The fitness industry is experiencing a digital transformation, and at the forefront of this movement are AI-powered gym management apps. One company leading the charge is KeepMe, a revolutionary gym management software that leverages artificial intelligence to empower gyms and enhance the member journey. But KeepMe isn’t alone. This surge in AI-powered fitness tech is a trend here to stay. Do you want to develop a platform like Keepme?

Whether you’re a gym owner looking to embrace the future of fitness management or an entrepreneur seeking to capitalize on this booming tech trend, this blog is your one-stop guide to building a cutting-edge AI-powered gym management app like KeepMe. So, lace up and get ready to take your fitness business to the next level!

What is Keepme, and why is it leading?

Keepme is an AI-powered gym management software platform designed to empower gyms and health clubs. Here’s why it’s considered a leader in the market:

01 Focus on Member Engagement and Retention

Keepme goes beyond basic gym management features. It uses AI and machine learning to analyze member data, predict member behavior, and personalize communication. This allows gyms to engage with members proactively, address potential churn, and ultimately boost retention.

02 Data-Driven Insights and Predictions

Keepme boasts a feature called “Keepme Score™,” which analyzes member data to predict their likelihood of canceling or upgrading memberships. This allows gyms to tailor marketing strategies and promotions for each member segment, maximizing revenue potential.

03 End-to-End Revenue Management

Keepme offers tools for managing the entire sales pipeline, from lead scoring and conversion to upselling and member retention. This comprehensive approach streamlines revenue generation for gyms.

04 Focus on User Experience

Keepme is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Its dashboard provides clear, actionable insights, allowing gym operators to make data-driven decisions without needing extensive technical expertise.

05 Developed by Gym Operators for Gym Operators

Having been founded by individuals with gym industry experience, Keepme understands the specific challenges and needs of gym management. This focus on industry expertise translates into a platform that addresses core pain points effectively.

Gym Management Software Stats & Market Analysis

The global gym management software market is experiencing significant growth, and according to a report by Technavio, it is projected to reach a value of USD 384.03 million by 2028. It reflects a compound annual growth rate of 10.92% between 2023 and 2028. This surge highlights the increasing importance of technology in streamlining gym operations and member engagement.

The segment catering to gyms and health clubs has emerged as the largest within the market, valued at USD 86.88 million in 2018. This segment is expected to experience continued strong growth throughout the forecast period. Gym management software simplifies essential tasks like member management, billing, and scheduling, ultimately contributing to a more successful business. 

North America is anticipated to play a key role in driving the global market forward. Forecasts suggest this region will contribute a substantial 36% to the market’s growth during the projected years. This lead can be attributed to factors like a strong fitness culture and early adoption of technological solutions within the gym industry.

What Is The Role Of AI In Gym Management Apps?

The fitness industry is witnessing a digital revolution, and AI is at the forefront of this transformation. Gym management apps are no longer just about scheduling and billing – they’re becoming intelligent for both gym members and gym operators. Let’s delve into the key roles AI plays in these apps.

01 Keeping Members Engaged and Motivated

AI’s impact on member engagement is significant. By analyzing a user’s workout history, goals, and preferences, Artificial Intelligence can suggest personalized workouts, classes, and even nutrition plans. This catered approach keeps members motivated and helps them achieve their fitness goals. 

Additionally, AI-powered apps can provide realtime feedback on form and technique through wearables or cameras, preventing injuries and ensuring exercises are performed effectively. AI can even predict when a member might be considering canceling, allowing gyms to proactively reach out with targeted promotions or support to increase retention rates.

02 Streamlining Gym Operations for Efficiency

The benefits of AI extend to streamlining gym operations as well. AI can analyze historical data and member preferences to optimize class scheduling, reduce conflicts, and maximize equipment usage. It can also forecast equipment usage and predict maintenance needs, allowing gyms to maintain their equipment and optimize inventory levels proactively. 

Most importantly, AI provides clear and comprehensive insights into member behavior, gym operations, and sales performance. This empowers gym owners to make data-driven decisions for improvement across all areas of their business.

03 Boosting Revenue Through AI-Powered Strategies

AI can also be a strong tool for generating revenue. By personalizing marketing campaigns for each member segment based on their needs and past behavior, AI can recommend additional services or memberships more effectively than generic marketing blasts. 

Furthermore, AI can analyze market trends and member preferences to suggest dynamic pricing models for memberships and classes, allowing gyms to maximize their revenue potential while remaining competitive.

Why AI-Based Gym Management Platforms are Gaining the Attention of Entrepreneurs and Businesses

Developing a gym management mobile app can be a strategic and profitable decision, offering numerous benefits that extend beyond operational efficiency to market differentiation and revenue generation. Here are several compelling reasons to develop a platform like Keepme:

01 Capitalizing on a Booming Market

The gym management software market is experiencing tremendous growth, with a projected value of USD 384.03 million by 2028 and a CAGR of 10.92%. Therefore, there’s a clear and growing need for innovative solutions. Gyms are actively seeking ways to streamline operations, enhance member experience, and boost revenue. Your app can address these critical needs and get a major share of this expanding market.

02 Recurring Revenue Potential

In addition, many gym management apps leverage a subscription-based model, generating recurring revenue for your business. This translates to predictable income and fosters long-term customer relationships with gyms. Furthermore, mobile apps are inherently scalable. Once developed, you can easily onboard new gyms without incurring substantial additional costs. This means you can focus your efforts on marketing and customer acquisition, maximizing your return on investment.

03 Standing Out Through Innovation

The gym management software market is still evolving. You can leverage your development expertise to create a unique app with features that set it apart from the competition. For instance, this could include features like AI-powered personalization, gamification elements, or seamless integration with wearables. Moreover, developing a gym management app showcases your skills and expertise in a relevant and growing industry. This translates to a valuable addition to your portfolio, attracting future clients and demonstrating your ability to build user-friendly and impactful business solutions.

04 Addressing Industry Pain Points

Gyms face numerous challenges, including member retention, inefficient scheduling, and limited data insights. However, your app can address these pain points by offering features that streamline operations, improve member engagement, and offer valuable data for informed decision-making. By creating a solution that solves real problems, you’ll be contributing positively to the fitness industry as a whole.

05 Building a Strong Developer Community

Beyond the direct benefits to your business, developing a gym management app can also foster a strong developer community. By providing an open API or encouraging plugin development, you can attract other developers to create extensions and integrations for your app. This can lead to a more robust and feature-rich ecosystem, further increasing the value proposition for gyms and propelling your app’s success.

What Are The Features Set of Keepme That Make It Unique 

Keepme positions itself as a gym management software beyond basic functionalities. Let’s analyze its features to see how they contribute to this claim:

01 Data-Driven Decision Making

Keepme utilizes AI to analyze gym data and generate a health score. This goes beyond simple metrics, offering insights into member engagement, staff efficiency, and overall gym performance. This empowers data-driven decision-making for resource allocation, marketing strategies, and improvement areas.

02 Predictive Analytics for Churn Reduction

Traditional gym software cannot predict member churn. Keepme’s AI analyzes member data to identify individuals at risk of leaving. This allows gyms to take proactive steps like personalized communication or targeted promotions to retain valuable members.

03 Smart Lead Prioritization

Sales teams are often overwhelmed with unqualified leads. Keepme’s Smart Lead Scoring system prioritizes leads based on their conversion likelihood. This empowers sales teams to focus more on high-potential prospects, maximizing sales pipelines and closing deals more efficiently.

04 Streamlined Scheduling and Booking

The Keepme Scheduler offers a user-friendly platform for scheduling gym tours, trials, and appointments. This eliminates scheduling hassles for both gyms and potential members, creating a smooth and convenient booking experience.

05 Multi-Faceted Approach to Member Retention

Keepme goes beyond member management by offering features to increase retention and non-dues revenue. These include tools for personalized workout plans, gamification elements to boost motivation, and integrated options for selling merchandise or nutritional supplements.

06 Actionable Member Insights

Understanding member satisfaction is crucial for improvement. Keepme’s Smart NPS surveys provide valuable feedback through a Net Promoter Score system. This allows gyms to pinpoint areas for improvement and tailor services to meet member needs better.

07 Automated Marketing Campaigns

The app streamlines marketing efforts with automated campaign functionalities. Gyms can trigger targeted email campaigns or personalized messages based on specific member actions or milestones. For example, automated sequences can welcome new members or re-engage inactive ones.

08 AI-Powered Content Creation

Creating high-quality content can be time-consuming. Keepme’s AI tool assists gyms in generating marketing content specific to their audience and brand voice. This saves resources while producing engaging content that resonates with members.

09 Leveraging WhatsApp

Keepme integrates with WhatsApp, allowing gyms to communicate directly with members on their preferred platform. This fosters a more personalized communication experience and increases the chances of messages being seen and acted upon.

10. Investing in Staff Knowledge

It recognizes that software effectiveness relies on its users. They offer Keepme Academy, a self-paced learning platform that equips gym staff with the knowledge to utilize Keepme effectively. This ensures gyms maximize the platform’s value and leverage all its features.

How do you develop an AI-powered gym Platform like Keepme?

Building an AI-powered gym management platform like Keepme requires a well-defined roadmap. Here’s a breakdown of the steps to develop a platform like Keepme:

Step 1: Know Your Audience and Define Core Functionalities

Before diving into developing a platform like Keepme, do a thorough analysis. Who are you building this platform for? Are you targeting large, established gyms, boutique fitness studios, or individual personal trainers? Understanding your target user base will help you prioritize features.

Once you’ve identified your audience, define the essential functionalities your platform will offer. This might include core aspects like member management, scheduling, billing, and basic reporting tools.

Step 2: Create Your AI Strategy

AI is a key differentiator for your gym management platform. Here, you’ll need to determine how AI will specifically enhance your offering. Envision how AI can predict member churn, provide personalized recommendations for workouts and nutrition, or even analyze exercise forms to ensure proper technique and prevent injuries. 

To implement these features, explore libraries like TensorFlow or scikit-learn (Python) if you plan to build custom machine learning models. Alternatively, consider pre-built AI APIs from cloud platforms like Google Cloud AI Platform, AWS AI/ML, or Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services. These can offer functionalities like image recognition or natural language processing that can be added to your platform.

Step 3: Select the Right Tech Stack

The technology stack you choose will decide the performance, scalability, and maintainability of your platform. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

Mobile App Development

Consider using cross-platform development frameworks like React Native (JavaScript) or Flutter (Dart). These allow you to build a single codebase that works on iOS and Android devices both, saving time and resources.

Back-End Development

Languages like Python (Django or Flask) or Node.js (Express.js) are popular choices for back-end development due to their scalability and extensive libraries. You’ll also need secure and scalable databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB to store user data, member information, workout plans, and other app data.

Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud platforms like Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Microsoft Azure offer reliable hosting, scalability, and additional services. These can include machine learning tools and containerization technologies (Docker, Kubernetes) that streamline app deployment and management.

Step 4: Prioritize Features and Develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Don’t try to build everything at once. Instead, prioritize core functionalities and develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) first. This initial version should include essential features to collect user feedback and repeat based on real-world gym management needs and member experiences. Remember, a user-friendly and intuitive interface is crucial for both gym staff and members using your platform.

Step 5: Security and Data Privacy

Security and data privacy are important when handling sensitive member information. Implement robust security measures like user authentication, data encryption, and regular security audits. Additionally, make sure that you comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR (Europe) or CCPA (California) to protect user data and develop trust with your gym clientele.

Step 6: Testing, Deployment, and Launch

Before launching your platform to the world, rigorous testing is essential. This ensures functionality, performance, and robust security. Choose a suitable deployment strategy, such as cloud-based deployment or on-premise installation, depending on your specific needs. Once you’re confident in your platform’s stability and security, it’s time to launch!

Step 7: Continuous Improvement

It requires ongoing efforts to develop and maintain a successful gym management platform like Keepme. Continuous updates with the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches are crucial. Regularly analyze user data and feedback to spot areas for improvement and prioritize the development of the latest features to stay ahead within the fitness tech industry.

Tech-Stack Required To Develop A Gym Management Platform Like Keepme

Building an AI-powered gym management software requires a powerful tech stack to handle various functionalities. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

Front-End DevelopmentLanguages: JavaScript, TypeScript
Frameworks/Libraries: React Native, Flutter
UI Design: Styled-components, Emotion, Figma, Sketch
Back-End DevelopmentLanguages: Node.js, Python
Frameworks: Express.js, Django, Flask
Database ManagementRelational Databases: PostgreSQL
NoSQL Databases: MongoDB
Realtime Databases: Firebase Realtime Database, Firestore
AI and Machine LearningLibraries/Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Keras
NLP: spaCy, NLTK
Recommendation Systems: Surprise
Computer Vision: OpenCV
Cloud Services and DevOpsCloud Platforms: AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure
CI/CD: Jenkins, Travis CI, GitHub Actions
Containerization: Docker
Orchestration: Kubernetes
APIs and IntegrationsPayment Processing: Stripe, PayPal
Wearable Integrations: Apple HealthKit, Google Fit, Fitbit API
Communication: Twilio, SendGrid
SecurityAuthentication: OAuth 2.0, JWT
Encryption: SSL/TLS, AES
Analytics and MonitoringAnalytics: Google Analytics, Mixpanel
Error Monitoring: Sentry
Performance Monitoring: New Relic, Datadog
Project Management and CollaborationTools: Jira, Trello, Slack, Confluence, Notion

Mobile App Development

At the forefront lies the mobile app itself. For a seamless user experience across various devices, consider using a cross-platform development framework like React Native (JavaScript) or Flutter (Dart). These frameworks enable you to develop a single codebase that functions on both iOS and Android devices, saving time and resources.

Back-End Development

The backbone of your app is the back-end, which handles data processing and server communication. Popular choices for back-end development include programming languages like Python (Django or Flask) or Node.js (Express.js). 

These languages offer scalability, extensive libraries, and large developer communities to support you throughout the development process. For data storage, you’ll need secure and scalable databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB to store user data, member information, workout plans, and other app data.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This is where the magic happens. To power the AI features of your gym management software, you’ll need machine learning libraries. Libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch (Python), or scikit-learn (Python) are powerful tools for building and training machine learning models. These models can analyze user data, personalize workouts, and even predict churn risk, helping gyms retain members.

Cloud Infrastructure

To ensure your app runs smoothly and scales effectively, consider leveraging cloud platforms like Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Microsoft Azure. These platforms offer scalable and reliable infrastructure to host your back-end services and store data. They also provide additional services like machine learning tools and containerization technologies (Docker, Kubernetes) for efficient app deployment and management.

Additional Tools

For a well-rounded user experience, consider integrating additional tools. Push notification services like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) or Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) allow you to send realtime alerts and notifications to app users. For complex API integrations, an API gateway like Apigee (Google Cloud) or AWS API Gateway can help manage and secure API traffic.

Cost To Develop an AI-Powered Gym Management platform like Keepme.

The cost to develop an AI-powered gym management platform like Keepme can range from $20,000 to $150,000, depending on the development approach you choose. Here’s a quick breakdown of the cost based on different app types:

Cost ComponentNative Apps (Android & iOS)Cross-Platform AppsWeb AppsHybrid Apps
Development Cost$30,000 to $60,000$15,000 to $40,000$10,000 to $50,000$5,000 to $100,000
Design$5,000 to $15,000$5,000 to $10,000$3,000 to $10,000$2,000 to $20,000
Testing and QA$5,000 to $10,000$3,000 to $6,000$2,000 to $10,000$2,000 to $10,000
AI Integration$10,000 to $15,000$5,000 to $10,000$5,000 to $10,000$1,000 to $20,000
Maintenance and Updates$5,000 to $10,000 (annually)$3,000 to $6,000 (annually)$2,000 to $5,000 (annually)$1,000 to $10,000 (annually)
Total Estimated Cost$50,000 to $100,000$25,000 to $60,000$20,000 to $80,000$10,000 to $150,000

01 Native Apps (Android & iOS)

$50,000 to $100,000

This offers the most flexibility and the best user experience, with features that seamlessly integrate with a device’s native functionalities. For example, a native app could utilize a smartphone’s camera for AI-powered form analysis during workouts. However, this premium user experience comes at a cost, as developing and maintaining separate codebases for iOS and Android needs more time and resources.

02 Cross-platform Apps

$25,000 to $60,000

This is a more budget-friendly option that lets you build a single codebase that can be deployed on both iOS and Android devices. This approach reduces development time and costs. However, there’s a potential trade-off in user experience, as some features might not be as native-feeling as those developed specifically for each platform.

03 Web Apps

$20,000 to $80,000

This is the most affordable option, but it may lack some of the functionality that native apps offer. Web apps are primarily accessed through a web browser, so they may not be as convenient for gym members who want to manage their memberships or track workouts on the go. However, web apps can still be a good choice for gyms that focus on desktop scheduling over mobile functionality.

04 Hybrid Apps

$10,000 to $150,000

This combines elements of both native and web apps. Hybrid apps are web apps in a native wrapper, allowing them to access some native device features. This can provide a more app-like feel than a web app while still offering some cost benefits. The cost of a hybrid app can differ widely, depending on the complexity of the features you want to include and the extent to which you leverage native functionalities.

05 Cost-affecting Factors 

App Complexity

The number and intricacy of features you want to include significantly impact the development cost. AI-powered features like personalized workout plans and churn prediction require more advanced development. They will drive the cost upwards compared to a basic app with features like member management and scheduling.

Tech Stack Selection

The choice of programming languages, frameworks, and cloud platforms can influence the cost. For instance, using pre-built AI APIs might be faster and more cost-effective than building machine learning models from scratch.

Development Team Location & Experience

Development teams in regions with a lower cost of living will generally charge less than those in more expensive locations. However, experience also plays a role. A seasoned development team might command a higher hourly rate but can often complete the project faster and with fewer errors, potentially offsetting the cost.

UI/UX Design

A professional UI/UX designer can create an intuitive and user-friendly interface, improving the user experience and potentially increasing app adoption and member engagement. This adds to the overall development cost but can be a worthwhile investment in developing a platform like Keepme.


By incorporating artificial intelligence into your gym management system, you can unlock a new level of member engagement, streamline operations, and gain valuable insights to optimize your business.

Whether you’re looking to develop a platform like Keepme or you’re just starting out with a core set of features, the key is to identify your target market and prioritize the functionalities that will deliver the most value to your gym and its members. Remember, a well-designed and user-friendly app can become a game-changer for your business, fostering a thriving fitness community and helping your members achieve their health and wellness goals.

So, are you ready to take your gym into the future? With careful planning, the right development team, and a focus on innovation, you can develop an AI-powered gym management platform like Keepme that empowers your gym and sets it apart from the competition. The future of fitness is smart, and the time to act is now!

How can Idea Usher help with Gym Management Software  Development?

Ready to transform gym management and empower your members with AI-powered fitness solutions? Idea Usher is your one-stop shop for developing a revolutionary gym management app like KeepMe.

Our team boasts over 500,000 hours of coding expertise, specifically in the fitness app arena. We’ll translate your vision into a dynamic platform packed with features like AI-powered insights, personalized workout plans, and seamless member engagement tools. Let’s turn your fitness tech dream into reality. Contact Idea Usher today for a free consultation!

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What is a gym management system project?

A gym management system project involves developing software to streamline gym operations. This software typically handles tasks like member registration, billing, scheduling, class booking, and data analysis.

How much does the gym management platform cost?

The cost of a gym management system can differ depending on features, complexity, and development approach. It can range from $20,000 to $150,000, with native apps being the most expensive and web apps being the most affordable.

What is a CRM in a gym?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. In a gym setting, a CRM system helps manage member interactions and relationships. It can track member data, preferences, and workout history, allowing gyms to personalize communication and marketing efforts.

How do I create a gym program?

Creating a gym program involves setting goals, selecting exercises, and designing a progression plan. Consider factors like fitness level, available equipment, and target muscle groups. Consulting a certified personal trainer is recommended for a personalized program.

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