide range of tools and resour           ces for mental wellness.
  • Continuous improvement: Regular updates ensure that AURA remains relevant and effective.
  • Data-driven approach: The app’s use of data science provides valuable insights into behavior and needs of the app users.

AURA’s success demonstrates the growing demand for personalized mental health solutions, making it an attractive investment for companies.

Understanding the Business Models of mHealth Apps Like AURA

mHealth applications are designed to enhance health outcomes and improve user engagement by leveraging technology. However, generating revenue from these applications is not straightforward. Many mHealth apps do not achieve high visibility in app stores, making it difficult for companies to rely solely on pay-per-download models. As a result, businesses are shifting towards alternative models that integrate services and products.

1. Sensor-Based Models

A growing trend in mHealth is the use of sensor-based models, where the app serves as a companion to a physical device. For instance, applications like Withings Body Scale not only track health metrics but also promote the sale of associated hardware. This model allows companies to provide the app for free while generating revenue through the sale of sensors or devices. An example of this model can be, Withings Body Scale priced at approximately $159.

2. Subscription and Freemium Model

Many companies are adopting subscription-based services, offering premium content or personalized coaching for a recurring fee. For example, AURA offers a subscription plan starting at $11.99 per month, providing app users with access to a wide range of meditation resources. This approach ensures a steady revenue stream and fosters long-term relationships with users. Alternatively, the freemium model attracts a broader audience by providing basic features for free while charging for advanced functionalities.

3. In-app purchases and Advertising

In-app purchases allow app users to buy additional features or content, creating another revenue avenue. For instance, the app Calm offers in-app purchases for premium content, with subscriptions starting at $14.99 per month. Furthermore, some mHealth apps generate income through advertising and sponsorships, partnering with brands or healthcare providers to display ads or sponsored content.

Companies need to prioritize features that resonate with user needs and keep them engaged. Let’s discuss some key functionalities that contribute to Aura’s success:

1. Tailored Meditation

A personalized approach is crucial in the world of mindfulness. By leveraging user data and preferences, a successful app can curate meditation sessions that directly address specific needs, be it stress reduction, improved sleep, or enhanced focus. This fosters a deeper connection with users and increases the likelihood of them sticking with the practice.

2. Sleep-Inducing Stories

Falling asleep can be a struggle for many. An effective app can address this challenge by offering a library of calming sleep stories. These stories, narrated by soothing voices, transport listeners to relaxing environments, gently guiding them towards a peaceful slumber. This feature caters to a significant market segment seeking natural sleep aids, potentially leading to increased user retention and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

3. Mindfulness on the Go

An app that empowers users to combat stress and anxiety with on-demand mindfulness exercises can be invaluable in today’s fast-paced world. These exercises, ranging from short meditations to breathing techniques, can be accessed anywhere, anytime. This flexibility allows users to integrate mindfulness into their busy schedules. By equipping users with tools to manage stress at the moment, an app positions itself as a valuable companion for navigating daily challenges.

4. Breathwork for Focus and Calm

Focused breathing exercises are a cornerstone of mindfulness practice. An app that provides users with various breathwork techniques designed to promote relaxation and sharpen focus can be really beneficial for professionals seeking to improve concentration and achieve peak performance. By offering this functionality, an app caters to a broader audience, potentially attracting users who may not initially identify as meditation enthusiasts.

5. Tracking Progress with Journaling

Self-awareness is a crucial component of personal growth. An app that facilitates this journey by providing journaling prompts that encourage users to track their thoughts can be a valuable tool. By consistently recording their experiences, users can identify patterns and measure progress. This fosters a sense of accountability and reinforces the positive impact of the app’s features on their overall well-being.

Innovative Features That Can Enhance a mHealth App Like AURA

By incorporating innovative features, businesses can differentiate themselves, attract a wider user base, and drive growth. Here are seven innovative features that can enhance a mHealth app:

1. Real-time Biometric Integration

Beyond traditional health data, incorporating real-time biometric data from wearable devices or smartphone sensors can offer more comprehensive insights into a user’s health. This could include heart rate variability, skin conductance, or even blood oxygen levels.

2. AI-Powered Predictive Analytics

Utilizing AI algorithms, mHealth apps can predict potential health issues based on patterns in user data. This could enable early intervention and personalized health recommendations.

3. Social Impact Integration

Align the app with social causes or charitable initiatives. This can create a sense of purpose for users and attract a more engaged audience. For example, users could donate a portion of their subscription fees to a relevant cause.

4. Gamified Health Challenges

Create personalized health challenges that incorporate gamification elements. This can make health goals more engaging and competitive.

5. Integration with Virtual Care Providers

Connect users with virtual healthcare providers directly within the app. This can streamline access to care and reduce barriers to treatment.

6. Augmented Reality Health Education

Use AR to provide interactive and engaging health education content. This could include 3D visualizations of the human body, interactive tutorials, or virtual reality simulations.

7. Integration with Smart Home Devices

Allow users to control their home environment (e.g., lighting, temperature) directly from the app to create a more conducive health and wellness space.

Developing a mHealth App Like AURA: A Stepwise Guide

Creating a successful mHealth app like AURA requires careful planning and execution. Businesses must focus on meeting user needs, complying with healthcare regulations, and integrating advanced technologies to build a reliable and efficient app. The following steps provide a comprehensive guide for companies looking to develop a robust mHealth app.

1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment

The first step for any business is conducting a thorough needs assessment. This involves in-depth research to understand the specific challenges faced by the target audience. By identifying their pain points, companies can determine the key features and functionalities that will effectively address these issues. This step ensures that the app delivers real value to its users and helps businesses create a more user-centric solution.

2. Compliance with Healthcare Regulations

Healthcare apps must comply with strict regulations to protect sensitive patient data. Businesses developing mHealth apps need to ensure that their solution adheres to standards like HIPAA in the US or GDPR in the EU. Compliance not only ensures legal protection but also builds trust among users by safeguarding their privacy.

3. Integration with Electronic Health Records

Seamless integration with EHR systems is crucial for any mHealth app. Companies must develop features that allow healthcare providers to access and share patient data efficiently. This integration ensures continuity of care, improves communication between providers and patients, and enhances overall healthcare outcomes.

4. Clinical Validation and Peer Review

Businesses must seek clinical validation and peer review from healthcare professionals during the development process. This step ensures that the app’s features are accurate, reliable, and effective in addressing real medical challenges. Clinical validation not only strengthens the app’s credibility but also ensures that users receive appropriate and trustworthy care.

5. Interoperability with Other Health Apps

Interoperability is an essential factor for mHealth apps, as users often rely on multiple apps and devices to monitor their health. Businesses should focus on designing their apps to be compatible with other health apps and wearable devices. This integration allows users to access a more comprehensive view of their health data, improving the overall user experience and the app’s functionality.

6. Accessibility for Diverse Users

To ensure inclusivity, businesses must design their mHealth apps to be accessible to people with disabilities. This includes offering features that accommodate various needs, such as voice control, text enlargement, and compatibility with screen readers. Creating an accessible app helps companies cater to a broader audience, while also demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity.

7. Data Privacy and Security for Sensitive Health Information

Securing sensitive health data is essential for mHealth apps. Businesses must adopt strong security protocols, including encryption, access controls, and frequent audits, to protect patient information. Safeguarding privacy and ensuring data security not only fulfills regulatory obligations but also builds user trust, which is crucial for the app’s long-term success.

8. Integration with Telehealth Services

To further enhance user convenience, businesses should integrate telehealth services into their mHealth apps. This feature enables app users to connect with healthcare providers directly through the app, offering remote consultations and care. Telehealth services provide added value to users by improving access to healthcare.

Cost of Developing a mHealth App Like AURA

ComponentCost RangeScope
1. Research and Planning$1,000 – $5,000Market Analysis: Basic understanding of the competitive landscape and target audience.- Feature Prioritization: Focus on essential features.- Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring minimal adherence to healthcare regulations like HIPAA or GDPR.
2. Front-End Development$3,000 – $15,000User Interface (UI) Design: Simple and intuitive design.- User Experience (UX) Design: Basic flow and navigation.- Mobile App Development: Developing for iOS or Android, or a simplified version for both platforms.
3. Back-End Development$3,000 – $12,000Server Infrastructure: Basic setup for scalability.- Database Management: Secure database for storing essential user data.- API Development: Basic API development for communication between the app and backend.
4. App Features$2,000 – $15,000 per featureCore Features: Features like guided meditations and simple sleep stories.- Additional Features: Basic personalized recommendations and social integration.
5. Testing and Quality Assurance$1,000 – $5,000Functional Testing: Ensuring core features work properly.- Performance Testing: Testing app speed and responsiveness.- Security Testing: Basic security checks.
6. UI/UX Design$1,000 – $5,000UI Design: Simple and visually appealing interface.- UX Design: Basic user experience with core features.
Overall Cost Estimate$10,000 – $100,000The total cost depends on the app’s complexity, features, and scope of development.

AURA, a groundbreaking mHealth app, has set a new standard for personalized mental health care. To replicate its success,companies must consider several factors that are unique to this type of application.

Integration with Existing Healthcare Systems

A key differentiator for a mHealth app like AURA is its seamless integration with existing healthcare systems. This ensures that patient data is accessible and up-to-date, facilitating collaboration between healthcare providers and patients. By establishing partnerships with hospitals, clinics, and insurance companies, businesses can expand their reach and increase user adoption.

Advanced AI and Machine Learning Algorithms

AURA’s ability to provide personalized mental health support is powered by sophisticated AI and machine learning algorithms. These algorithms analyze user data, including mood tracking, cognitive assessments, and behavioral patterns, to identify trends and offer tailored interventions. Investing in cutting-edge AI technology is crucial for developing a mHealth app that can effectively address individual needs.

Data Privacy and Security

Businesses must comply with relevant regulations, such as HIPAA and GDPR, to protect user information and maintain trust. Implementing encryption, access controls, and regular security audits can help mitigate risks and safeguard patient privacy.

Gamification and Engaging User Experience

AURA’s success can be attributed in part to its innovative use of gamification elements. By incorporating interactive features, challenges, and rewards, developers can create a more engaging user experience. This can encourage long-term adherence to treatment plans and improve overall outcomes.

Tech Stacks Required to Develop a mHealth App Like AURA

Building a mHealth app like AURA involves various technology stacks to ensure functionality, security, and scalability. Businesses developing such apps need to integrate multiple technologies that address health data management, real-time processing, security, and user experience.

1. Health Data Standards and Interoperability

To ensure seamless communication between healthcare systems, companies must follow established health data standards. HL7 FHIR is widely used for exchanging health information, enabling mHealth apps to integrate with other healthcare platforms. Additionally, the CDA is essential for structuring medical records, ensuring data consistency and accessibility across different systems.

2. Biometric Data Integration

Integration with biometric sensors is crucial for monitoring patient health in real-time. Businesses need to incorporate APIs that connect with wearable devices like fitness trackers as well as heart rate monitors. These sensors provide valuable health metrics, helping users track their physical well-being while also enabling healthcare providers to offer more personalized care.

3. Medical Image Processing and Analysis

For companies focusing on diagnostic and imaging services, the inclusion of computer vision libraries like OpenCV and TensorFlow is vital. These tools support medical image analysis, while the DICOM standard ensures the proper handling and storage of medical images. This tech stack enhances the ability to provide accurate and timely diagnostics within the app.

4. NLP for Medical Terminology

NLP is necessary for managing complex medical terminology within the app. Companies can leverage libraries such as NLTK and spaCy to interpret and process medical language efficiently. Integrating medical ontologies like SNOMED CT and ICD-10 further ensures that the app understands and categorizes medical information correctly, enabling precise data analysis and user interaction.

5. AR for Medical Visualization

AR technologies are transforming how users interact with medical data. Companies integrating AR frameworks like ARKit and ARCore can enhance medical visualization by creating interactive 3D environments. Tools such as Blender and Unity can be used to develop 3D models, providing healthcare professionals with more engaging ways to explain complex medical conditions to patients.

6. Edge Computing for Real-Time Data Processing

Edge computing allows mHealth apps to process data locally, reducing latency and enhancing real-time decision-making. Platforms such as AWS IoT Greengrass and Azure IoT Edge help businesses manage health data closer to the source, making the app more responsive and capable of handling time-sensitive healthcare tasks.

7. Blockchain for Data Security and Privacy

Data security is a top priority for businesses in the healthcare sector. Blockchain frameworks like Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum ensure secure data transactions and protect sensitive patient information. These decentralized systems allow companies to build apps that comply with strict privacy regulations while also maintaining transparency and trust with users.

8. Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis

Federated learning is a key technology for analyzing user data without compromising privacy. Companies using frameworks like TensorFlow Federated can develop apps that train machine learning models on decentralized data, ensuring that personal health information remains on users’ devices. This enhances privacy while still allowing businesses to derive valuable insights from aggregated data.

Latest Technologies Concepts That Can Enhance a mHealth App Like AURA

To enhance a mHealth application like AURA, companies can explore unique technology concepts that specifically cater to the evolving needs of users in the healthcare sector. Here are three distinct technologies that can significantly improve the functionality and appeal of mHealth apps:

1. Augmented Reality for Health Education

AR can revolutionize how users engage with health information by overlaying digital elements in the real world. This technology offers interactive educational experiences related to health conditions, treatments, and preventive care. For example, users can visualize detailed anatomical structures or observe how exercises affect their bodies in real time.

An example of AR in mHealth is L’Oreal’s “Skin Scanner” app, which lets users virtually test skincare products and see how they would appear on their faces. Similarly, the “Anatomy 4D” app by DAQRI allows users to interact with 3D models of the human body, revealing intricate details like muscles, bones, and organs by scanning a printed marker.

2. Gamification for Behavior Change

Gamification involves integrating game-like elements into non-game contexts, such as health apps, to motivate users. By incorporating challenges, rewards, and progress tracking, companies can encourage app users to engage more actively with their health goals.

One example of gamification in mHealth is the “Zombies, Run!” app by Six to Start. This app turns running into an adventure game where users collect supplies and complete missions to survive a zombie apocalypse.  Another example is the “Fitbit” app, which uses a points system and badges to reward users for achieving their fitness goals. 

3. Biometric Feedback for Personalized Insights

Utilizing biometric feedback, such as heart rate variability or sleep patterns, can provide users with personalized health insights that are actionable and relevant. By integrating sensors that monitor these metrics, mHealth apps can offer tailored recommendations based on real-time data.

An example of biometric feedback in mHealth is the “Apple Watch” by Apple. This smartwatch can track various health metrics like heart rate, activity levels, and sleep quality. The “Health” app on the iPhone then goes through this data and provides personalized insights and recommendations to help users improve their overall health and well-being.

Another example is the “Calm” app, which uses heart rate variability to measure stress levels. 


MHealth apps like AURA are really helpful for people. They make it easy to get healthcare, get personal health advice, and manage health problems. These apps can help people stay healthy and spend less on healthcare.

For businesses, creating a mHealth app can be a great way to make money. These apps can help businesses offer useful health services and reach more people. Businesses can make money by charging people to use the app, offering extra features for a fee, advertising, or working with healthcare providers. By helping people with their health, businesses can improve their reputation, build customer loyalty, and grow their business.

Looking to Develop a mHealth App Like AURA?

At Idea Usher, we specialize in creating innovative mHealth solutions that empower individuals to take control of their health. With over 500,000 hours of coding experience in the field, our team possesses the expertise to develop cutting-edge mHealth apps tailored to your specific needs. We leverage advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and data analytics to deliver personalized health insights and recommendations. Let’s collaborate to build the next generation of mHealth solutions.

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Q1: How to develop a mHealth app?

A1: Developing a mHealth app involves defining its scope and target audience, choosing a technology stack, designing the user interface and user experience, developing core features, integrating with healthcare systems, ensuring data security and privacy, testing, and iterating, launching and marketing the app, and providing ongoing support and updates.

Q2: What are the features of a mHealth app?

A2: mHealth apps offer a nice range of features to cater to different user needs. Common features include health data tracking (e.g., vital signs, medications, symptoms), appointment scheduling, communication with healthcare providers, personalized health advice, disease management tools, medication reminders, and integration with wearable devices. Some apps may also offer educational resources, community forums, and gamification elements to enhance user engagement and motivation.

Q3: How do mHealth apps make money?

A3: mHealth apps can generate revenue through various channels, including subscription fees, premium features, advertising, partnerships with healthcare providers, and data licensing. Subscription-based models offer access to core features, while premium features can provide additional functionalities. Advertising can be displayed within the app or targeted to users based on their health data. Partnerships with healthcare providers can involve joint ventures or revenue-sharing arrangements. Additionally, data licensing can generate revenue by selling anonymized user data to research institutions or pharmaceutical companies.

Q4: How long does it take to develop a mHealth app?

A4: The development time for a mHealth app can vary significantly depending on its complexity, features, and integration requirements. While a basic app might take several months, more sophisticated ones with advanced features and integrations could require a year or longer. Factors like data security, regulatory compliance, and the integration of wearable devices or electronic health records can also influence the development timeline.

Picture of Debangshu Chanda

Debangshu Chanda

I'm a seasoned Technical Content Writer with over 5 years of experience transforming complex technical information into clear, engaging content. I'm skilled at creating content that serves as a bridge between experts and end-users, ensuring it is informative and easy to understand. My expertise covers various subjects, allowing me to adapt my writing style to different audiences. With a strong research foundation and keen attention to detail, I consistently deliver high-quality content that surpasses project goals.
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