Allayya – Spreading mental wellness

A digital platform where users can explore various relaxing tracks & affirmations to boost their mindfulness. The app offers music in different categories where our client can categorize them through the admin panel.

Idea Inception

After realizing that most people are burned out from their stressful life, our client decided to promote mental health among their target audience.

Creating a mobile application was their best decision for expanding their services across all borders.

Our Solution

The best solution for distributing relaxing tracks from the Allayya app was to create a highly efficient content management system. So, Idea Usher suggested building an admin panel and the Allayya app separately to help our client manage their music content efficiently. Also, the panel gives them overall transparency and control of their app by allowing them to manage their content and users.

App Flow

Top Features

Sign up/Login

The users can join the Allayya app with their registered mobile number or Gmail account with one click.

Highly engaging home screen

Based on each user’s past activities on Allayya, the app recommends the most relevant tracks to maintain their interests. Also, each user can access their bookmarked music directly on the home screen, ensuring they can access audio based on their music taste.

Instant notifications

Allayya app informs its users about new tracks added to the app quickly with the help of the app notification. The notification helps Allayya to maintain user engagement on their app.

Admin panel

The admin panel allows app owner to manage their app with the help of the multiple features on the following screens:

  • Dashboard
  • App users
  • Content 
  • Notification

User management system

Admin can make their community better as we provide them access to take action on any suspicious users by restricting them from using their app.

App owners can also search any users with the help of the search box provided in the admin panel.

Data access

The admin panel allows the app owner to access users’ data, such as their phone numbers, e-mail address, and the information of music tracks that they mark as favorites.

Tech stack we used for Allayya

Idea Usher uses agile methodology to update their client on the ongoing process during app development. Our team uses the following tools for app development:








Idea Usher successfully created a robust platform for our clients where they can easily add/manage their tracks with our highly efficient content management solution through their exclusive admin panel developed by our team. Also, the panel gives overall transparency and control to our client by giving them access to their users’ information and activities throughout the app and allowing them to take the desired action on users.

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Idea Usher: Ushering the Innovation post

Idea Usher is a pioneering IT company with a definite set of services and solutions. We aim at providing impeccable services to our clients and establishing a reliable relationship.

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